Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
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the LibreOffice Planet news
Older items:
2023: (
2022: (
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- Up late; talked end-of-year tax bits with
Auntie, who is kindly sorting them out. Got very little
- J. discovered a particularly nasty leak
around the spindle of one of our radiator valves; good
catch, proceeded to make the situation worse by fiddling;
eventually almost slowed the leak to a standstill.
- Re-arranged the office - amazing what a
difference mounting the vibrating server on egg-boxes
makes to the downstairs noise problem; found a slot to
hide the Sun box in too - should really setup looped
Solaris OO.o builds on that sometime.
- Up early; dealt with H. off to Tescos - back
to J. slugged most of the day; cleaned tools etc. up in
the evening. I hope Stuart is ok in Thailand, Bed early.
- Up late; out to Chris & Claire Reed's
for a pleasant dinner.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 10 - "Spiritual Warfare".
- Corrie Tenboome - The Hiding Place, Dutch
underground, helping the escape of many Jews, members of the
resistance to escape - his angels helped her.
- Do we believe in the ministry of Angels ? what does
God's word say of them. Several beings here, speaking Gabriel,
refers to Michael; and 2 demonic beings: the Prince of Persia,
Prince of Greece. Should not be suprised if this speaks about
Angels; Ch 3: The blazing firey furnace - the 4th man in the furnance
an Angel - who was sent. Again Ch 6: the Angel shut the lion's
- Lots of Angels associated with the 1st advent of
Christ, the gospel accounts mention Gabriel, (only mentioned
elsewhere in the bible by name in Ch 8,9), announcing to
Zecharia & Mary; Angels appear to Joseph and the
- Some argue, since Pentacost & the spirit, there's
18:00 ** not that much for angels to do. Rev 2:.. Angel with a golden
censor - offering our prayers in a priestly sense. Each church
in Asia Minor had an Angel caring for it in some way.
- Problem is not the age of the spirit, but the spirit
of the age - crass materialism; since Kepler's 3 laws of planetary
motion - not much pysical for the angels to do (pushing the planets).
- Jesus repeatedly referred to Angels & recieved
their ministry - in Gesthemeny eg. an Angel strengthened him.
God - an ultimate cause, driven philosophically to acknowledge
his necessity - everything else is a contigent creature; with
no way to predict their features; everything depends on God
ultimately. One of the things God seems to love is diversity;
** 25:00
- In Daniel 10: the veil is briefly pulled back, and
we see the rich variety that exists - not all angels the same:
cut from the same cookie-cutter. Clearly Gabriel in vs. 18 -
similar speech as Ch. 9, etc. Michael Gabriel - God is Strong,
** Michael - Cherubim: 89 times, Seraphim - also, structually
in many ways; Archangles in the NT twice, Elders, living creatures,
horses & chariots, living beings etc. apparently in some
hierarchical structure.
- The bible affirms the supernatural wisdom of Angels,
they're brilliant - making Einstein look like a begginner; the
highest complement to compare vs. them 2 Sam 14: an exaggeration
for David. Superhuman / supernatural power - 1 Angel wipes out
**29 70k from Dan to Bersheeba in 7 days, 2 Kings 19:, 1 Angel
wipes out all the 1st born of Egypt in a single night.
- When Angels appear you can tell who they are: they
say do not be afraid to the terrified people. The text also
suggests a radical bifurcation in the host; good and evil.
The elect angels & the fallen angels. Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4.
- The Prince of Persia who resists the angel Gabriel,
wicked enough to stand against God's purpose, and powerful
enough to detain Gabriel. Some kind of territorial
responsibility, up to Satan - the Price of this World,
cf. Eph 2. The Evil spirits & the Holy Spirits. Here, of
Persia and Greece; but Michael who protects Israel, and those
of Revalation protecting various churches.
- Just a reflection of the spiritual war, raging in
the heavenly realms - soon I will return to fight against
the Prince of Persia. Rev. 12 - the heavenly consequences
of the crucifiction of our savior - vs. 7, there was war in
**34 heaven, Michael and his angels fought against Satan - hurled
to the earth. Jesus on the cross, not a physical battle
of brute force, not visible.
- Two equal and opposite errors we can fall into:
- If there is a spiritual war raging; what is our
role ? Some Christians eg. Frank Perettie, or perhaps Peter
Wagner Breaking Strongholds in your City - strategic
level spiritual warfare; confront, bind & cast down these
demons. The bible no-where suggests that Christians need to
know what particular nefarious plot daemons are about.
- Daniel is praying for 3 weeks, and only later is
it revealed that his prayers were not unanswered - but there
was a spiritual war; his prayer was already effective although
he didn't know the names or intentions of them. He doesn't
bind any daemons, mention the Prince of Persia before and
- Why does the bible tell us about this: Simon,
Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat - why would
God tell us this ? to make your day ? in fact he has told
us this. 1 Peter 8 Satan walks around like a lion, seeking
**39 someone to devour - but I pray for you ...
- Pray so that you will not fall into temptation
how do we fight ? - give ourselves in prayer, imitate Christ,
take up that cross of self denial and service & follow
Christ. If we pray as Jesus did - not my will, but yours
be done - not trying to work out daemons names.
- Put on the full armour of God - there is
a mastermind behind the sin you struggle with, and the
cultural sins with which you struggle.
** 41
- Up early; played with H., Julia, Louise up,
breakfast, out for a walk on the heath. Back, boys up,
Janine & George popped around for tea.
- Lunch, watched some bits of video, split
some more logs, Louise & boys left. Dinner, watched
I Robot in the evening - rather nicely done;
makes you empathise with the robots huddling together in
the dark.
- Up late; breakfast with the parents,
packing etc. H./J. slept, had lunch, the parents left for
home. Unpacked computers onto new table - can actually
sit in front of any 1 of 3 concurrently - brilliant.
- Lunch, played with H. on the BBC cbeebies
page; caught Miguel in the credits of Antitrust - before
Scott McNeally (what does that say about Mono ?). Saw the
latest game Robert is playing, Total War or somesuch.
- Louise arrived, dinner, split some logs with
Robert, had some time to poke at some hacking bits; added
the missing css piece to planet OO.o, fixed the encoding
issue (why does SLES-9' apache default to a non-UTF-8
encoding). Boys off to the pub.
- Up early; heavy frost outside, dealt with H.
- Out for a walk to the other end of town with H.
met a crazy dog pulling a 15 foot pine-tree trunk out of the
forest onto the heath & stripping the branches off it -
most odd.
- Set about turning Tim & Julie's spare door
into a decent table for the office. With the help of a number
of fine discarded pieces of planed timber from the skip across
the road, the filing cabinet at the other end, glue and a brace
of screws made a rather pleasant, wide, strong table, very
- Dinner, played guitar & sung with Thomas in
the evening - enjoyable.
- Up early; breakfast, helped H. unpack a
stocking that seems to have been left for her. Table
arrangement / setting.
- Off to NCC for a very brief service,
back, Bruce & Anne arrived, then Sue & Clive,
then Anthony & Louise; Barbara & Colin ill so,
cannot bring Chris sadly. Lovely, traditional turkey
- Most people, went out for a walk across the
heath with Clive's dogs; tea / cakes, opened presents -
lots of good things. H. got a fine rocking horse: Todd
the toddlers horse from Bruce, & an amusingly tacky
electronic keyboard thing from Mum & Dad, both
big hits.
- Sat around the fire in the dining room,
threatened Carol singing, which precipitated most
people leaving. Sung carols with the boys; played
games: PIT(an old favorite) and Articulate - a new and
rather better version of 'pictionary'. Bed late.
- Up earlyish; breakfast, set about getting at least the
static pages back on ooo.x.c; the long hard slog of getting
LXR/Bonsai/Tinderbox re-built can start later.
- Started re-uploading source snapshots etc. scraped
off various disks, will take some hours to get source
downloads resumed. Up-loaded my much more complete ooo_custom_icons-2
archive for 2.0, finally committed the code changes for that - nice.
Re-instated ssh access to ooo for a few of the most prolific
- Lunch, with Mum & Dad - crazy shopping for presents
for Julia - poor creature, found some things. Back, misc. house
clearage, music listening, H. entertaining.
- Brothers arrived in the evening; nice ham dinner,
got the boys setup - got ooo.x.c/planet into some vague
state of functionality, templates still look ruined - or perhaps
it's my inability to quickly find a sensible, simple, archived
release of the planet code.
- Up late; breakfast, logs delivered for the fire;
watched the rest of H.P. while H. slept.
- Spent much of the day wiring up a new door-bell system,
with transformer; bells upstairs & downstairs etc. Works rather
nicely now.
- It appears ops spent lots of time here, valliantly
re-constructing, very much appreciated indeed.
Bed late.
- H. up several times in the night calling for
Mummy/Daddy repeatedly; sigh. Started going through
machines getting public keys / passwords changed etc.
- Misc, admin. Since, IMHO OO.o 1.9's impress UI is
much improved, and under-noticed, took a snap shot of it:
- Booked flights for LWE. Stefan pointed me at the
2.0 plan, it remains to be seen if enough bugs can be weeded
out quickly enough though.
- An intriguing phone-call. Watched most of Harry Potter's
Prisoner of Asomething - again feeble poor character development,
and galloping hubris, some fun effects though. Mum & Dad arrived, bed.
- Up in the night with H. who (apparently) for no reason
decided to have several long strings of tearful Mummy/Daddy calling.
Eventually slept. Up late. Encouraged to adapt my previous flame of
all of Sun's (no doubt excellent) QA, to just the particular
individual, fair cop.
- Fixed
name-account.html generation, updated the hackers guide
again with Jayant's comments, some tedious admin.
- Did a small fix on linkoo taking a minute or two to
perfect / test, spent another 10 minutes filing an issue, attaching
the patch, marking it fixed, creating a cws, committing it, adding
the task number, marking it ready for QA, marking the bug verified,
adding a QA comment, marking it approved by QA. A 10/1 ratio for
fix/infrastructure commit pain - it seems obvious to me that this
process will dramatically impeede the quick inclusion of trivial
bug fixes, and hence rapid development / test / feedback iterations,
resulting in only local experts having the patience to create a
relevant cws - and glup together enough small fixes (10 + ?) to
make it actually worthwhile.
- Checked the re-named / modern sub-set of Industrial
icons into OO.o cvs: 1622 new files; still many with helpful names
, created a new cws to do the artwork
layering we need.
- Interesting mail from Mike Hearn of Codeweavers fame about
the new glibc RTLD_DEEPBIND support; possibly useful for
accelerating OO.o startup - iff C++'s weak symbol addiction
can cope.
- Committed my hacks to the artwork build logic to
ooo-build for some more testing action - looking rather good
though. Worked late.
- Up early; fed / changed H. packed chair cushions
away in the roof; got the floor up to wire the door-bell up
to something.
- Peter & Shelly around for nice roast beef &
Yorkshire pudding lunch, lovely to get to know them better; two
young Vets.
- Off to the NCC carol concert in the evening, caught
up with several people, not seen for a while.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 10 - "The Resplendant Christ".
- The concluding vision & revalation of the book,
two more chapters yet to come but this the 4th vision of the
2nd half. The 3rd year of Cyrus - a tremendous year of
disappointment for the people of Israel.
- Despite what's happening on the temporal horizon
& the ebb & flow of even the spiritual conflict; God
is still in control & his kingdom will triumph.
- A book for spiritual expatriates:
how to live as a counter-culture in the midst of a society
that is often indifferent & sometimes outright hostile.
True not just of living in Babylon, but of whichever country
we live in today: But our citizenship is in heaven. And we
eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ
Phil 3). What to do - engage with that culture; rolling up
our sleeves, even if a pagan society as of Babylon,
Jeremiah 29: the peace and prosperity of the city
to which I have carried you into exile - even a city of the
oppressor - Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers,
you too will prosper.
- The 3rd year; of Cyrus - echos how Ch. 1 begins,
In the 1st year - Cyrus issued an edict allowing the Jews to
return to Jerusalem; but the reality in the 1st chapters of
Ezra - only a tiny trickle returned; and they returned to
privation & destitution & the implacable enmity of
their neighbours. The effort to re-build the feeble new
temple was stopped in it's tracks.
- Ch. 1: Daniel remained in Babylon until the 1st
year of Cyrus, this text - in the 3rd year, further into
captivity - no-longer in Babylon, on the banks of the
Tigris; Daniel is again fasting (another parallel with
Ch 1.)
- People think of great moral stands in terms of
standing against what someone else is doing: against their
pollution of the invironment, their racism, the way they
disregard the sanctity of life - or whatever. In reality
the greatest moral stand that Daniel exemplifies is quite
private: the moral stand he makes as a young man - to make
sure that God takes 1st place in his life: seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness & all these things will be
given to you as well - Daniel was incorruptible, because
he kept God first and formost in his thinking.
- The problem behind the problem - the glory of
God - the outward, physical manifestation of God's
presence with his people. On Mt. Sinai - the Glory of
God that descended on the mount; a personal manifestation
of God, in a way that highlights the transcendence of his
holyness. Later (
Ex 40) - the glory of God, filled the tabernacle.
- The 'Glory' equivalent to the idol in the pagan
temples - in the pagan's inner sanctums, a mute stone or
precious metal statue. But in Israel - God's own presence
particularly localised in the sanctuary - enthroned between
the cherubim with the ark as his footstool. There in their
Ezekil 10: sees the Glory of God leaving the
temple, (
Ez 43): promises the Glory will return. The temple
in Jerusalem was empty - looked like it remained empty.
Malachai - promises that it will come: The Lord you seek
will suddenly come to his temple. The temple remained
empty until Roman times.
- Daniel is crushed in the text, because God's
promise seems to have been thwarted. Ch. 9: an instant
reply, Cyrus issues the decree - an Angel is dispatched
in swift flight. Ch 10 - prayer & ... nothing.
- Gabriel - set off as soon as he started
praying, but was detained 21days (3 weeks) - apparently
by a demonic force. A promise here - Do you know why
I have come to you ? - soon, the Greeks will come -
things will go from bad to worse but first I will
tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.
- Despite apparent evidence to the contrary,
there is a plan, in God's book - all our days are
written in it. Daniel's experience of God builds
through the text - initially just dreams, visions,
and then a parousia.
- 10:5 a man dressed in linen... -
features of the vision sounds like an angel, but has
already met several & those didn't have an
effect like this. Enoch (1BC) recognises this as
God, cf.
Ezekiel 1 a figure like that of a man
same vocabulary as used here & no-where else;
looked like glowing metal ... brilliant
light surrounded him: This was the apperance
of the likeness of the Glory of the LORD.
- Up early; off to NCC for what became a very
extended practice. Acutely irritated by squidGuard / squid -
squidGuard appears to be returning the right results [ after
much stracing pain ], while squid seems to carefully ignore
the redirection - most annoying.
- Back very late, for lunch - savaged a tree in the
garden, apparently it's good to cut most of it off every year.
Spent the afternoon plumbing in new dishwasher; some great
fun with bifurcating the waste pipe: needed a new packing
washer made from lino, & PTFE tape everywhere to stop
the leaks. Rather pleased with the self-cutting "can be
used on presurised pipe" tee-tap; worked very nicely, even
more pleased by the clean dishes. Bed late.
- Woken by H. crying again; perhaps it's too
scarily dark in her room in the mornings. Chewed mail;
remonstrated with Thorsten Z, probably fruitlessly.
- Grabbed the .Net 2003 1.1 SDK for Win32, from
here after a few googles for 'csc.exe'. Created
CWS visibility02 for Nicel.
- Fixed a fun ORBit2 sequence copying bug with
tk_null and tk_void for Gustavo. Spent some time re-writing
OO.o hackers guide for 2.0; lost 25% of it's lines;
encouraging to see the progress.
- Phone call with Kelli, lengthy phone call with
Jody - driving off to Florida for Christmas with 2 kids:
a brave man. Dinner; bed late.
- Up early; showered, dish-washer arrived today -
Christmas present from Bruce & Anne. Impressed by our
internal web / help-desk infrastructure; pretty graphs of
problem reports / breakdowns etc. very nice.
- Poked at the cwstools again - some strange perl
artefacts showing through it seems. Found this page
very useful, since cjk bits don't seem to work for me
out of the box; got kinput2 / canna working. Eventually
gave up on scim - just too awful - xim & kinput2 seem to
work fine. Did a new ooo-build- release; got some
new translations, re-made it again.
