Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
This is my (in)activity log. You might like to visit
Productivity a subsidiary of Collabora focusing on LibreOffice support and
services for whom I work.
Also if you have the time to read this sort of stuff you could enlighten
yourself by going to Unraveling Wittgenstein's net or if
you are feeling objectionable perhaps here.
Failing that, there are all manner of interesting things to read on
the LibreOffice Planet news
Older items:
2023: (
2022: (
legacy html
Crit-sit stand-up call, catch-up with Dave,
last-stage interview.
Published the next strip: building for maintainability
Monthly all-hands call, sales call.
Planning call, sync with Karen, last-round interview.
Monthly mgmt meeting, larger partner meeting.
Some recreational hacking in the evening.
Mail chew, admin catch-up, 1:1 calls much of the day.
PCC meeting in the evening.
Use-up breakfast, packed the car, collected Janine,
and off to All Saints
Exeter for M's baptism - wonderful service - lovely to
have Janine & Barbara & Greer there too. Good
talk(s) from Paul Sutton. Met & talked to lots of
interesting people of varying age supporting M.
Out for a roast lunch together at a nearby pub.
Admired some bridges over the river, before dropping M. and
collecting bits & pieces for easter break. Long drives
back via a fine dinner with R&A in Kennilworth. Sleep.
Out to buy some breakfast, dropped babes to have brunch
with M. Shopping, wandered through town with J. in the sun - lovely,
Greggs & lazed by the cathedral: still super-tired somehow.
Met up with the babes, back home & drove out to
Exmouth walked along the beach - beautiful views from near the
lifeboat station; ice-cream. Back for ad-hoc dinner with Janine
at our AirBnB - fun.
Up far too early, taxi with Eloy to the airport,
somewhat delayed (but still flying) flight to Gatwick.
Worked on the plane, and the train.
Got home eventually; call with Dave, then Margaret.
Set off to Exeter - a two car convoy, J. to
Peterborough to get H. and myself to Kettering to pick up
N. got some Kebabs and drove on eating to stage car in
Caught up with Robert & family & LAN-party
attendees from work briefly, nice to see them. Drove on to
Exeter past various dismal roadwork delays. Met with M.
found AirBnB & slept.
Up early, to the venue. Enjoyed some talks,
catch-up with people. Gave my first-ever pico talk
of only two minutes - encouraging people to apply as
Published the next strip: the state of the roads:
Talk at CS3 with some of the background about,
and the latest work on Collabora Online.
Out for dinner with Eloy & some friends.
Slept poorly, up early, breakfast with Eloy.
To the (beautiful) venue to setup - good stuff.
Talked to, and gave stickers to the cream of
European research universities and got positive and
useful feedback from them on their COOL usage.
Group photo, Karate display.
Caught up with people; out to talk with
Frank & Niels.
Up early, bid 'bye to J. Mail chew, planning
call, admin, lunch; train to Gatwick then Munich;
plugged away at admin on the train.
Ate early at Gatwick, plane to Munich - got
lots of work done on the road, hacked and analyzed
profiles on the plane for fun; back to admin on the
train into the center of Munich. Worked late.
Mail chew, 1:1's variously. Marketing content
and stats review, more 1:1's, catch up with Justin over
dinner, bit of work, catch up with Mary, sleep.
Up early, took Mary to Church, J. at Burwell
Baptist promoting YFC. Spoke - if even the English
complain of speaking too quickly - something must be
Home, lunch, slept, prepped music & ran the
evening service with Charlie speaking; back - rested.
Up earlyish, J. out for ladies prayer breakfast.
Picked her up and Mary - over to stay for a bit - lovely
to see her. Lunch.
Helped J. with new flower-bed border ironwork a
bit. Plugged away at talk for tomorrow at church - spent
much of the day on it.
Bit of work here & there.
Up early, mail chew, poked at code. Dug out pictures
for N. for her portfolio. Length partner call focused on
process. Lunch.
Good call with Marija and the team, dug at admin,
and a little coding. Got a couple of thread shutdown/restart
related background save problems fixed in COOL 25.04 - such
a nice feature for users.
Up early, run with J. early partner call, then
tech-planning call, sync with Lily; lunch; catch-up
with Karen, mail chew.
Dug into some profiles in the afternoon, poked
at an initial 25.04 build and found some fun pieces
to fix.
Up early, mail chew, catch up with Dave.
Published the next strip: looking at an exciting first
steering commitee meeting.
Partnership call, admin, lunch, sales call, plugged
away at some code and planning.
Bit of talk preparation in the evening. Finished
Outies by Pournelle - suffered from trying to read it
too quickly, perhaps should try again.
Up early, quick mail chew. Drove into Cambridge,
planning call, in-person audit with HMRC on VAT - looks good.
Lunch with finance team & Skyler.
Patch review, customer call, worked on calming down
repeated logging output. Out for a run with J, dinner, fixed
a build problem.
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
and data/
directories are (usually)
created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (
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