- Spent time removing the Sun-branded crash-report
tool thing now integrated into the 'recovery' wizard.
- Downstairs to tidy up & prepare for the cell
group party; a sit-down meal for 17 in our kitchen - B & A
thankfully donated 2 tables & a box of glasses to the
endeavour. Crazy eating action, lovely to see everyone.
- Up earlyish; poked at E-mail. Re-worked a small
tool to dump relocations - the bane of C++'s life. Did a new
ooo-build-1.7.3 release containing a number of fixes /
improvements, created some cwss to up-stream some simple
- Petr told me about 'linux32 bash --login' on a
64bit machine, creating a 32bit-alike shell for building
32bit stuff.
- Myriam brought round her 120+Mb ppt presentation
full of pictures of her work for the Hagar project in
Cambodia for tonight. Pleased that OO.o handled it well -
albeit rather slowly, although transitions a problem. Tried
2.0's new "Fade through black" transition - exactly what was
required - unfortunately unbelievably buggy; filed bug.
- Ause did some QA on the buildcond02 cws - and,
similtaneously Jan created a patch to allow the compressed
mozilla binaries to be dropped; nice. Hopefully should shrink
the source archive a lot.
- Up later - new (blackout) curtains in H.'s room
seem to have confused our little alarm-clock. Back to
studying the XIM issues in yet more depth. Re-organised some
of the larger ooo.x.c files across partition so free up a
little space for more downloading action.
- Noticed that OO.o was building a ~5Mb image
cache per-user for their toolbar/menu icons on startup;
performance: who needs it ! ongoing digestion problems &
fatigue - may be related to anti-malarials, recent spell of
feeling better co-incided with forgetting to take them.
- Poked at switching patch-set to m65 build. Finally
got to some W8BEN filling out for withheld Ximian stock
somethingorothers; plugged the appalling/UI FAX machine in
- Phone call with Christine, chat to Peter
Woodward; call with Nat; more hacking. Interesting phone call
in the evening. J. out to PCC meeting, washed / cleaned up etc.
H. rather restless at night recently.
- Up early; frantic vegetable peeling, off to NCC
early; hosting. Amanda & Al. being dedicated as they're
moving to Brazil to work with street children.
- Back for lunch with Peter & Jackie - good
to get to know them better; interesting sorts. More lazing
in front of the fire, contemplating what to write in the
stock Christmas-card-filler letter.
- One year since Ettore died;
Pr 14:4 Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy
may end in grief - even the mundane act of laying out
the whitespace in a chunk of code, with our fondly agreed
best practice, brings to mind the loss & regret.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 9 - "The Final Countdown". A rather fine PDF of the
constrasting views is
- These 8 verses; among the most challenging
anywhere in the bible, however a wonderful reward from
weighing the alternative views. Wonderful bible believing
Christians, sound, excellent scholars that have a slightly
different view; 2 presented last-time, the preferred this
time. Hoping to persuade of the correctness of the
Traditional view.
- 2 pay-offs; 1) realise why in 1AD there was such
intense Messianic expectation, why everyone was looking for
him then. 2) According to Daniel's time-frame, we're living
in the very last moments of redemptive history; before the
return of Christ.
- First view 'Critical' - take a critical posture
of the traditional view that Daniel was actually written by
Daniel; the critical view(s) hold that the last week(7) took
place in connection with the events surrounding Hannuka -
a literal period beginning 171BC. Secondly - an alternative
view the 'Dispensational, perhaps the most popular nowadays
- a very recent view, the 70th week - hasn't happened yet -
a literal 7 year period of time at the end of the church
age; preceeded by 'the rapture'.
- The traditional view held by most people throught
church history - this particular variation by Henksteburg,
E.J. Young, & Meredith Klein. The 70 weeks start with
538BC, the Maedo-Persian King issued his decree allowing
the Jews to leave Babylon & captivity - to return &
re-build the temple etc. The re-building not completed until
~400BC - the end of the 1st 7 weeks of years;
- The next date ~4BC the date when Jesus was born,
the next date ~70AD the destruction of Jerusalem; the end of
the last week - the ushering in of God's eternal Kingdom.
All traditionalists, hold that the cross & resurrection
are a part of the 70th week.
- The whole purpose of the 70 weeks are: vs. 24:
Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your
holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin,
to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting
righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to
anoint the most holy. - fulfilled in Christ.
- Don't have to be a math wiz to see it doesn't
add up. Way too long from 30AD to 2004+ for the last week -
ie. the weeks are symbolic. Not to be suprised by that,
because no-where does he ever say 'years', nor 'weeks of years'.
He deliberately does not do it, so we will know it is a symbolic
stretch of time. Later on in
Daniel 10, how he was fasting for 3 weeks: Hebrew: weeks
of days, when he refers to literal years he always says
'years'; Daniel 9:1, in the 1st year
of Darius - Hebrew 'year', I, Daniel, understood from the
Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah
the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last
seventy years. - again literal years. However in Daniel 9:24
he does not mis-lead us by putting in the unit of time.
- Should this suprise us ? not from the background,
25 &
29, predicted a literal 70 year period of
Babylonian captivity, Daniel lived it. Jeremiah makes it clear that
the reason for the punishment was to overcome 2 sins:
- 1) the sin of idolatory - & once they
came back after this time - they're not condemned again
for worhsiping Baal, Kemosh, whatever - they don't commit
it again (of the crass kind), of course guilty as we are
of the more spiritual kinds: greed eg.
- 2) failure to observe the sabbath - the reason
for 70 years; everything about them had to rest every 7
years. How do you command the crops to rest 1 day in 7 ?
save it up; every 7th year let the land go fallow & let
all your slaves go free - the sabbatical year. But they
didn't do it for 490 years. You who think slavery is such
a good idea - will go into slavery yourselves. 2nd Chronicles
36; so - 70 years owed to God. Sure enough it worked - God's
punishment brought them back; they became hyper-obedient &
later even condemned the Savior for healing on the Sabbath.
- How many years will it take to cure us of all our
sins ? 70 7's. 4 wonderful advantages of this view.
- The starting point is good, vs 25. From the
issuing of the decree to restore and re-build Jerusalem -
Gabriel, in swift flight, rushed to tell Daniel the good news
about his prayer; (Dispensationalists: 'a word is going to go
out 100 years from now'), the traditional view starts from the
very moment Daniel is praying; 2 amazing things happened in
538 BC, In the 1st year of Darius (vs. 1) a) Daniel prayed,
and in the same year / the same day Darius issues a decree that
will let God's people go back to Jerusalem. 2 Chron 36: in the
first ... moved the heart of this pagan king, Isaiah 44: Cyrus -
decreed the re-building of Jerusalem as well as the temple.
Our text says - there is a causal connection between these -
while I was still in Prayer: As soon as you began to pray -
'a word went forth',
- Occam's razor: A simpler explanation of vs.
25-27: vs. 25 'the anointed one, the ruler', '...'
Critical view: 25: Joshua, 26: Onius 3rd, 26: ruler: Antiochus,
Dispensational view: 25: Jesus, 26: Jesus's death, 26:b) Titus
the general, 27: 'he': the Antichrist (not mentioned anywhere).
The Traditional view: they are all a simple reference to Jesus.
Jesus warned his disciples that the Jerusalem would be destroyed
because of their rebellion, Christ using the unwitting agent of
the Roman armies.
- The promises of vs. 24 finally fulfilled; Critical
view: Hannuka - no bringing in of everlasting righteousness etc.
Dispensational approach better: 7 year period of the great
tribulation, the coming of Christ, 1000year reign, then some
Gog/Magog rebellion, then judgement etc. lots more 'prophecy to
be sealed up' etc. The Traditional view - the end of the 70 weeks
is when Christ comes & brings his promises to completion.
- Only in the traditional view do we see the parallels
between vs. 26/27 - A) cut/off - making a covenant, for many,
B) the army of the ruler - sent his army; in the middle of that
seven put an end to sacrifice and offering; C) Matthew
24; quotes this, fulfilled when Jerusalem destroyed - when
running to the hills is a good idea in 70 AD, not a good idea at
the end of time. [ we know that indeed, the Christians ran to
the local city of Tella & escaped the destruction when the
Romans had surrounded Jerusalem ].
- A dangerous chapter to read unless you want to become a
Christian. Daniel insists that the Messiah will die before the destruction
of the temple: 70AD, the temple never was re-built. Daniel in 2 & 7 says
he won't come until the Roman empire 27BC: you have a 100 year window - in
which to find the messiah: have you looked ? from 27BC to 70AD, the Messiah
of the OT scriptural promise - had to come.
- No-wonder when you take comparitive religion - or Christianity in
a secular university - you're all told that in Jesus' day - there were so many
'messiahs' running around; so many people chasing after them, it's no wonder
there was still another one - Jesus. (supposed to discredit Christianity), in
fact it confirms it. Daniel was so specific, that at Qum'ran - they were looking
for the messiah, expecting it any day. Yes - there were false messiahs running
around; some that looked like pretty good candidates: John the Baptist might have been
the Christ but said No I am not. Others were more happy to accept the
flattery: Theudas - promised he would divide the Jordan river as proof: de-capitated
by the Romans before he could. Judas the Gallilean (Acts 5) -
led a band of people in revolt - followers scattered; or an Egyptian prophet,
30k followers, said he would command the walls of Jerusalem to fall; the Romans
were impatient & just - wiped them all out; Menahem took Masda etc. etc.
- Someone in that 100 year window was the true Messiah; all those
pretenders are dead, their bodies reduced to dust - no-one even remembers their names.
But one, was born that altered the calendar; whose resurrection was so momentus
that the week was re-arranged around it - the beginning of a new creation; reared
in povety & obscurity - never wrote a book, but not a library in the US that
could contain all the books that have been written about that man: Jesus of
- The one of whom Peter said: You are the Christ, the son of the
living God; when charged by the high priest - tell us if you are the Messiah,
the Son of God: Yes, it is as you say.
- A last advantage - the last 2000 years; squished into the last 1/2
of the last week; how can 2000 years get represented by 3 1/2 whatevers ?
Exactly the point of the New Testament, we're living on borrowed time; history at
it's climax, and it has been about to end for all this time:
Dear Children - this is the last hour, ... this is how we know it is
the last hour - nothing else needs to happen for Jesus to come later today.
No temples need to be built, nothing political, nothing - The night is
nearly over, the day is almost here, so let us put aside the deeds of darkness,
and put on the armour of light.
- H. sick in the night; poor creature. Mail suckage,
and some idle fixes to ooo-build. Eviscerated yet-another
annoying startup-dialog re-write in OO.o - this time a wizard
incorporating some migration code; did a silent, unconditional
migration instead.
- Dug at a number of scattered irritations - cws tools
still not working as smoothly as possible; re-synced buildcond02
to m65, fiddled with EIS.
- Getting a numb right leg just sitting down - that's
pretty silly; I wonder why. More work polishing the XIM behavior,
shrinking the behavioral delta between OO.o and other apps.
- Up early; dealt with H. updated my PeopleSoft
address details, look forward to seeing if that automagically
fixes my pay-slip mailing address.
- More NTL persuasion to try and convince them that
I'm no longer using their internet service - so they shouldn't
be billing me; only 4 calls - 2 to a helpful number that
dis-connects you after keeping you waiting for a while; John
promises some E-mailing action.
- Started enjoying Federico's new gtk+ some more.
Amazed to see puff-pieces about 'GYUM' - we re-wrote
red-carpet, and it didn't look as good - amazing indeed;
what the world needs is yet more duplicated, incompatible
- Up-loaded my slides from Linux Bangalore on
The World of - rather an Indian focused
'new features' list, but...
- Tried to unwind the ooo-build gcc3.4 patch set
problems from the Gentoo guys, unclear what, if anything
remains to be done; should get them using the cvs version
- Ron came around & sketched various pictures
of tables etc. Continued merging up a large number of
annoyingly trivial prj/build.lst changes to conditionalize
large chunks of OO.o system dependency.
- Spent the evening trying to order Christmas
presents etc. amazing how little we buy through the year,
vs. at Christmas time.
- Up very early; chewed mail. Reviewed Shilpa's
QPro import filter patch. Did some s/ximian/novell/ sedding
on various web pages / E-mail click-throughs.
- Finished the XIM fixing/ filed it up-stream
variously, still not feeling 100%. Did a new minor ooo-build
release, Petr kindly building it; started to re-hash the fix
for HEAD.
- Started poking at an m64 build; lengthy but fun
staff meeting, the foundation results came in - missed the
board again which is great - but for the first time, by
getting too few votes; clearly more verbose statements on
this and that required next time. Just over a 50% turn-out,
although fewer voters than in previous years; 211, 191, 183.
- Left m64 building.
- Up rather early; rather unsure of myself. Chewed
mail in bed while J. slept. Encouraged to see that Nicel
finishing svx wrt. symbol visibility coincides with others
knobbling the next 10 worst libraries; what that means:
~100k out of 180k relocations removed from startup; ie. a
substantial startup time improvement.
- Gave H. breakfast / home-made advent calendar
opening, prayers etc. J. arrived. J. got an unexpexted tax
rebate big enough to buy the rocking chair we've been
hearing about for some months now; God is good.
- Set about doing some work. Amused by (yet)another
Nigerian spam with the title 'In Sincerity' (all caps). Found
a nice crasher bug in a gtk-filesel / tree-view back-port; hmm.
- Dug into the XIM problems, again, still _extremely_
unclear to me what this is supposed to do; annoyingly
unintuitive. Apparently most GtkIMs never bother to emit a
preedit_end signal at all, instead just sending a
preedit_changed of ''; unfortunately, OO.o badly needs an
'preedit ended' event to function at all well. Came up with
a suitable patch in the end; poked Dan for testing / a 2nd
- Knocked off earlyish, J. off out so must look
after H. played with her for a while; tried to encourage her
to eat her omelet dinner - with no success. J. home for
pasta, bed early.
- Up regularly through the night; horrible stomach
trouble, continuing through the morning; lay in bed &
checked E-mail.
- No lunch, slept much of the afternoon; Janine around
in the evening; Nick might have to disappear to Japan for 3
months which sounds sad.
- Cleaned up my 60k/process fontconfig memory saving
patch & sent it to Keith, lots more wins possible in there.
Listened to a couple of Gordon talks on Acts; most interesting.
- Bed very early.
- Up earlyish, breakfast with the girls; so lovely
to be home again. Off to NCC; Daniel speaking - went rather
- Home, lunch, fixed the bathroom light pull
finally, typically not much above to screw the fitting
into; urgh & no easy access either.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 9 - "The End of the World".
- A slightly more literal translation. Clearly,
the 8 most difficult / controversial verses in the book of
Daniel; among the most problematic verses in the entire
- John Gammy / Herman Bellcamp's - most useful
commentaries so far; just a blank on the passage - say
nothing, but don't say they will say nothing. Thought it
was a publishers error. James MtGommery, gives best stab
at enterpreting it, but says: 'a dismal swamp of ...
trackless wilderness of assumptions & theories'.
- Can't just skip it - God thought it was
useful, beneficial, have to stick it. Also a key to many
passages in Revalation wrt. the return of Christ. With a
proper understanding of it, a powerful argument for the
claims of Christ emerges; and finally some significant
political implications - advisors to the President of
the US, wonderful Christians, well intentioned etc. but
enterpretation of vs. 26 colours their advice wrt. the
city of Jerusalem.
- Daniel's outline of 70x7s or 70 weeks;
seeing the unfolding of redemptive history as a plan of
weeks; (weeks of years), instead of decades they thought
of sabattical sevens of years. One period of 7, another
of 62, and a final climatic week.
- The dozen views out there - organised under 3
approaches; all determined by the understanding of when
the last week takes place.
- The 'Critical' view, most common - majority,
favoured interperation; the last week is a period of 7
years that took place at the time of Hannuka 171 BC -
164 BC, momentus time for the Jewish people up to Judas
Macabees. On this - 1st 7 weeks, 587BC, King Nebuchadnezzar
destroyed Jerusalem, fitting plan, to re-build Jerusalem
49BC, (5 years later), Cyrus raised up to restore / re-build
Jerusalem. The Messiah/ruler (annointed one) in this case,
not Jesus as you might think; in this case Joshua - an
important priest; featured in Haggai / Zecharia - 1st
priest that served in the new temple; analgous to Aaron.
62 weeks to 605BC, from Daniel's abduction to 171 BC,
when Antiochus Epiphanies comes to power; mid-way
through that week, he built on top of that alter, an
alter to Zeus & sacrificed a pig on it; went into
the holy of holies, desecrating the temple. 3 1/2 years
later 164BC, God's people overthrew Antiochus; came in &
cleansed the temple of it's defilement etc. Hannuka ==
Dedication. Some marvelous advantages to this
enterpretation: the numbers come out remarkably well.
These terms, abomination / desolation - used elsewhere
of this period in Daniel. Problem - odd clock, goes
forward / back rather erratically. Vs. 7:24 tells what
the weeks are about: ... to bring in everlasting
righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and anoint
the most holy. - Yes the Jews threw out a tyrant,
but doesn't seem to measure up to it.
- Next view - enormously popular not in
commentaries, but in books & on the radio: the
Dispensational view; ~150 years old, become very popular,
support from footnotes of Schofeld reference bible
(excellent), Hal Lindsay's 'The Late Great Planet Earth'
assumes this translation; ditto 'Left Behind' series,
40million copies rely on this. The good news - God has
used the books to ignite a desire for the return of
Christ, that the Bible can be trusted etc. Don't want to
say anything that diminishes that. Worth understanding
where the views come from. Most start with 445BC, Xerxes
gave permission to re-build Jerusalem; 7 weeks of years
later; (49 years), then (62+7) weeks of years; but this
overshoots - one approach, use Lunar years instead of
actual years, that rather too short. If you have
'prophetic years' 360days each; gives you 32AD - very
close to the time of Jesus' death on the cross. All
dispensationalists hold that the last week - the 70th
is at the end of the church age, again a literal 7 year
period; at the end the period of the 'great tribulation',
that means - has to be a temple in Jerusalem to have
sacrifice and offering. Wonderful advantages of the view
weeks of years, quite literally, it points to the coming
of Jesus, the 70x7s fulfilled, or substantially
accomplished. The disadvantages of the view - the clock;
an interesting one; quartz crystal accuracy; 445BC
- 30AD, but then the clock stops & it has stopped
for nearl 2000 years, (a great parenthisis), Jesus died
on the Cross, rose again, poured out his spirit on the
Church, then 2k years of Church history, in this great
stoppage period. A terrible problem for this view; no-one
reading this before 150years ago ever saw that gap. No
reason to think this should be 360day years (or other
ways to adjust it); furthermore - why did Gabriel rush ?
(in swift flight). 538BC, a 100 year message. A further
mis-understanding in the cast of characters; vs 25.
Messiah, the ruler the Christ; but vs 26 though 'the
ruler' is Titus, vs. 9 'he' is the Anti-Christ - amazing.
- The 3rd view - the 'traditional' view, which
is ~the best - next week.
- The good news - Daniel's prayer - a powerful
pennitential prayer; the problem not that he's living in
Babylon - but living in sin; not that he needs radical
transportation back to Jerusalem, but radical
transformation inside.
- To finish transgession, to put and end to sin,
to atone for wickedness - Romans 3: God presented him as a
sacrifice of attonement; to bring in everlasting
righteousness - we inherit righteousness in Christ; and he
will anoint the holy of holies - Mallachi said he would
suddenly come to his temple; but it was never filled, but
we are built up into his temple, giving his spirit to
people instead.
- A protracted & tedious night of travelling;
slept rather well on the plane suprisingly. Poked at cleaning
up a fontconfig memory saving.
- Back home via LHR, Waterloo, Kings Cross &
Cambridge; lovely to see my delightful wife & daughter who
can now say 'Da-ddy' instead of just 'da-da', along with several
other wonderful things.
- Bed early, pole-axed.
- Up early; packed, paid, bus to the office. Had a
chat / de-brief with Neeti, Andi Kleen arrived complete with
AMD64 laptop; nice.
- Poked at E-mail; AMD64 talk from Andi, then lunch,
talked to the team, individually; refresher on CORBA memory
allocation for yesterday's (still confused) group.
- Team photo, got an Indian shirt as a present
(lovely), taxi to the airport - starting my exciting 24hours
of travel; found power there thankfully.
- Up early, bus to the office; breakfast, did some
frenzied hacking on my talk, slides to follow.
- ~2 hour bus trip with several guys from the team
a few miles across Bangalore, some crazy midday traffic &
egg-lorry action. Arrived, caught the end of a KDE roadmap talk.
- Spoke, got a hefty number of signed JCAs handed in,
and a good deal of interest in hacking on things, encouraging.
- Back to the office to give a duplicate Bonobo/CORBA/
D-BUS talk to the evolution guys who managed to miss the last
- Chatted to the team, poked at E-mail, etc. Out for
dinner in the evening with Raul, Jayant, Shreyas, Jessica &
a whole host of others, including Mohan Kumar, interesting man.
Back to bed late.
- Up early; somewhat better slept - blankets are key
it appears, nasty chesty cough though; shower & bus to the
office, breakfast.
- Dug at the E-mail; started poking at OO.o 2.0 -
preparing for tomorrows talk - filed a number of bugs as I went
along. Lunch. Found / fixed the stupid buglet in the packaging
script I was writing; phew, very much looking forward to a
stable base to work from.
- Meeting with the QA team, encouraging to see what
they've been up to, hopefully we can get more involved with the
OO.o qa project. Shreyas got the pending ooo-build patch porting
queue down to 10 patches; nice & Shilpa found the QPro
import filter formula re-calculation bug: a good day. Left a new
package build running.
- Off to Jessica's house in the Novell bus; discovered
she's a Christian too - and that my
objections link can be confusing to the casual observer.
Enjoyed a pleasant time with her, & family, Shreyas &
Kingsley. Josh kindly dropped me back to Koramangala.
- Up early; finished packing / up-loaded the split-up
m63 source archive, updated cws deadlines. Nicel hit a nice problem
with the visibility attribute work, where the SV_FOO macro-generated
list/array etc. base-classes need expansion with visibility markup.
- Raul made a nice fix for the serious RTL bugs with the
gtk+ plugin, committed it variously. Lunch. Feeling very tired
indeed, walking up the 2 flights of stairs for lunch a real
effort, head fuzzy.
- Slogged away at OO.o package build issues; javaldx
again, not working, strace makes it work & it then continues
to work. After some time, realised that in fact it's mounting
/proc that makes it work, not strace - doh. It looks like the jre
simply barfs if various things are not there: /proc/self/stat,
/proc/meminfo etc. etc.
- completely hosed - seemingly the entire
Bangalore office kicked off - for no good reason; no way of
interacting with people. Back, to bed early.
- Up early, Citicab to a church across town; turned
out to be an outing day or something; headed back for the
International Church in the Regency hotel - the hotel
appears to have vanished.
- On to the Novell 'Open House' - large tent errected
between the buildings, demos of NLD / OO.o / Mono / Evolution
etc. inside.
- Shows from special needs children, a highly likeable
children's fashion parade, an amusing skit from Shreyas &
some lads, a game; and some music. Good fun - an excellent day
for all the family.
- Out with Shreyas, Jayant & Partha to
Purple Haze, on the back of Shreyas' motorbike - quite a ride
through the traffic. Had a drink, on to a pleasant coffee place,
and then to the 13th floor for an excellent dinner. Back to bed.
- Up disgracefully late; watched 'Anita and me',
lunch while watching some comedy re-make of a martial-arts
film / National Geographic anthropological investigation.
- To the office; pulled mail, checked the web.
Nice to see Ashwanth's lotus123 work merged into HEAD.
Got stuck into some work shrinking fontconfig's memory
footprint, and forgot to go for dinner with Jayant.
- Abandoned the 'STABLE' build, and batched one
for NLD instead; Abandoned the fontconfig work at 9pm -
the file-format re-work starts to touch rather a lot of
the code.
- Up early; bus to the office. Suprised by an
insightful comment from the Sun UI team, fixed / improved
my icon de-sensitisation patch.
- Gave an ad-hoc emacs training session; learned
a good few things about emacs myself from various people,
nice, some more bits on blogging etc. Back to tend the OO.o
- Lunch with the lads, discussed politics &
religion very amicably - an interestingly diverse place
India. JV & Vasu popped over to say hello - great to
see them again.
- Chatted to Nagashree who is keen to institute
OO.o bug-days, which sounds great; caught up with Vasu -
good man; OO.o RPMs still auto-building without problems
- Mailed Frank Schönheit the evolution integration
source as an archive instead of patches. More interesting
& political discussion about apathy in general with
Harish & co.
- Out for biscuits - the nearby shop owner
(apparently) worshiping his shop with a flame on a tray:
curious, apparently the same works for accounts, computers,
etc. very different.
- Some vicious Java problem building on STABLE,
not finding the JRE during install; nasty. Back, Pizza
(dependably non-hot, food), got the end of 'Just Married',
communication is key, bed.
- Up early; caught the bus today, good to
see lots of familiar faces getting on-board. Breakfast
with Harish & other team guys.
- Chewed E-mail, more lengthy question &
answer sessions - "if it doesn't kill you it makes you
stronger" - or something, hopefully transfered some
useful information; some great questions.
- Out for a team-lunch to a pleasant place
near the office, in a Novell bus, with Neeti - good
food. Back, wandered around, roadmap meeting with
- Dug into some GNOME login hostname / reverse
lookup hang. Encouraged to discover that a simple text
mode login has the same problem.
- Helped Shilpa with some QPro work, disturbed
by a hyper-active lizard, interesting, not quite as green
as the SuSE thing though. Chewed more E-mail. Taxi back to
the appartment, bed late.
- Up unbelievably early; watched TV for a
while; lots of men and women singing at each other -
as expected. Also, a diversity of televangelists with
varying degrees of self-obsession and accuracy; some
good stuff though.
- Into the office by rickshaw - overshot by
even further this morning - not paying attention while
reading the economist.
- Breakfast with Srini - who has been having
the carpenters working on enlarging his kitchen &
bedroom for the impending marriage;
- Meetings all day with the lads.
- Out in the evening to a new Mall with Raul,
Shreyas and Jayant, bed early - forgetting to attend
staff conference call.
- At some stage it became Tuesday. Did some
research into targetting the cli_ure at Mono; couldn't
find the mapping implementations.
- Dug instead at a number of older patches
needing some forward-porting loving. Crazy taxi-ride to
Novell's office - remembered I loved the feeling of
India's rapid development.
- Saw Neeti & met the Indian guys on my
team; had a long chat with Parag - good stuff; chewed
mail & hacked up a short talk. Nice to see the 1st
round of the Lotus 123 importer work nominated.
- Lunch; a lengthy set of meetings with
the team. Raul & Shreyas kindly took me to the
'blue moon comforts' appartment place where I'm
staying; typically Indian, pizza, slept.
- Up at the very crack of dawn; J. drove
me to Royston, train to LHR, bought & took the
anti-malarials (slightly tardily) Air Sri-Lanka
flight (delayed) to Colombo.
- Pleasant air-port Colombo, not infested
with flying, biting things - unlike Bombay, although
similar in heat / humidity; pleasant classicalish
music. Rather a long wait; two Bhuddhist book shops
interesting. Very tired.
- Up early; looked after H. while J. snoozed.
Got her up & packed off to Church, stayed / played
with the rather unhappy H. (very coldy).
- Lunch, slugged much of the afternoon; packed,
the bathroom light pull gave up the ghost just as getting
into bed, left the ladies with a highly sub-optimal
- Up late; worked on the house much of the day,
bought / errected a new curtain rail for H.'s bedroom,
got the lounge floor down again & loose boards screwed
together & glued back up into a workable hatch.
- H. pretty ill & sad. Worked at last
financial year's tax bits, until too late.
- Up early; continuing, mild discomfort in the
point of the shoulder, annoying. Read mail. Wondered why
the Homeless And Lonely Organisation (HALO) had just
released their 2nd game. Invented the word
enleveragerating - primarily for use in stifling process
documentation; Another noun cruely verb'd.
- Did some tedious packaging type work. Phone
call with Kelli, lunch, phone call with Skip Soldan;
very productive chat with Tom Verbeek.
- Drove to Aldeburgh in the evening in rather
bad conditions, to have dinnner & hear Bruce speak
to the Festival Club about his career making beautiful
musical boxes, watches & clocks. Good meal &
interesting talk. Bed late.
- Up early; finished / sent off the 'why we
should release more often' document; quite possibly
missing a good few reasons but hopefully useful.
- Discovered that evolution-devel-server goes
through an incompatible version change from 1.0 (evo 2.0)
to 1.2 (evo 2.?) - thus screwing it's users nicely;
- Transfered a good number of patches across
to HEAD from our 1.3 work, looking nice, fixed a scad of
installer problems.
- Up early; amused to glean the gyst of Sun's
recent news: "Redhat is sooo evil - that we're copying
their strategy" - interesting. Little mail of interest.
- Started re-packaging the m62 source, split
up & massaging some slides for Bangalore. Tried to
dig up my desktop-launch spec & work out whether it
was published on the web-site, www.fd.o seemingly dead.
- Imported some gcc3.4 back-ports from Hanno
(Gentoo) into the ooo-build-1-3 branch. Discovered Martin's
great work making prettier OO.o release notes (eg.
- Out for a run in the evening with Robert.
- Hacked up ooo-build HEAD to target only m62,
committed, left the test build running. Watched the Christmas
episode(s) of The Office - wonderful. Continued to marvel at
the large hole I made in the floor to expand into a hatch for
access to the under-floor space.
- Up early; installed Lotus SmartSuite
millenium edition - 2.49UKP from e-bay; amazed by the
consistently poor quality of the artwork.
- Fixed some Lotus 123 importing problems
with recent Smart-Suite generated files, re-marked my
cws for QA. Expanded to allow build.lst's to have
line continuations, and negatable tests eg.
!$(SYSTEM_LIBXML):libxml to allow us not to ship lots of
existing code repeatedly.
- Knocked up a cwstools patch for Pavel, in
exchange for some documentation updates; neat - trading
in convenience.
- ESC meeting - rather verbose and inconclusive
as normal - but plenty of things to do, IRC meetings suck
- Up early; off to NCC - spoke.
- Back for lunch, with Daniel, Michelle
& Myriam, good to see them, had a pleasant afternoon.
- Robert arrived (worryingly late) in the
evening, had dinner & a laugh together, bed.
- Up early; got H. up, into town to buy various
bits. Janine, Nick & George arrived laden with gifts
for lunch, sadly Jill & co. couldn't come.
- Large, roast dinner, Nick left for a corf-ball
match in London, chatted for the afternoon. Worked on
preparation most of the afternoon & evening, bed late.
- Up early; mail reading, henious problems with
OO.o cvs & cws tooling; the infamous 'lock.c:222:
failed assertion' pain. Apparently this is intermittent - side breakage.
- Released & announced
ooo-build-1.3.6 - a number of nice bug fixes - of
course, a chunk of work is happening on HEAD now; should
release that soon too.
- Some web admin tedium, LXR gone from bad to
worse; asked Raul to untangle it. Dug at the TFL's lesson
viewer / builder based on OO.o at,
web-page coming together well - and the Win32 build
looking rather promising.
- Fixed / massaged misc. Gnome bugs that have
been filling my inbox. Forward ported the evolution
integration bits to OO.o 2.0 - compiles flawlessly; just
the run-time that's problematic.
- Discovered I had sorted my inbox by name
instead of date accidentally - explaining some odd effects.
Becoming increasingly annoyed by the toilet - which, is
small but amply sized; however due to a stream of
literature piling up in there the door barely opens,
something to do with hygine before/after I suspect.
- Savagely dropped the OO.o LXR database &
started re-building it, some loss of service sadly.
- Tried to co-ordinate doing some work on the
OO.o native installer with it's author - considerable
success getting him to IRC; and none wrt. working
together, sigh.
- Lunch, more re-working; amazingly got a call
from a private investigator - trying to find John Trussel
the previous owner - apparently he owes a lot of money to
someone; most likely I need to contact the county court
to clear the address' credit history.
- Slogged away at uber-tedious packaging problems,
finally got it to work nicely; 'make install' lives again -
at least partially. Nice to discover helpful, compentant
new people you never met working on OO.o inside Novell -
the joys of a big company.
- Finally did some reak hacking, forward ported
some patches for various irritating problems / pruned a
load of others - the end of forward-porting is at least
slightly nearer.
- Up early; 3 hours of hand-to-hand combat with
Win95 at NCC - good grief it's awful, have to work late or
early tomorrow or something; just ghastly - flaking old H/W
& an impossibly awful O/S & a lack of decisiveness.
- Got into the mail / hacking again, sucked into
an E-mail trap / did some tedious product-management type
stuff. Discovered my OO.o 'an internal error occured' type
message on startup was down to having a root owned /
non-writable ~/.OpenOffice-1.9 directory or somesuch; good.
- Re-discovered the gpaint
package - source looks ropey; if only there was a good,
simple xpaint-like (but functional), knock-down image
- Dinner, back to the hacking. Spent some time
re-working chunks of the OO.o installer - for some reason,
people who approach RPM first from the OO.o perspective (as
I did) insist on getting OO.o to generate the .spec file &
package before realising that's a bad idea later.
- Up early; more mail swallowing, discovered a new,
rich seam of verbiage. Tried to persuade someone that expressing
one's life shouldn't result in something grey and bland.
- Interested to read in the IEE review from Jen-Hsuan
Huang, President & CEO of nVidia: "It's all happening in
real time", says Huang. "So we have perpatual re-evaluation. You
need to have some sort of a plan or you won't get anything done
but you have to keep on re-evaluating. You have to be rigorous,
but you also have to rely on the judgement of managers and
engineers. It is much more like surfing than anything. You make
sure you have a plan but you adapt to the waves". Sounds
like an amazingly realistic snapshot of the engineering endeavour
- uncluttered by marketing guesses & bullet-points.
- Did some ooo-build cruft cleaning, worked on various
things. Lunch. Reviewed Shilpa's QPro reading code - looking
quite nice. Great to read that vq has finally binned ConvertDSW
from the Win32 build process - wonderful.
- A re-build of e-d-s gave me my addressbook back:
excellent indeed. Added the CWS RSS feed to,
and shortly afterwards removed it again - broken date stamps -
mailed those responsible to get it fixed.
- Up early; started pulling mail - 13,500 messages;
got half-way through before the evolution composer crashed the
whole thing, ensuring no doubt that I'll get 6900+ lovely
duplicate messages to deal with: unbelievable.
- Loads of heebie-jeebie E-mail wrt. LWE - apparently
not content with chopping half ones abstract off (again), and
then scheduling in a very strange and unfriendly fashion, it is
necessary for endless round-trips to the (new, paranoid)
organiser to re-assure him that you will actually turn up - hard
when one is on holiday.
- Poked at the Indians - seem to have been doing some
good work, nice to see writerperfect01 get into the m60 milestone,
and tune06 get into HEAD.
- Balbir Mathur of
Trees For Life(TFL) arrived, talked over the vision behind his
OO.o based Global Circle Of
Knowledge project to provide free educational software,
interesting stuff.
- Chewed through the mail mound, getting somewhere.
Built evolution-data-server HEAD on 64bit finally, still no joy
with reading previous addresses though, must add debug. Reviewed
a number of patches - mostly good, batched a slew of builds of
various things off.
- Dinner.
- Noticed the Gnome Foundation elections arrived without
me noticing - badgered into standing; somewhat tired to get too
excited about any of it; attempted to inject enough controversy to
assure another safe corporate affiliation punting.
- Christian from TFL sent in a nice German
translation of the OO.o hackers guide, lovely.
- Up late; off to NCC - played the violin, a Geach
morning, Daniel & Michelle leading praise, Mike leading the
service, and Al & Amanda describing their impending journey
to Brazil to live & work with YWAM there. Back for lunch,
did some research on Prophecy for next Sunday.
- Out for a run in the evening - for the first time in
a very long time.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 9 - "Lord, Teach Us to Pray". Notes to follow.
- Up early, fed H & played with her until
people woke up. J. into town, David ventured into the
wasp-ridden loft space to locate joists for drying-rack
erection - with only minor incidents.
- Got the drying rack up & cleat in-place
much to Julia's approbation, knocked off for lunch.
- Out to Caroline & Nigel's to collect
spare / floating climbing frame/slide thing. Got it home
& spent some time putting that up in the rain - tested
H. on it - lots of laughs.
- Back inside for some warmth / rest / time
together. Soup / home-made pizza for dinner, David set
off home.
- J. tackled the un-claimed expenses mountain,
and I dug around for tax information.
- Up late, breakfast, David arrived - finished
moving the curtain rail downwards slightly, had lunch,
showed David around.
- Myriam arrived, wired up a new fluorscent
tube, David affixed it in the downstairs loft-space & we
wired the switch into a passing lighting junction box.
- Chatted to Myriam, good to catch up with her
work in Cambodia with the Hagar project. Dropped her home
& off to clean Church with David's (kind) help; cleaned
the toilets / kitchen etc.
- Back home, dinner - poked at getting better
lighting in the roof loft-space & driven off by somewhat
active wasps. Fumigated the place with domestic fly killer,
- Up early, dealt with H. Off to NCC to poke at
the computers - spent a long while trying to get SquidGuard
to do it's censorship bit - got NLD running nicely on the
thin-clients at least. Looks like we lost another HP printer
in action to the serial banging mahem.
- Off to look at dish-washers - all seem badly
constructed - nasty flaky looking rolling racks, picked up
some food at Sainsbury's. Onto Tim & Caroline's new house,
with the loft under construction seemingly. Good to see
them & Sean & Abbie again, had a nice cup of tea &
chat, back home. Dinner, bed.
- Up late, breakfast with everyone, S&A left
to see Abbie's grandmother; Lunch, watched 'Shrek 2' while
H. slept.
- Collected Martin & off to Alpha in
the evening, good time but small meal; back with David &
Martin. Caught the people from Cell-group, bed late.
- Up early, fed H. took her out to the market while
J. slept. Into NCC to upgrade the server from Pink-Tie 9 to
NLD and fixup a number of Win32 connectivity issues.
- Abbie & Sean came for dinner & stayed the
night - lovely to see them after so long.
- Up late; put 1st coat of paint on the remaining
walls of the dining room, out to Homebase - bought brass
screws, shelving bits & pieces etc. back for lunch.
- Got the last external light back into place,
silicone sealed a couple of holes; re-painted the front
room, discovered & fixed some clueless attempt to screw
a light fitting directly into the plaster; finished guarding
the incoming phone line from small hands with conduit.
- Dinner, put H. to bed, started re-reading The
long dark tea-time of the soul (RIP D.Adams). Starting
to get into this holiday-thing, although rather a lot of
work still to do.
- Up late; quick breakfast; off to Laceston to
the CofE church there, missed the 1st 30minutes of the
service accidentally - including the sermon.
- Back for braised beef dinner; packed everything
headed home.
- Another Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 9 - "Supernatural Prayer". Notes to follow.
- Slept badly, stayed in in the morning, lunch.
Out to Thorpness to see ducks in the afternoon, played with
H. on the beach - playing chicken together with the sea,
back, Have I got news for you, bed.
- Up early; played with H, breakfast. M&D left
early - put H. to bed. Packed lunch, left H & went to
Framlingham Castle, had an interesting audio tour.
- Lunch in the castle; wandered the town, got
some passport photos for visa, had a cake in the market
square. Managed to buy a Von Daniken book in the 2nd hand
book-shop (I refuse to give royalty money to that charlatan,
but a usefully inaccurate point of view to refer to) - a
compendium of follies.
- Back, played with H. a little, out to the Parrot
& Punch Bowl for a very pleasant dinner with Julia, nice
to get out alone & have space to talk properly.
- Slept badly - too hot, up for breakfast; J.
dealt with H. Stayed in while everyone else went to look
around Aldeburgh, read the new Private Eye - some excellent
- Lunch, into Bruce's garage to do some re-working
on the exterior light fitting causing problems, extracted &
turned up & hardened a bush to drill-out the sheared-off
bolt. Re-tapped the holes, cut down & turned down the heads
of some suitable bolts, made a new washer & re-assembled.
- Fine dinner in the evening, bed early.
- Up early, re-arranged the furniture in the
dining room. Packed up & set off for Sutton Hoo. Lots
of people, so out to a pub for a pleasant lunch.
- Back, for a guided tour in the extremely chill
wind (with H. determined to add her insight to the tour-guide's
and push her own pram around the hill-top-overlooking-water (Hoo)).
Wandered over some likely looking mounds & saw in the museum,
the treasures excavated from the tomb of (apparently) perhaps the
first Angle/Saxon King of England. Interesting that the practice
of interring the body (plus boat, plus gold familiars,
plus 90x15ft, 40 oar boat etc.) ended abruptly with the
rapid conversion of England to Christianity. Some
fine artefacts there.
- Back to Bruce & Anne's with Mum & Dad,
for tea, fish and chip dinner, bed late.
- Up early to deal with H.; Father up already. Father
nailed the wall with his 1m drill, set too crawling in the space,
discovered a load of wood-worm in the woodwork [ mental note:
next house should have the full structural survey ].
- Got the external light wired up & working;
lunch - nice soup. J. busy re-painting the dining room Almond
- Assisted J. in the afternoon, a little with a fleece
roller - giving rather a good finish. M&D out to play with H.
again while we worked. Interested by access to
the under-floor space, seem to have ~18"-20" of space under
there, but no obvious easy access. Silicone sealed several
un-sealed windows, down-pipes etc.
- Fitted a new lock on the shed, wired up the
fluorescent tube to a plug in the absence of any progress on
the wiring. With that in-place could see the true scale &
freshness of the wood-worm problem there. Never seen so much
dust coming out of worm-holes in a piece of timber - scary.
- With the light - spent the late evening
re-arranging the shed, such that everything fitted into it
with Dad.
- Up late; cut through the external light wire -
with a rather firm flash-bang from the insulated pliars,
strangely as well as the fuse blowing, had some charring
& failure in a junction box in the loft-space.
- Dug into the wiring in the loft-space in
some detail; off to buy bits & bobs from Ridgeons &
discovered a new Electrical wholesaler - selling ceiling
lights at 5UKP for 4, vs Waitrose's 8UKP for 2 daylight
robbery; bought 50m of 1mm^2 twin & earth - very cheap.
- J. painted H.'s room while Mum took H. out for
some fun-packed playground action in town.
- Back, re-wired the external lighting at some
length; M&D out to see her Cousin Robert Jefford.
Fitted a new external porch light & tried unsuccessfully
to drill through the wall to fit new external passage light
to the new wiring [ drill failed with milimetres to go ].
- Chatted, bed early.
- Ron spoke in the morning, rather good - played
Violin in the band. Back for lunch, replaced the duff
bathroom ceiling-rose, missing a noggin to it screw-to
though. Slept in the afternoon.
- Parents arrived in the afternoon, examined the
various jobs needing doing around the house on the menu,
tried to remove the external light & applied some oil
to the (non-sheared-off) screw-heads.
- Dinner, chatted, bed.
- Up late; off to NCC for a band practice,
played the vile-din. Fixed up NAT for the office network,
finally on-line. Need some good censor-ware for the youth-
drop-in centre though.
- Back home, lunch, out to Homebase, back &
affixed a number of missing bits around the house. Played
with H. showing some encouraging progress remembering
the names & colours of concrete objects in books &
pointing at them on demand. Put her to bed - now with a
pillow: very grown-up.
- Put up another flaky B&Q 'chrome plated
barrel lock' in the bathroom, words fail me to describe
how pitifully made they are - from the razor-sharp burrs
on the unfinished metal, to the screws with filled [ and
carefully not-hardened) heads, that are almost completely
sheared off after installation (with the best fitting
screwdriver from a large selection). Staggering
incompetance, and better - no country of manufacture on
the packaging.
- Up early; wrote lots of notes / instructions /
details up for my team: holiday for 2 weeks. Discovered
the 'Bento' file structure documentation, and dug into that
at some length for Lotus Word Pro support. Sadly, it seems
not really that useful for the interesting part of the
- Got the skeletal Quattro Pro importer working
quite nicely for calc; labels importing at least, should
make Shilpa's job rather easier. Dug into visas for India.
- Off for 2 weeks holiday.
- Finished the ESC barriers document. Added the
cws64bit01 patches in a somewhat cleaned-up format to
ooo-build, set a 64bit build off, fixed a number of bugs
- Off to NCC - spent 1/2 a day getting Win95 to
recognise a (high quality 3 com network card); just
staggeringly broken software - of course, Linux recognises
it immediately, and works without problems.
- Back for lunch, reviewed a patch or two.
Interesting call with Peter Woodward. Discovered hr was
working in cvs to re-sync the 64bit changes to m57
anyway; hmm.
- Caught up in an interesting linker problem
in evolution / the connector, sounds fun. Bed late.
- Up early; dug at the mail-heap, cleaned up a
silly ooo-build patch. Chris Halls arrived, got some wires
in place & had lunch.
- Talked a lot of the afternoon, chewed at misc.
forward porting afterwards.
- Woken by screaming as normal - why does H. get
so upset in the morning. Breakfast, some mail. The src680-m57
build looking nice, created a cws for Nicel's visibility work
& resynched the lotus123import01 to m57.
- Bitten by cwsresync -l trying to grope loads of
files & directories it was never asked to, before it will
do the single pitiful remote database update one expects.
- Hacked up a skeleton for the Quattro Pro filter
for Shilpa. Customer conference calling action, overlapping
with ESC meeting.
- Wrote up notes in the evening, read the hitchiker's
guide to the galaxy, struck again by how amusingly written
it is. Put H. to bed, it seems she's starting to learn fear -
which can't be a good thing. Scared of the squeak in the
cot, she points at the offending corner and complains - poor
dear. No trust at all that we'd never leave her anywhere
dangerous - must be a spiritual lesson there somewhere.
- Up early; chewed mail. Out to NCC to try and fix
up the ADSL connection - they seem to have a very complicated
phone exchange system - no joy.
- Spent a while writing & re-writing the same
trivial 'merge writerperfect filter' into a 'specification'
necessary to appease the OO.o process fanatics.
- Got my Solaris machine into a booting state
(somehow), sadly ssh still hosed on it, so rather painful,
compiled libwpd cleanly with no trace of the mystery: C++,
std::exception warnings that others report, perhaps Forte
- Unwound the Sun greeter / gdm startup problem,
hopefully that's nailed now. Submitted a talk for
Linux Bangalore,
looks like fun. Interested to see QEMU - a
fun looking bochs/vmware replacement.
- Marked the lotus123 importer code as ready
for QA. Home-made pizza for dinner, very nice, back to work
after that until late - moved a number more patches to target
HEAD, re-worked a few patches to target the m57 snapshot,
sadly none redundant vs. m55.
- Up later, off to church, Andrew dedicated, spoke.
Home for lunch, & out to Andrew's party - after refusing
her lunch, H. discovered an appetite for junk party food.
- Home, H. to bed, spent a while installing some
conduit / locks on bathroom doors. Appalled by the quality of
the B&Q door-lock, it seems in addition to not hardeninig
the screw heads, they chromed everything filling the philipps
slots such that the correct screwdriver couldn't be inserted -
almost garenteeing failure, and (cleverly) didn't remove the
razor-sharp burrs on the product before chroming it, just
really shoddy. Bed early.
- Up early, dealt with H. J. feeling awful all night,
left her to sleep & played with H. back to bed when H. went
to sleep.
- Walked into town with H. bought some groceries at the
market, surge/protected extension lead, & DVD.
- Nick brought his old futon over for us, most kind -
spent much of the evening splinting, glueing & screwing the
futon back together - lovely beech thing, with some feeble screws
- many sheared off just below the heads - requiring some filing /
pliars action.
- Watched 'Just Married' on DVD, on our new futon in
the office - then prepared talk for tomorrow.
- Up late, dispatched laptop for repair, switched
to AMD64 as main machine after a re-arrange; lots of issues.
- Eventually got things working mostly, various things
looking slightly flaky still unfortunately, dug at them. Managed
to get a decent development environment setup eventually.
- Started to look at 64bit issues in OO.o.
- Up early; had another moment of despair with Sun
today; another - "if I didn't really care about this & were
not paid to be interested - I would have walked away at this
point" moment. I suppose it's good that that hasn't happened
for at least a week or two now - things are improving.
- Encouraged again by some great patches from Srini &
Jayant, and some nice progress on the critial ODI bug set.
Got the new 64bit box setup & firing on both cylinders,
backed up the laptop to it.
- Improved the icon insensitisation patch - now
looking nice, filed up-stream. Worked on more patch porting
to HEAD - a number removed, filed some others.
- The economics of air-travel are rather odd; cheaper
to fly via Sri Lanka (Colombo) to Bangalore than Bahrain. Poked
at the Lotus Word Pro file format some more - still substantially
defeating me.
- Alpha in the evening.
- Reviewed a number of patch E-mails; nice.
Lengthy chat with Parag on the phone, good stuff -
phoned ATP to get flights to Bangalore setup. More
E-mail chewage.
- My first CWS got integrated - nice, created a
new cws to add my misc. unix helper tools: linkoo &
- Discovered that big chunks of the UI in HEAD
have been virtualised & split out into separate
libraries, should help efficiency, startup-time etc. in
the long run.
- Started downloading a 7Gb ISO - not funny;
discovered a scad of test/build chroots lurking on my
server: RH 7.3, 8.0, slec1, SUSE 8.0 - lots of space.
Phone call with the ODI guys.
- Monday; lots of spam. Got the Nildram account details for
the church; wonder if it's working there well in advance of the due date,
as it was here.
- Popped into NCC to setup their ADSL system, again asked for
Access-like functionality on Linux, certainly a mind-share gap there at
least - and OO.o 2.0 filling the gap is 6 months away.
- Discovered that we have ~90k relocations to do on OO.o
startup, of which only ~9k are actually useful. Spent a good while
digging inside binutils trying to make a relocation squasher without
much success.
- Relaxed in the afternoon by re-synching our patch-set to
HEAD, which is much more fun. Got ooo-build to build & parallel
install m55 in the normal way; with some more hard-core patch re-sync
& hackage should be able to start testing in earnest.
- Stayed up late, massaging & pruning patches vs. HEAD,
good to see lots of them are no longer necessary.
- Church in the morning - John speaking.
- Open house in the afternoon, lots of cakes, house heaving
with people, met some of the neighbours, good.
- Another Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 8 - "From Antiochus to Antichrist".
- Daniel bi-lingual; an unusual language more useful for
communicating opaquely. Ch. 8 refers to Ch. 7 - had a vision after
the one that had already appeared to me. Ch. 7 panoramic, Ch 8.
the close-up. The 2nd outline - concentricity; 2-7 ABCCBA outline
in Aramaic, but another pattern ABA 8-12 in Hebrew.
- Significance ? Aramaic - all the pagans could understand,
the emphasis on God's judgement against the nations. Ch. 8 - end the
emphasis on God's judgement against his own people, the terrible
privations and sufferings God's people will have to suffer - in the
private language of Hebrew.
- Historical context - 3rd year Belshazars' reign, a
significant time - Cyrus the Persian had overthrown his Median
overlord. God had raised up this partnership to overthrow the
Babylonian empire. He sees himself 200 miles to the East -
transported to Iran, SuSA the center of power of the new kingdom.
- Daniel 7 - many disagree over the detail. Daniel 8 -
so transparent. vs. 20the two horned ram represents the Kings
of Media & Persia, vs. 4 - What Cyrus did - attacks to
the West & North and South.
- Daniel - saw the Medo-Persian empire as a single
entity, 1 beast - 2 horns. vs 21. the King of Greece -
Alexander in 3 short years - took over the entire Persian
empire, Egypt included, onto Afghanistan, into Pakistan. After
his death, his empire disintigrated, 4 empires ruled by his
- Who is the little horn in Ch. 8 - virtual unanimity,
that this one, who grows one of the 4 horns - is Antiochus
Epiphanies. Christians somewhat ignorant of this - the background
to Hanakkah (dedication) - the dedication of the temple after it
was wrecked. Robert Anderson: Antiochus was the acne of Imperial
pretension and the personal embodiment of all iniquity. The OT.
equivalent of a Hitler, in his determination to obliterate Judaism.
- Some similarities to the little horn in Ch 7,
argued that Ch, 7's is the anti-christ; parallels but significant
differences that outweigh them. Ch 7 comes from a beast with 10
horns, whereas in Ch 8, out of one of 4 horns. Ch 7. difference
in source kingdom; Ch 8, when God judges the little horn - he
just destroys it, and re-dedicates the temple in vs. 14 then
the sanctuary will be restored. Ch 7. when the little horn
is destroyed - the end of worldly kingdoms, very final.
- Antiochus is if anything a pre-figurement of the
anti-christ, a fore-shadowing of him. Similarly Nebuchadnezzar
doesn't hesitate to destroy the temple, boast in his arrogance,
and mandate idolatory. etc. They have a diabolical side.
- When does it take place ? vs. 17 the vision
concers the time of the end. don't jump to the conclusion
that it is the end of the world - instead the end of God's
wrath. God's wrath continued after the captivity, his people
had not repented.
- What did Antiochus do that was so bad ? murdered
a brother to get to the throne; grew in power toward Israel
(the beautiful land). Antiochus had been a hostage of Rome
for many years - a desparate man, in desparate times, resorted
to desparate measures.
- The only way the Eastern provinces could withstand
the Roman threat - ideolocial unity - dotted the land with
gymnasiums to encourage Greek sport. Decided to push Hellenism
more and more, outlawed all things Jewish.
- Antiochus - decided the armies to go in for a
sabbath day parade, the unarmed citizens turned out to watch,
and at a signal, the soldiers turned on them & slaughtered
40k of them.
- Built an alter to Zeus in the sanctuary of the
temple and re-dedicated the temple to Zeus & sacrificed a
pig on it. The bible outlawed - scriptures confiscated &
burned, circumcison was outlawed, the sabbath was outlawed -
instead the 25th of the month - his birthday was honoured.
- He thought he was God, struck coins with Zeus on
his throne - but with his face. 2nd Macabees - a remarkable
story of a woman who refused to eat the mandatory pork &
whose children were killed one by one in front of her.
- Saul Saul, why persecuteth thou me. A
spiritual loathing. Why did God allow this ? - Daniel never
asks the question, becuase he knows the answer. Instead, the
angels ask 'how long' (as does much of scripture).
- How long ? a long time: 2300 evenings and
mornings - 171-164 BC 6 1/2 years - the time from Antiochus
instating a bogus high priest to him being overthrown.
- The only way this could happen - is God's Spirit
leaving his temple. What lesson from this very depressing book:
This is God's doing. Divine intervention behind this - time for
judgement to begin with the house of God.
- What Sins provoked God's anger here - ones very
familiar to us, not so much idolatory as complacency, compromise,
indifference, accomodation (what we learn about as we read on in
the books of the time: Haggai & Malachi), solvenlyness.
Often there has to be deprivation before you value something,
those who don't value their jobs - come late, leave early -
until they're fired, those who don't value their health, until
on a stretcher in hospital. Those who don't value their
relationship to God, until they have so grieved the holy spirit
that he's left town.
- Israel had become even embarassed about their
circumcision - the sign of the covenant, & devised a surgical
proceedure to make it appear that they had not been circumcised.
You are ashamed - fine, have a King that will outlaw it - and it
became something worth dying for. Many Cavalier about baptism -
forgetting many have died to be baptised.
- They were slovenly and indifferent about the word of
God, ignoring the prophets; so fine -
Amos 8 says I will send a famine through the land ... a
famine of hearing the words of the Lord - the scriptures will
be taken from you.
- There were those who thought worship was just tedious
drudgery, couldn't wait for the sabbath to be over, gave their most
sickly animals for sacrifice, tithing was an imposition. God gave
them what they wanted; one who would take away the daily sacrifice
so you couldn't worship God in this way at all.
- Do not be decived - God cannot be mocked, a man
reaps what he sows. A hard message - but one that ultimately
brings comfort. Endure hardship as disipline, for God is treating
you as his sons, for what son is not disciplined by his Father. No
discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful - but later on it
produces a harvest of righteousness & peace for those who have
been trained by it.
- At the end of this national nightmare, God's people
yearned to be in the presence of God and to worship him, rejoiced
at the priviledge of sacrifice when it was at last allowed again,
devoured the scriptures giving attention to them when at last they
could have them without persecution. May it not be said of us that
in the last days the love of many grew cold, may we prize what has
been given us, before it is removed.
- David phoned, arranged a date for him to come & stay - good.
- Up late; off to Aldeburgh for lunch with Bruce & Anne,
Sue & Clive. Most pleasant lunch, got a large number of useful
electrical & misc. bits from Bruce - nice 5foot fluorescent tube
for the shed, various fittings etc.
- Went for a walk on the beach - rather windy / cold, back
smartly. Drove home, put some more hooks up & the tube, bed early.
- Discovered Tim & Caroline have had a baby
called Grace, Ruth - how lovely; S&A over to see it
as well.
- Interested to notice that mailman recommends not
mangling Reply-To: headers as all OO.o lists do; ( quite apart
from the loosing of a handful of (unsubscribed) contributors /
week due to replies never getting to them ). A good write-up
and a rather feeble counter-view here.
- Slugged away at the linker again - it seems the
1 second I'm loosing on dlopen is in the relocation processing,
but it's supposed to be 'lazy'.
- After reading around it turns out that this is quite
normal, and that only function calls can be lazily linked; nothing
else can be. Started chewing through the .rel.dyn symbol list,
looks like virtual methods are very expensive, though why we
should have a reloc for the parent of each overridden virtual
method, I have no idea.
- Up early; no interesting mail, helped srag with
improving calc's filter friendliness.
- Fridrich of libwpd fame set up an evolution-win32
to try to pull together the people / pieces of this work.
- Nicel getting steaming into gcc visibility attribute
markup to accelerate OO.o startup & run-time performance
by reducing excessive symbol bloat.
- Velux blind arrived, set it up - a very black-out
blind, ideal for the window above the screens; screwed it up.
Up-loaded an m55 snapshot to base ooo-build on for the next
- Spent a lot of time instrumenting the dymanic
linker to try and work out where my lost second is going.
- Up early; off to NCC to pick up misc. H/W. Chewed
mail, chatted to the new QA team lead in Blr.
- Canceled my first cws merge - a conflict vs.
Volker's very delayed set of fixes, no-where to go from the
canceled' state, Martin fixed it for me. Removed conflict,
- Poked again at Sun's odd gdm / CORBA problem.
Dug through sfx2 at very great length, eventually located a
missing SFX_FILTER_STARONEFILTER flag (somehow) on my
filter - thus making it go down some simply broken code-path
- the famous 'make it work' flag needs some setting action.
- Finally discovered M-x set-variable
tab-width 4 goodness, should go on an applied emacs
training course at some stage I think.
- Picked up Martin in the evening & off to
Alpha - more helpful this time, back late.
- Up early; poked at the linker again; started checking
out a clean m55 snapshot to build on - prolly have to have a new
ooo-build targetting HEAD & aim to shrink the patch-set fast /
- More mail chewage, churned through all the new bugs
that have been filed, muxing / marking them up.
- Perhaps I was wrong about IBM - the lady phoned me
back, and encouraged me to phone someone else to get the
laptop dealt with.
- Re-wrote linkoo to link everything with a short list
of excluded packages [ OO.o uses some evilness to extract exact
paths of the actual loaded libraries from libc ], looking really
- Seemingly writing the OO.o filter 'cache' file involves
a great scad of Java, and is really nasty to refresh / update
& test new filter additions.
- Committed a number of bits into the new writerperfect01
notwithstanding the difficulty of testing it; getting some lovely
generic I/O error now.
- Replaced the inlet relay fitting on the shower -
apparently improves the flow rate - no more 'low pressure' moaning,
still not altogether convincing though; even with the 10kW
"dim the lights" heater in it. The manufacturer's cunning plan of
putting a compression joint onto the nylon piece making the whole
thing disposeable somewhat reprehensible.
- Church in the morning, Tayer speaking, looked after H.
in the creche intermittently.
- Sandy & Daniel, & Martin back for lunch;
ordered the ADSL connection for the church.
- Disassembled the 'power' shower - which appears to have
only a trickle of water coming from it; seems the inlet filter
(concealed inside the incoming compression joint) has filled with
crud & substantially corroded apart: not good.
- Another Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 7 - "The Son of Man"
- Differing views ? had covered the view
of just the empires that ruled over Israel, the majority
view, 4 other commonly held interpretations - discussed
when we get to Daniel 9. Also 5 other views of the Son of
Man, besides the traditional understanding presented, not
explicitely addressed.
- Jesus takes many titles: the good shephard,
the light of the world, Teacher & Lord while washing
the disciples feet; uses lots. One title, he mostly
avoids (apart from a dozen times or so): Messiah (or
Christ (Greek)).
- When Jesus came
came to the region of Caesera Philipi - and asked: who do
people say the Son of Man is ?, Simon Peter answered -
you are the Christ, the son of the living God. -
Matthew 16 Then he warned his disciples not to tell
anyone he was the Christ.
- Why the reticence ? an understandable reaction
to the mis-appropriation of that title by crack-pots &
despots. Many other 'Christs' at the time. Modern Germany
an analogy; Gerhard Schroeder's responsibilities well
captured by the term 'leader'; Fuhrer - but no-one uses
this term, since Hitler hijacked it it's virtually useless
in the language. So, with Jesus, instead of Christ - he
uses the term 'Son of Man'.
- No-one else in the New Testament refers to
themselves as 'The Son of Man', in
Mark 13 - false Christs & false prophets will appear
... men will see the Son of Man coming with power ie.
the true Christ, the true prophet - one and the same as the
Son of Man. Implicitly endorsing the view of him as the Christ.
- In this text, not just any old son of
any old man; but explicitely as per Daniel 7: '4 winds' (vs27),
'great clouds', 'great glory', (vs26). etc.
- Standing at trial before the High Priest: tell us,
if you are the Christ, the Son of God. 'It is as you say', but I
say to all of you, you will see the Son of Man sitting at the
right hand of the mighty one - a blasphemy to claim to be
God worthy of death - unless he was right.
- Similarly, Jesus mentions the Church only twice in
the New Testament, instead he uses the term the 'Kingdom of
God', again using Daniel 7 to define his ministry.
- A good background: Genesis 1-3, to understand
the text. In Aramaic, the phrase 'Son of Man', as in
Hebrew means 'Son of Adam'. The 2nd Adam.
- Creation - darkness in the beginning,
life giving breath of God hovering over the waters
etc. Daniel - begins with darkness at night, 4 winds
of heaven, churning up the great sea.
- A parody of creation ? originally the
beasts come & God judges them as good. In this
vision, the beasts come as terrifying hybrids, the
lasts of the beasts: a RoboBeast: teeth of Iron,
claws of Bronze.
- Ancient of Days - the days of creation
in view ? God pronounces judgement against the
servant the evil one in both.
- The crown - man in his own image. Adam
whose name means 'humankind', and here the son of
Adam very like God.
- Very useful view of representation. Adam -
the representative of humankind - the commands given to
him apply to all of us, marriage etc. & also the
curse; mortality etc. Things said to Adam are said to
us implicitely. His failure with respect to obedience,
imputed to us.
- The same principle applies to the Son of Adam,
in the latter verses, the Son of Adam the representative
of the saints; (vs26) - the interpretation, power &
greatness handed over to the saints, ie. Saints
== holy ones, God transforming us in Christ to be his
spiritual children, as we are children of Adam.
- Also, the sufferings of the saints, waging
war on them, how he oppresses them. If the saints are
going to suffer like this, so will the Son of Man suffer.
Mark 8:31 - He then began to teach them that the Son of
Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders,
chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be
killed and after three days rise again. Peter tries to
rebuke him.
- Peter had read Daniel 7, but only focused on
the triumph, the final judgement, but if the saints were
to be oppressed - so must the Son of Man be; In all our
afflictions he was afflicted
- Explains Paul's understanding:
So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being";
the last Adam, a lifegiving spirit ... The first man was
of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. As was
the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is
the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven.
1 Cor 15). Many times, over & over the people of God
called saints.
- A second marvelous principle - authority:
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them
rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the
livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that
move along the ground. (
Genesis 1). The Christian view of Ecology comes from here -
not a license to slash & burn, rather trustees, vassals
responsible to God. The LORD God took the man and put him in
the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it., or
serve it & guard it. Nevertheless given authority over
all of nature.
- Daniel 7 - nature run amok - beasts destroying
us, enslaving us instead of serving us. Jesus - the Lord
of nature, confronted by a furious sea, commanded the wind
& waves: quiet, be still - and they were. What is true
for the Son of Man will be true for those who belong to him:
all the saints.
Romans 8: The creation waits in eager expectation for
the Sons of God to be revealed would love to be liberated
from it's bondage to decay. One day it will delight to yield
it's secrets to us under God.
- As I looked, thrones were put in place;
thousands upon thousands attended him; the angelic hosts
are standing. Why more than 1 throne ? the Son of Man to be
seated on that throne;
Matthew 25 - When the Son of Man comes ... he will sit
on his throne,
Matthew 19 - the Son of Man sits on his glorious
- God created human beings like God. Daniel 7 -
a higher theme; God becomes like man. Before me was one
like a Son of Man - normally 'son of man' means just
a human being, but like: not human in some sense.
One of Jesus' most remarkable aspects.
- Of the democratic convention; (as perhaps the
Republican), reading the coverage these things were said of
John Kerry, he is: A leader that knows how to listen,
who knows the difference between right & wrong,
Your cause is his cause, who is willing to lay
down his life for his friends., A man called by
destiny who will not let you down. - amazing. We desire
leaders who are incarnations of God.
Also true of Churches, pastors can be put on incredible
pedestals. We intuit that the only one who can tell us what
to do with our lives can be God.
- Daniel 7 - the good news, not that a slightly
better kingdom is coming; but that a qualitatively different
kingdom is coming - the King is God, appearing in the
likeness of a man. The 1st proof - 'likeness'.
- 2nd proof - the clouds, coming with the clouds
of heaven. Psalm 68, Psalm 104, Isaiah 19 - God comes with
the clouds of Heaven.
- 3rd proof - The Ancient of Days - described
like a man, takes his seat - has clothing, hair (not bald),
God described in anthropomorphic terms.
- 4thly: the 4 beasts represent exaulted human
beings - beasts representing the great Kings & Conquerors
of the ancient world. What is categorically higher than a
man, as man is of a beast ? - God.
- 5thly - he recieves divine perogatives - all
people worshiped him - the unconditional loyalty only God
deserves - as pressed home by the rest of Daniel.
- 6thly - an eternal & indestructible
- Daniel 7: The basis of Jesus' claims to be God.
Jewish teachers pre-Jesus struggled with this - how can you
have 2 Gods in Daniel 7 ? The Rabbi Simeon Ba Johi, one of
the early rabinnic authors - not 2 Gods, but just 2
manifestations of God, likewise Rabbi Ishmael two
manifestations of God. Later trinitarian theology would
talk of 2 centers of divine conciousness, in the persons
of the Trinity.
- The Jews of Jesus' day knew this was a claim to
be God; worthy of death if it was not true.
- When Jesus healed the man who was born blind, he
said to him, as he says to us: Do you believe in the
Son of Man ? "Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell
me so that I may believe in him.". Jesus said, "You have
now seen him - looking through eyes that have been blind
in fact, he is the one speaking with you.". Then the man
said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.
- The only fitting response to the Son of Man.
How do you become a Christian ? not something to understand,
or even to believe the daemons believe & tremble,
it's something to do: to give your life to a new King. Give
it to someone who knows what to do with it. Jesus didn't say:
admire me, or agree with me, he said, repent, believe &
follow me.
- Up late, into town with H. to get some
fruit & veg. from the market. Back home, Bruce &
Anne arrived bearing gifts, unloaded a fine chest of
drawers, mattress, etc. & got them installed.
- Toured the house with Bruce, located the
incoming main stop-cock, roofing problems, possibilities
for the shed etc. Lunch, some gardening etc.
- Poked at the dynamic linker again; pretty
odd that with two _dl_debug_printfs, as soon as
the 2nd is called, the 1st never works subsequently.
- Up early; pushed mail about; dug at the IM issue,
Finally appreciated gnome-terminal's nice i18n rendering
support - whipping xterm's.
- Hammered away at oddnesses in the XIM / X / gdk /
vcl event propagation / state tracking etc. improved the IM
cursor location & brute-force-clobbered the problem in the
end, at least it works passably.
- Committed a number of fixes to the cwstools using
the cwstools; self QA'd the thing & nominated it - my first
cws. An all-hands meeting with David Patrick - good stuff.
- Dinner, got the filing cabinet in place over the
wall below & started filling it with pounds of paper; lots
tidier in the office. Bed late.
- No interesting mail; added some more belt / braces
safety stuff to the HEAD gtk+ vclplugin & mailed Philipp.
- Re-worked & committed up-stream the Lotus 123
format detection code & did some nice code clean-ups, the
joy of working in CVS. Reviewed Ashwanth's nice research work
on reading the Lotus formatting information.
- Started to dig into some evil X/GTK+/IM problem, a
field I know absolutely nothing about. Great to be able to do
rug in 'scim*'. After some considerable digging discovered a
missing dep giving grief with that though.
- Some intense debugging action with Dr Mike Fabian
of SUSE fame on the IM issue. Read through the code looking
for the broken interaction; it's so nearly right must be
something silly. Spammed Philipp with a proto fix.
- Pleasant dinner, errected several towel rails
around the house, and traced a cable from the 'exterior
light with no switch'. Bed late.
- Up early; sadly Bruce Perens acting in a rather
unreasonable way
here - while Sun sticks with it's nice, symmetric LGPL/SISSL
licensing, surely no-one is going to take seriously any suggestion
to fork / produce a non-JCA'd "open version" (what nonsense, and having
eclectic copyright ownership is good for no-one really). Hard as
working with Sun, undoubtedly is, it gets better monthly & they
put a lot of work in. Also, the whole SEC filing seems reasonable; how
can anyone say anything about '' - no trademark, unclear
what the term even means or includes etc. Storm in a tea-cup & an
unhelpful one at that.
- Chewed mail. Worked on getting an ORBit2 fix into our
packages; pruned accumulated duplicates from my TODO. Forced to change
my Novell password - the only solution for my leaky memory: write it
down. I can cope with remembering 1 unbreakable string, but 1 every few
months is rather tough.
- Started unwinding the mail-pile, got down to under 200 in
the inbox. Pleased to see NotZed's 'left-on-server-forever' fix in evo.
got a one-off 2700 E-mail download / flush though.
- Wrote up some notes from the OOoCon conference. Fixed a
really juicy PPD parsing crasher. Filed the 'linkoo' and 'relocate'
tools up-stream, after adapting the former to HEAD, very useful tools
for hackers.
- Out to Alpha in Ely in the evening, had rather a good
time, back to bed.
- Up at 1am; odd, read the Economist, back
to sleep. Up early; no interesting mail for once; added
better perl module checking to HEAD office_config, it
seems wizards does something odd too.
- Fixed / filed a number of bugs / issues in
various bits of the HEAD build; created a cws and rammed
a number of fixes into it. Lovely to see what used to be
a horribly warning-riddled build now building almost
- Substantially lost my voice - rather irritating,
can't even hum to oneself as one types.
- Up-loaded slides from OOoCon (
- A batch of conference calls & a most positive
call with Nat; good. Bought a copy of Corel Office on E-bay for
$10 or so - apparently it even comes with Groupwise-client 4.1
- Dragged from bed at 3am to get some important
hacking done. Discovered a silly in ORBit2 in passing, fixed,
committed. Thrunged through a number of nasty OO.o bugs;
did a new autobuild & submitted - hopefully sufficiently
early Monday morning looks like Friday to most normal people.
- Dug into the Linux linker. Still worried about my
recent laptop overheat/death, phoned the IBM support people -
got through immediately. Apparently they want to format my
disk to run some Win32 diagnostic tools; it's great to have
the service quality at parity with H/W quality. Backed up data,
downloaded a bootable CD to thrash my FDD.
- Stayed up a long time for a staff meeting that
failed to materialise. Committed the wordperfect artwork; good.
Steak for dinner, bed early.
- Up early; off to church, spoke on Love keeps
no record of wrongs - substantially Gordon-driven.
- Back for lunch. Attacked the garden hedge afterwards
with this power-drill -> hedge-trimmer attachment thing; not
wonderful but cut with encouragement.
- Peppered the wall with holes & errected various
hooks in various places.
- Up lateish; played with H. J & H. went out &
on return H. raced up-stairs to gaze into the loft where I work;
(unfortunately I was downstairs).
- Played with H. etc. Tim & Rachel came over for
lunch, really good to see them & catch up a little. Some
real danger of becoming house-proud though, not good.
- Prepared talk in the evening for tomorrow, bed early.
- Up early; off to the convention centre; read the
vcl27 branch diff to find some bug fix; amused to see my
original comments about general evilness get watered down:
- // pl: evil ? don't be scared so easily :-)
- { // Begin this unutterably evil; we need to pass a nice handle down
+ {
VCL_CUSTOM_ICON_FN *pCustomIcon = 0;
char *pSymbol = g_strdup_printf ("%s%d", VCL_CUSTOM_ICON_BASE, nIcon );
void *pAppHdl = dlopen( NULL, RTLD_LAZY );
@@ -584,7 +562,7 @@
g_free( pSymbol );
dlclose( pAppHdl );
- } // End evilness
+ }
- Looked at Intel's
vtune. Had Dirk's keynote, then Matthias H's talk -
an almost complete lack of disagreement with a 6month (or so)
release schedule; good.
- Sadly missed Dan's layout session while talking to
various others; out to lunch with Thorsten, good to catch up
on the nice new UNO canvas / new presentation work etc.
- Talked through the rough Novell OO.o roadmap with
Nicel in a spare moment, which was good - lots of good work to
come there. On to the the OO.o / xforms talk which was rather
encouraging - started to get a grip on xforms. Saw Oliver but
only in passing.
- Bid 'bye to Caolan & on to the security /
digital document signing session - fun. Left the marketing
'kuhl-aid' session early; too many revolutionary disruptive
seismic paradigmatic shifts for my stomach: just keeping
some of the plates in the air is hard enough for me, and
Linspite of the message, running a curious distro.
- Off to the airport; some space to hack at
last; worked on the vcl nasty. Arrived at Stanstead - broken
luggage tracking amid a sea of people waiting for Ryan Air /
Easy Jet's idle (or inadequate) baggage handlers. J. picked
me up, so lovely to see her & H. again.
- Up early; call with Nat & Krishnan
in the morning, rather delayed Taxi to the
conference; OO.o & Software Freedom - by Simon
Phipps; worrying to see 'Software Freedom' and
Java on the same page, interesting to talk about
Freedom and push Java at the same time. Worrying
talk about moving the license to the GPL - a more
foolish idea it's hard to come up with. Apparently
"standards + open source + interop = freedom".
- French chap from the Ministry of Finance,
200k+ people [ amazing how beaurocrats measure success
by number of employees ]. Didn't sign up for software
assurance - officialy OO.o on every PC (since Dec 2002),
banned people from buying later than MS Office 97 -
3000k people with it installed OO.o, only 200 that
use it.
- Consultant to French Customs; 15k users,
trained all new hires in OO.o; Phase 1: OO.o install
on 16k workstations, MS formats by default. Phase 2:
(Jan 2005) mandatory use of the OO.o file format. Few
macros. CD so people can use OO.o at home; nice
desk-calendar type flip-guide to OO.o for employee's
- French Ministry of the Interior 170k people,
130k police-men; 2.6k locations.
- Talked to Simon Phipps, on to Mathias Bauer's
talk; interesting component goodness. Then on to the
What's new in OO.o 2.0 talk. Still not met Kendy.
- What's new in OO.o 2.0 - format paintbrush;
instantiable auto-shapes, editable word-art; much better
impress layout - LHS slide view, Master Pages etc.
- Met Jan at last, out for lunch with some of
the lads; on to Caolan's talk; some interesting tools
on his web
- Gave my talk; plugged a number of potential
changes we need to make; Got 2 JCA signings, met Yukiharu
of Japanese translation fame afterwards, helped get him
started into the code. Went quite well.
- Some hacking / chatting to the lads; off to
Martin H's talk afterwards - at some stage here lost
all the Hambergians somewhere (which was sad).
- Off into town to the pub afterwards; Chatted
to Joerg B on the train. Met Dirk H, understood &
revised my original first impression; nice guy. Good
to see Frank R. as well, albeit at a distance. Some
interesting discussion; back to bed late.
- Up late; off into town to the University, phoned
Stefan, discovered it was the wrong taxi - off in another
expensive taxi back the way I had come - annoying.
- Arrived; met MartinK & dcbw - chatted things
over; met Pavel Janik in the flesh for the 1st time; saw
Martin H. Matthias H., Louish, rather a pathetic lunch.
- Met Nicel. Had a rather productive and friendly
meeting, met Matthius Bauer. Chris turned up after a while.
- Out for dinner & a drink - Caolan turned up
in the end; good to see him again; drunk too much on an
empty stomach to be quite sensible; back to work on talk
for tomorrow.
- Discovered that an extra day appears to have
been prepended to the OO.o conference without me being
aware of it whatsoever. Tried to move my flights; bother.
- Eat dinner during a conference call; J. drove
me to the airport - sad to leave her & H. Flight to
Berlin, rather tired. Taxi to the (new) hotel, bed.
- Up early; read E-mail, no answer for my
autobuild platform breakage problem; ugh. Submitted
a new package. Got some great LWP data from Tim,
hacked up a parser that gets a great chunk of Jane
Austin out of his sample .lwp file.
- Spent some time trying to book a hotel
OOoCon, to little avail; Dorint, Ibis booked up,
the 'Best Western' difficult to contact directly
(I refuse to use evil web travel booker proxies),
hived the problem off to Novell's travel agent.
- Committed the evolution 'attachment' fix that
had somehow managed not to get into CVS despite being
approved; hmm.
- Up at 1am, someone trying to break into the
house, remonstrated with them - apparently they live here;
reminded the (presumably very drunk person) that their
parents had moved, which got rid of them.
- Up early; seemed to have gained some shoes &
dirty hand-prints inside a prised-open window; changed / fed
/ played with H. while J. slept in.
- Another Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 7 - "The coming of the Kingdom"
- Largely a recap on the previous stuff, after
his holiday - but some expansion of the dual-phase nature
of the 4th Kingdom.
- The 10 horned beast of the 4th Kingdom, a
somewhat unfamiliar agrarian image - a pictuer of extreme
power; 10 simultaneous client Kings eg. Herod in Judea,
the Pharoe in Egypt etc. times when there were exactly
10, most likely symbolic. cf. Daniel being 10x cleverer
than everyone else.
- The Romans different from the Persians /
Greeks - demanded not just tribute, but compelte submission
to Roman law, and eventually their cult of Emperor
worship; raw power.
- Must watch Chariots of Fire again; cf.
Isaiah 40.
- Up early; feeling exhausted & glandular,
breakfast measured the house, put H. to bed, off to
B&Q in Cambridge with J. while Mum unpacked the
front room book boxes.
- Back later with misc. bits, to find a nicely
arranged & tidy front-room, lovely. Lunch.
- Moped around the house, erected a nasty
porcelain bathroom shelf for toothbrushes, and some
coat-hooks [ hard to find coat-hooks strong enough
to actually hang a coat-on it seems; plastic ones
coated in something shiny seem de-rigueur currently ].
- Bed very early; tired.
- Up early, bought Lotus Word Pro 97 for $4 on
e-bay, I wonder what it's original cost was. Committed the
chunky re-factor of the evolution / OO.o connectivity
- Tried to cancel the NTL broadband connection;
thrice put-through to an engaged signal; wonderful. Same
for customer service & fault complaints with a 15
minute delay: not so good.
- Tried to fill out the employee contentment
survey thing - unfortunately what with it being a 10 page
monster, carefully hosted at the end of a hyper-slow
web-link, with a 2 minute time-out/log-you-out/
further-interaction/continuation-impossible I was unable
to register my generally high level of contentment. I
guess the results may get skewed in favour of the
disaffected who can block-out an hour to watch the
browser globe rotate.
- More daft reports from people who go hack
a script to remove checks that are supposed
to help them, and then wonder why the build fails when
(unsuprisingly) it actually needs that software. Gentoo
clearly needs a by-line: "Gentoo: a little knowledge is
a dangerous thing".
- Started a new auto-build of OO.o to run
over the weekend. Mum arrived; sat around, had dinner,
chatted, bed.
- Up early, detected, fixed a nasty ORBit2
deadlock that had locked-up my evolution overnight;
filed a number of misc. desktop bugs; started looking
into a few Win32 nasties.
- Laptop disk died temporarily - seems to have
overheated; perhaps not enough fan action, most curious
not done it before; worrying. Amused to find a Hitachi
disk in the IBM Thinkpad - apparently Hitachi bought it
off IBM.
- Did an ORBit2-2.10.5 release, kludged around
a Win32 nasty; fixed & sent up-stream the G/W
Send->Mail crasher on Win32, simple missing NULL
pointer check.
- Installed
colinux on the Win32 build box, so it's not a total
waste of space while building.
- Out to an Alpha beacon supper in Ely
Cathedral, rather good, back late.
- Up early; a pleasant, sunny day. Installed
an NLD snapshot on the Win32 build machine - pleased to
see ntfsresize in progress, good stuff.
- It seems autobuild lost Srini's changes to
the quickstarter; bother - a real pain; reviewed some
patches, looked at Jayant's SQL query -> sexpr
- Out to Barbara & Bill's in the evening
for Cell group.
- Up early; pulled mail, phones on-line &
number migrated - astonishing efficiency from BT. Hacked
at the evo/OO.o piece.
- Dug at Win32 oddness, can't repeat here, can't
repeat it in India - downloaded the official package, works
fine; grief. Eventually the problem transpired to be BKAC,
- Customer conference call; re-factor starting to
bed down nicely, amusing problems. Luis located & started
attacking my OO.o / rc problem: wonderful.
- Breakfast, set off into Cambridge to CB2 to
get a net connection - shut until midday - bother, back
to hack at NCC with mother & baby group in full swing
downstairs. Some extensive Evo / OO.o integration
re-factoring, home for lunch.
- Into a local networking company to see if I
could borrow some connectivity, looks hopeful. Off to CB2
in Cambridge for some E-mailage; 3700 messages.
- Responded to the most critical mails, checked
in before realising the staff meeting was cancelled.
- Home, checked again on the ADSL situation, and
by some miraculous answer to prayer - on-line with Nildram
at 1Mbps downlink - some rather low up-link speed though;
most odd.
- Fixed a silly wrt. broken OO.o installs + the
quick-starter filling /tmp up rather quickly; found a nasty
sorting performance problem with the file-sel in the
- Hannah starting to stand up in mid-floor and
enjoy tottering a few steps, then looking very pleased with
herself; lovely.
- Up early; breakfast, attacked the window to
get the wiring through. Off to church - George's dedication,
interesting but lengthy sermon from Mike.
- Home to meet the parents / let them into the
house, had a quick tour, and out to Janene and Nick's -
for their celebration lunch - some interesting people,
lovely food etc.
- Back, more wiring, punched a phone point
into the wall in the kitchen with Dad, wired it all up,
looking good. Dinner with everyone, then they left,
more unpacking, bed early.
- Up early; breakfast, spent some time
re-arranging large bits of furniture, getting things
into their right room etc.
- Dug around at the phone system; added a
socket in the office, wired it into (what subsequently
turned out to be) a confusing mess of existing wiring.
- Eventually decided to rip it all out and
re-wire from scratch, moving the flakey incoming jn.
box, and binning the old mess. H. somewhat unhappy /
confused about the new house really. Pizza, bed late.
Up very early; bacon & egg sandwidge for
breakfast, dropped the van, picked up a Jumbo Luton +
tail-lift. Some nervous backing action down our small
Started packing it with good things. Managed
to clear 4 rooms before filling the truck & hearing
that we had completed. Off to the Trushel's - who had
proffessional movers & were fully packed. Started
un-loading stuff at speed.
Quick lunch, and lorry back to the old house,
where the Trushel's were waiting to move in, great to have
lots of help getting the last bits out of the house.
Finally moved everything into the house, sat back
Robert left for a house-party, Thomas stayed to
help lug furniture around the house several times. Amusing
hunting for basic cutlery, plates etc.
- Slept badly, a dream-loop with associated
song - driving a truck-load of 3 types of thing from
China - very odd.
- Up early, dug through the stuff in the loft;
found some more boxes to fill with computer bits. Pulled
mail, nice fix from Caolan.
- Off to pick up a chunky diesel van, drove for
some hours down to Hove; filled it with furniture and extras
from Undean's with Robert & Dad's help, had a lovely
dinner, drove back with Thomas.
- Unpacked it all into the Trushel's home, into
the front room, great to get rid of it. Home, mattress down
from the roof for Tom, bed.
- Introduced H. to the new reality on the
ground - by carefully breeding boxes, and giving them
state subsidised incentives to move into the dining
room, H' has been outnumbered and forced into the
front room - toys and all, the injustice of it all.
- Finally nailed my bug; the back-ported vclplug
ImplDrawAlpha can't cope with non-8bit alpha masks, whereas
the old code could; 2 line fix, sent it up-stream for
interest. Fired off a new ODI build. Did some more build
testing on a release.
- Spent a while re-factoring chunks of the evo2
connector code and cleaning nasty bugs out at the same
time; back-ported a nice NWF fix from Stefan. Up-loaded
the ODI build. Backed up the laptop.
- Lots of packing in the evening, sorted out
the tool cupboard - a dumping ground of some several years
- Up early; lots of bugs getting fixed
which is great; more work at various bugs &
suboptimalities. Phoned Nildram again to once again
attempt to get the post-code correct. Phoned BT to
try to switch phone companies, keeping my number &
move address in one atomic, transaction; hmm.
- Today: conference call day. Set off some
builds of older ooo-builds to chop my evil nasty that
should never have worked out.
- Packed lots of things into boxes; lugged
them downstairs, emptied the filing cabinet, re-arranged
all of H's known universe.
- Up early; pulled mail. Tried to transfer a
large sum of money via Co-Op's electronic banking, failed;
tried to do it on the phone - the miracle of telephone
banking is that it requires a fax machine for serious
transfers (apparently).
- Dug at an obscure Win32 transitions problem.
ooo-build-1.3.3 with a slew of bug fixes & build
- Spent a long time trying to hack at an
obscure Win32 problem; further irritated by the lack
of printf output / logging - seemingly no good way to
easily validate your development cycle. Added a tangled
mess of AllocConsole, _open_osfhandle, spaghetti - hard
to debug though, since it clearly doesn't work; is it
ever even run ? - who can tell.
- Some packing action in the evening.
- Up earlyish; played with H. read the paper,
cooked breakfast, off to Sue & Clive's to see their
wedding pictures, back for the blessing in Church -
missed much of that due to H. competing with the vicar.
- Drove home, J. with a vicious pain in the head;
she went to hospital - no problem with the baby, apparently,
no idea as to the problem - coedine & observation,
home. Bathed H. put her to bed. Wondering how the packing
is going to get finished; lots of prayer.
- Up earlyish, packed the car, 2:30 drive to
nr. Princes Risborough for lunch with Clive & Sue,
Bruce & Anne. Off to Georgina & Adrian's registra'd
wedding - quite an eye opener; feeling pretty terrible.
Some lovely dresses, good to see the extended family.
- Drinks afterwards; got through part of the
dinner, bed before the speeches - too exhausted.
- Up early; feeling somewhat better - pulled
mail, depressing, cheered by Raul pointing me at - good stuff.
- Processed mail all morning; dug over a number
of interesting bugs. Hopefully the next OO.o build won't be
so bad as to corrupt even ones children at a distance.
- Bed early.
- Up early; H. screaming well until 7.30am;
feeling tired, glands up again. Updated my "rcd doesn't
work" bug, which (as normal) looks like another "librpm
corrupts memory for a living" type bug. Filed more evo.
- It seems the foolishly misguided dogma of
Orthodox Secularism - the state religion of France, was
today aggressively foisted onto a load of children.
Coercing people to not conform to the high standard of
modesty dictated by their religion is the thin end of a
very nasty wedge. Still, in future, it will be a brilliant
focus for the French's proclivity for striking - I look
forward to seeing masses of students regardless of
religious persusion wearing cut-out cardboard crosses,
tea-towels, and frisbee's to school in due course - that
is if the indoctrination hasn't taken root too firmly by
then. The mere thought that one should have a higher
alliegance to Msr Chirac than God is should be laughable.
- Nailed a nasty open 0 length files crasher,
going slow today - ill. Fixed several build bugs, got the
back-ported password-protected word documents to 1.1.3
thing working nicely. Got to know Fridrich of wpd fame a
little better.
- Out to dinner with Martin from Church at his
new flat; feeling pretty terrible - back to bed early.
- Up rather late; committed bits, closed bugs. It
transpires that 1.3.2 prints everything but text very nicely;
bother. Fixed the very stupid problem, missing a macro, that
defines extra flags.
- Chased health insurance to cover the new mortgage,
apparently Friends Provident have a large back-log; signed up
for ADSL with Nildram; a slightly clueful company it seems.
- An amusing cell group, Dave came for the 1st time;
great fellowship, feeling pretty awful; bed early.
- Up early; reviewed misc. bugs, filed a number of
evolution bugs - amazing how they seem to spring out of the
woodwork without notice. Lots more bug reading / re-arrangement.
- Hacked away at making the MS interop. warning
dialogs less annoying; Nat's staff meeting. Ordered some new
ADSL hardware; it looks like we're going to switch houses with
the people we're buying from. Had some hard-core conference call
- Poked at document encryption on the train; missing
some bits it seems; should re-generate the diffs too. Tube to
Barbican - walk through the concrete canopy to Simon's place.
Good to see Matthew again & Stuart(s), some interesting
things up at 3dlabs & Yahoo it seems. Missed the fast
train back, got the last train instead - some very tired
hacking on the train.
- Up early; Raul pointed me at some 'Drucker',
looks interesting but rather put off by 'how will people
remember you' - in fact, for the most part my guess is
they will not. There is no rememberance of men of old, and even
those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who
follow -
Ecclesiastes 1. Was impressed to see tens of wooden
panels with lists of powerful, notable benefactors from
a few hundred years ago at CH. and to notice that I'd never
heard of any of them.
- Bug list fiddling; tried to understand the change
tracking feature in some more depth to understand a bug report -
with no success.
- Phone call from Chris Halls - who has it seems more
moving pain than us by some orders of magnitude. Fixed a silly
security bug (that according to Sun, is not a bug). Fixed a
D&D problem with slide names, fixed a writerperfect patch
naming silly.
- Up early; lots of preparation for lunch; got
the tier of wedding cake out saved for today; Bruce &
Anne arrived - set off for NCC variously; back shortly for
- Lots of people from J's Mothers & Baby's
group came to support us, a pleasant - albeit short service
- dedicated Hannah - who was very well behaved indeed; good
conversations afterwards.
- Back for a most pleasant lunch at home &
champagne - unwrapped presents for H. a rather fine spinning
top that plays a sequence of chords when it gets up to speed,
and some lovely books.
- Slept much of the afternoon - thoroughly exhausted,
H. rather ill after her MMR jab on Friday & unusually happy
to lie around on one, falling asleep. Lots of Calpol dosing.
Phoned the Brothers to organise the moving endeavour in 2 weeks.
- Up early; as several people have kindly pointed
out, someone was rudely
impersonating me at LWE.
- OO.o autobuilds appear to have failed without
any error message overnight: curious. Win32 build completed
- Out to collect James & Kate - had a lovely
time with them, a fine dinner, interesting conversation etc.
Auntie Barbara & Colin arrived hungry after an unexpectedly
long journey - out for a walk onto the training grounds.
- J. took J&K home, put H. to bed, checked the
autobuild - managed to miss bumping 1 version to 1.1.3; fixed
that and pushed my 1st autobuilt pair of OO.o packages.
- Parcels of spinache & peppers for dinner;
chatted for a bit, bed.
- Up early; several brown-paper-bag bugs in 1.3.1
Spent a while fixing them. Wasted a large chunk of my time
heading off innappropriate executive-level contacts by
over-enthusiastic 'marketing' 'bizdev' etc. volenteers in the
'OO.o community'; talked it over with Stefan, Martin &
Matthias briefly.
- Realised I'd missed a patch from the set for the
ODI internal builds; started a re-build. Did a new
ooo-build-1.3.2 release with build sillies fixed in them.
Knocked up a better way to auto-generate the writerperfect
code as a patch-set for OO.o. Started new Win32 & NLD
- Lasagne dinner, bed very early - still habitually
very tired.
- Up early; further irritated by yet more impotent,
volenteer "Foo project lead" type executive level contact that
I have to explain / deflect from wasting our time; grief.
- Spent much of the day trying to encourage people
to rigorously think about what they are typing, before during
and after. Did an ooo-build-1.3.1 release: (NEWS).
- Used auto-build to build a new gnome-mime-data
package, only time will tell if it will have any effect.
Bitten by / filed another evo & G/W authentication issue.
- Up; fixed an OO.o Win32 static library
installation issue; more building action.
Realised I'd not got around to uploading my slides from
LWE (new slides towards the end) (
- More Win32 build testing; lots of patch
review, the Indian team churning out more work faster;
good. Got mail from Guiseppe of Mandrake fame, hopefully
moving towards ooo-build over there too.
- Merged up some OO.o VBA improvements from Luiz,
bitshift operators & the foreach keyword.
- Today H. walked her first steps - wow; I still
havn't seen her in action though.
- Up in the night, head-cold, dreaded itch etc.
did some hacking / mail. Added waratah to the OO.o planet.
- Fixed innumerable libwpd sillies; got the
iodetect format auto-detection working - it's looking
really good now.
- Fixed a Win32 wpd build issues while in a
rather echo-ridden conference call.
- Knocked off early; played with H. for some
time; who now has her own 'baby' to much delight.
- Up very early; interesting article on
C.K.Prahalad's new book: The Fortune at the
Bottom of the Pyramid. Eradicating Poverty Through
Profits in the Economist. Caught up with Nat.
- Poked at various bugs. Hacked away at the
writerperfect / libwpd integration into OO.o with some
nice success - it's finally dying in my dodgy stream / OLE2
wrapper. Got a direct bug-report from Chris Stone; hmm -
sounds like a change-tracking tree view thing is required;
- Today my HP 3820 died - apparently this is
quite normal, there is a design-flaw on a certain cog. The
'repair your own printer' sites claim that the printer is
a land-fill case anyway; bother. Bed early.
- Up early; dealt with H. while J. slept. H. with
some vicious nappy-rash poor creature.
- Off to church, Cathy talking about tents; back
for lunch. Kate & Matthew Robson arrived - good to see
them & catch up on their honeymoon, etc.
- Out for a walk around some green things. Home,
bed early - everyone in the house has a nasty cold.
- Woke up early, having had a very detailed dream
that I had just told Nat I was leaving Novell to make a PCI
based deep-memory logic analyser / scope HW & SW combination
as Free S/W & H/W. Spent some time idly sketching out a
design & reading up on the latest Altera offerings.
Doesn't seem as trivial as initially envisaged sadly.
- Out after lunch to a place in the forest for a
walk by a lake & some obligatory swinging / slides for
H. afterwards. back home. Slugged generally.
- Out to Ken & Jane's for dinner in the evening,
had a lovely time, back rather late; fixed the win32 build,
barfing trying to build NAS in error. Bed.
- Up early; pulled mail - somewhat astonished to
be getting new Ximian bugzilla E-mail from the 12th April;
somewhat concerning. Helped NotZed debug it.
- Poked at the csv importing dialog, after some
considerable cruft removal / hackage got it into good
shape. Reviewed some patches, chewed over the gratuitous
seek syscall spewage from OO.o with Matthias / Caolan,
breaking kernel readahead.
- Set off a new Win32 OO.o build.
- Up early; apparently LWN thinks we've forked
OO.o - but the truth is anything but; a branch is about the
size of it; and hopefully it'll go away as OO.o improves in
functionality and process post 2.0.
- Spent some time untangling a couple of ORBit2
deadlocks, did ORBit2-2.10.4, and ORBit2-2.11.2 releases.
Poked at some evolution research; meat-balls for dinner.
- Simon phoned, hopefully can meet up with
Matthew & co. shortly.
- Hard time sleeping; finished the merge-cell
implementation, released a new ooo-icons with some fixes
from Jimmac & the new icon, committed.
- Set off an LXR re-build, the existing snapshot
was 6 months out of date. Spent the morning sorting out a
vicious symbol font / bullet problem; fixed that, fixed a
merge-cell build snafu.
- I guess it's GNOME's birthday again sometime
around now; Did the first official release of the
ooo-build-1.3.0 work
(pkg)- it seems we're starting to ship some great improvements.
- Up early, fairly coldy; committed a fix for
Ashwanth. Property letting agent around to examine the
house; apparently the letting market is dropping.
- Posted a new round of the DESKTOP_LAUNCH
spec. hopefully in a form that'll make it easy for
people to adopt. Sent an evo. patch off for 'attachment'
support. Re-instated the 'file-a-bug' toolbar icon for
the internal OO.o deployment.
- Battled with WinCVS to try to get pass-phrasefull
dsa key based ssh authentication going: useless; encouraged
Christian to install cygwin instead.
- H. very unhappy, high temperature, high noise
level - infra-drops at 5:40pm. Did some bug-management,
worked at the merge-cells feature. Bangers & mash for
dinner, bed early.
- Up early; nice to see that the latest Windows
XP service pack, breaks a 3rd party vertical app in such a
way that it hoses the (3rd party) server for everyone
else; the joys of auto-update.
- More building of OO.o on Win32, fixing misc.
build bugs. Hacked while listening to the COBE training
modules and taking the tests - works well under NLD at
least. Some real revelations in there: shorting your own
stock is not allowed.
- Installed the latest Win32, G/W and tried
debugging the File->Send crasher - no more joy. It
seems Sivaiah fixed my G/W hang trace resulted in a fix;
horay - if only we had Evo. snapshot builds for NLD.
- Discovered the Win32 'setofficelang.exe'
helper, hacked that into my scripts. Dinner, pushed
packages to the ODI people, bed.
- Up early, dealt with H. so J. could lie-in.
- Off to NCC, short session in the creche
dealing with H. while others sang. Out to the Studlands
housing estate green; played rounders & similar
games with the kids. Picnic in the sun.
- Gordon sermon: The Kingdom of God his 2nd on
Daniel 7
- One of Gordon's defining moments: one of his
students, Jerry Feldman - spent his summer as a door-to-door
salesman - selling a 'Filter Queen'. Came around to demonstrate,
like Christmas - an unmarked box, a huge number of things
coming out; assembling a complicated machine, designed to surgical
standards, any allergies ? can spray insecticide, blow
varnish, leaves in the garden, ... finally it's real
category dropped into place: a vacuum cleaner, spent
$400 - still can't believe it.
- Biblical scholars try to make sense of all the
detail of our faith, to allow us to see the coherence of the
whole without doing violence to the luxurience of the parts.
People look for a 'center' for theology; 'the Holiness of God':
hence redemption, etc., 'a God that acts in history': hence
lots of historical detail, others: 'Election': the theme
of God's unmerited choice, understanding grace etc. president of
Gordon Conwell - 'Promise': pulls together a lot, another
friend Gregory Beale 'New Creation'.
- Still remember the spine-tingling thrill as a young
college student, hearing Meredith Klein - who said, all these are
part of the picture; but the real centre, the integrative categorical
framework is The Kingdom of God - packs a real punch.
- Not comparitive religion, but comparitive
Kingdoms; what is it that rules our life ? Daniel 7
may sound like a menagerie, or Zoo - but each represents a
successive empire or Kingdom, 4 earthly Kingdoms.
- Christianity: not a religion, but a relationship.
Not a relationship with some buddy, or personal trainer, but
with the King of the universive. The King who demands our
unconditional surrender, unqualified trust & love, our
undivided loyalty, our uncompromising obediance.
- A key to so many texts:
Isaiah 6: In the year King Usaiah died ...
I saw the Lord, sitting on a throne ... and his train
filled the Palace ... my eyes have seen the King.
[ Temple == Palace; same word in Hebrew ]. God is
not a philosophical premise, but the boss.
- If we know about the ANE; Ancient Kings were
often called Father; or Shepherds (Pastors); Judge - the
other names for God fit together with this exciting
overview. He is the King of Israel.
- Suprising that Jesus hardly never used the word
'Church'; but this word can be used to identify a club, or
an association. The last thing the King wants is for you to
think this is a volentary club, with perhaps some dues you pay.
1 Peter 2: A chosen people, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation - his (international) nation. Israel's Kings
were not like the other nation's kings, vassel kings -
obviously 2nd in command.
Samuel It's not you they have rejected, but me
... they want a king like the nations (who will be answerable
to no-one). God punishes his nation by giving them what they want;
he gave them Saul as King - a grave disappointment (whose name means
"You asked for it").
- Then in David - we see what real Kingship is like: vassel
Deut. 17 - must have a copy of God's: is answerable to a higher
authority, must read it every day; and not consider himself better
than his brothers and turn from the law to the right or to the left.
Humility - and the desparate need for God's help in ruling.
- Temple, just means Palace - setup just like the palaces
of the ancient Kings. So was the tabernacle, the movable palace setup
from the time of Moses to Solomon. We have a painting on a great hall
in Egypt of the battle of Pharoe Ramaseese II, at Kadesh, against his
- Ramaseese II - on the move; when he moves, he can't be
back home in his Palace - he has a moving palace; with the same
architectural features, fabrics, orientation as the Tabernacle that
God told Moses to construct. It's rectangular, the walls are made of
tent material in sections, one opening only on the East. Inside, an
enclosed area with two sections, the King resides in the 'holy of
holies' in the innermost section, seated on a throne - surrounded by
angel-like characters with wings; with his foot on a footstool.
- The Bible must be plagerising ! why would God do it that
way ? so - that he didn't have to explain everything; so his people
would get it. They were being freed from living for the tyrrany of
Pharoe to live for the only one who is worthy & deserving of
their unqualified obedience.
- Explains the office of Prophet - who spoke to the King,
whereas the later Prophets wrote their message - not just to the
King, but also to the people. The transition happens in the C 8th
BC - just when contemporary kingdoms make the same shift. Gestures
of prayer - lifting hands: in the worship of God; but in the ANE -
this is how people approached the Kings: 'hands up', I give up,
(no weapons), this gesture of self surrender.
- That's what the tithe is all about; not some practical
financial reason
1 Samuel 8 tells them You want a King - he will take 1/10th
of your grain, ...a tenth of your flocks ...; every time
you have a King; the people give a mandatory tribute of 10%.
You can tell who is the King, because he gets 10%.
- It explains why we have a book - the ANE religions
didn't have a bible; Baal, Marduk, Chemosh - no bible. But in Kingdoms
they had bibles: 'covenant documents'. The King structured his rule
in an arrangement called a covenant. A triangular relationship in
the sight of God. Example King Mercillus of the Hittites, & a
vassal Dubiteshan:
- Same form as the 1st parts of the bible: eg. 10
commandments Thus says my majesty Mercillus, the Great King,
the King of the Hittites, hero beloved of the Storm God ... Great
King ... - it starts by saying who the boss is; the 10
commandments: I am the Lord your God - starts with the
King identifying himself.
- Then a little historical section: how Mercillus helped
Dubiteshan: who was a sickly little runt, with no political future,
and how the Sovereign setup the vassel King on his throne. Why
would he say that ?: 'You owe me'.
- Commandment 1: I am the Lord your God, who brought
you out of the land off Egypt, out of the house of slavery -
why say that ? it just happened 3 months ago, everyone knows that.
You owe me - in the Old Testament - grace before law. They
did not obey the commandments and so win God's favour so he would
bring them out of Egypt, instead God showered his love graciously
on his people who deserved nothing but judgement, who were no
better than their neighbours, won them to himself; and then says
to them: You owe me. I redeemed you out of the house of
bondage, to set you free, not to run your own life; but so that
you might live for me, who died for you.
- Then follows the 10 commandments, as in Mercillus'
covenant the detail follows.
- The contracts written in duplicate copies; (2 tablets
of stone) - each would place the copies under the feet of whatever
God they worshiped. Of course in the Israel / God case - both
copies under his feet - in the Ark of the covenant (also called
the 'footstool of God') both copies there.
- Israelites followed the ancient tradition of ratifying
a covenant by sharing a meal; That's why many were offended by
Jesus: this man welcomes sinners and eats with them !.
- Moses
read the covenant, to the people, and they responded We
will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.
- Jesus says virtually the same thing; this cup is the
new covenant in my blood, drink this in rememberence of me - the
early church called it a sacrament - Cisero define a sacramentum as
an oath of loyalty taken by soldiers to the emperor. Tertullian
said - we are called to the army of God when we respond to the words
of the sacrament.
- Daniel 7 reminds us that our hope is not resting in whomever
happens to be sitting on the throne of Babylon at any given moment; but
in a higher throne; of the Kingdom of God, the Ancient of Days. Daniel -
knew that Babylon would fall soon; the dream in the reign of the last
ruler of Babylon before its fall. They must have been excited for the
future the 70 years exile nearly up; but God disabuses this optimism.
Yes - a change of administration, yes Babylon will fall; but the Lion
gives way to a bear, then a leopard - then an indescribably horrible
animal. And, all through, war against the saints.
- Jesus refers to this text over and over again, 100+ times
refers to The Kingdom of God - 82 times he calls himself the
Son of Man - from this text; he understands it, as do his
contemporaries, as a reference to this text - a claim to be God.
- The Kingdom perspective explains: Thy Kingdom come, Jesus did
not come to get us out of a jam, why do you call me Lord, Lord and do
not do what I say ?, if you love me, you will obey my commands.
- There is no low-cost path of discipleship, because Christianity
is not a religion, but a relationship. A relationship not with some
buddy, a personal coach, or a friend (only) but with the King of the
Universe, and he demands your unconditional surrender, and he alone is
worthy of your unqualified trust and love, your undivided loyalty, your
uncompromising obedience.
- Challenging stuff. Felt the new baby kicking her lovely Mother
and through her, the Father (already). Bed.
- Up disgracefully late, still tired. Breakfast
while H. slept - read the economist.
- Out into Cambridge - discovered the Wandelsbury
ring in the Gog/Magogs & wandered around it. Humbling to
see it's an Iron-age fort, with more modern bits (now
lost) added in 1AD.
- Onto The Orchard at Granchester for a
scone with jam & cream (& wasps) before heading
- Tea, S&H special features - particularly
amusing spoof documentary. Bed early.
- Up early; 2nd attempt at getting an internal
G/W release for testing - no joy again. Generated some
OO.o / file encryption diffs for Srini.
- Took a look at sodipodi - it's been a little
while since I read Lauris' code - all looking rather nice.
- ODI call, interesting feedback this week from
a lot of people, lots of exciting new bugs.
- J. went swimming, while I sat on H. Watched
Starsky & Hutch in the evening.
- Up early; mail chewage, dug into MSI files
some more; discovered they are in fact OLE2 structured
files (wow). Dug out the 1500 line perl script to turn
the 1600 lines of .idt file into a msi file; concerning.
Found some good docs on the PerlMSI stuff
here - Perl (it seems) rocks even more than expected as
a portable scripting tool.
- Off to see our soliciter and sign various
contracts to be exchanged, it seems in 3 weeks we'll have
a new house.
- More installer hacking, mail processing etc.
- Up lateish, lots of mail chewage, positive
call with Parag. Tested the ODMA work, still a long
way to go sadly.
- Dug at MSI files, and installing Win32 lang
packages; looks really nasty - pwrt. automatic .msi creation.
Got further in 10 minutes with nsis than in 30
minutes of MSDN reading / fiddling.
- Another request for a good way to detect what
desktop is running; the canonical way is to use the end of
the WINDOWMANAGER environment variable for 'gnome' or 'kde'
it seems - pragmatic evilness in lieu of the standardised,
functionally separated solution so reviled on xdg.
- Up early; off to Worthing, shifted a
trailer load of furniture to fill my parents'
front-room. Lunch with Bruce & Anne.
- Hyper-tedious paper-work early afternoon.
Nice to see Mark's patch to work around a particularly
ugly PPC gcc bug for ORBit2, that was one nasty
- Missed another conference call; just
awful, I wonder what mechanism would actually work to
get me to them. J. drove us all home.
- Tackled an odd ORBit2 problem for JP,
it seems (ultimately) that it's a valgrind bug - with
an unaligned pointer array. Tended the win32 build,
poked at Win32 language packaging. Fixed a
really stupid bug disabling the fontconfig
font discovery support in ooo-build, sorted
Christine out for Brainshare. Bed late.
- Up early; some rain, pulled mail. With
Siva's help got the groupwise calendar/contacts code
setup vs. the new Novell server; nice. Filed a number
of bugs.
- Started upgrading bits of my system; fallen
behind the NLD cutting edge, filed an rcd crasher bug.
Got a letter hand-signed by Jack Messmann - he'd also
thoughtfully spent some time hand-dithering a
rectangular background around it in light-grey.
- H. climbed the stairs today, a rather
worrying development, then climbed them again while
no-one was watching, mercifully safely.
- Nat's staff meeting, call with JP, call
with an NGO wanting to contribute effectively to
- Up late; off to NCC - John speaking on
Spiderman 2 - Jesus, my hero etc. curious. Met a new
couple from the base.
- Lunch at home; slept for a few hours;
H. walking around pushing her brick-cart quite
effectively. Unpleasantly hot.
- Out to a Barbeque for Martin's birthday
at his parent's house, a pleasant evening, bed late.
- Up at 5.30am; breakfast etc. drove to Ely,
train to Leeds for the UKUUG conference, chewed mail.
Went to a KDE plugin talk; then my Gnome spiel,
chatted to Dick.
- On to a Unicode talk, discovered the dirty
truth about shell regexps and the locale, wrt [A-Z],
seems to work in perl though. 'C-x C-m l' to set lang
to utf-8. Gave my OO.o talk; lunch, chatted to Aaron from
The Register, Steven Tweedie, got the low down on OcFS
and the clustered FS summit from Alasdair.
- Left early for the multi-hour train journey
home - to be with the ladies. Bed early.
- Lots of intense reading action on the plane.
Very pleased with The Millenial Maze - the balance
between pre and post as a historical barometer of societal
optimism is most interesting.
- Slept mostly on the flight; train / tube / train
home; lovely to see the little girl creatures. Back to work.
- Apparently (rumour has it) that the reason for
the heinous slowness, making cvs virtually
unusably slow for the community, causing it to take an hour+
to tag all of CVS, etc. is down to them choosing to have the
repository on a remote NFS mount, introducing stacks of
pointlessly wasteful network latency into the mix. Wow.
- Bed early.
- Up very early to suit Nat's breakfast with
Holger; breakfast in bed - nice. Pulled mail, etc.
chewed over the deluge of well-formed ODI bugs that
have got filed in the last week.
- Committed the writerperfect code from the libwpd
team, and the libwpd skeleton module to a cws Martin kindly
created for me, hopefully the libwpd guys can take it forward
from here nicely.
- Phoned the sweetheart, good to be coming home;
set off for the air-port. Played with a huge Excel spreadsheet
sent by a customer - interesting that it loads far, far faster
as an Excel file, than an XML file - even though the XML is
in fact compressed to 1/10th of the size [ amazing ]. After some
stracing action, and debugging - discovered the code is doing an
'Application::Reschedule' per-cell, involving a chunk of
locking, a poll, timeout calculations etc. Some easy wins here.
- Up too early, iritated again, for no readily
discernable reason by US TV evangelists' over-plastic
facade; watched Mougli. Breakfast, off to the conference
centre; met Paul Nowak in the speakers room; explained
the Novell story. Poked at my slides; managed to loose
all the images (with 1.1.1), horrifying.
- Re-worked the talk substantially - no handouts
necessary this year - a major relief. Gave a shortish talk,
with a number of fairly new, insubstantial, but
screenshot-worthy slides.
- Off to the show floor with Vikram from Real,
had lunch with him; introduced John to Frank W, wandered
over to the Qt booth for another productive chat with
Matthias Ettrich, and met Sam - pointed him at the gcc
visibility attribute work, and chewed over Qt4 themes.
- Out to the baseball game with Jeff Biehle,
Luis, Erik in the evening, Giants vs. Red-someones AFAIR;
suprisingly interesting for base-ball. Great that Novell
gave away 1000 tickets, gave everyone $10 for food/drink,
a Novell hat to wear etc. and sponsored ads on the score
screen thing.
- Back to the hotel late; met up with Nat; back
dumped stuff in Nat's room, up to the sky-bar to meet
Chris Toshok, then to bed.
- Slept really badly; up at 3am; tired &
ineffective but can't sleep. Breakfast with Nat, David
Patrick turned up at the end.
- Off to register at the show; back to the
hotel, pulled / pushed mail; chewed. Conference call,
code reading, lots of ODI bug reading - a brace of
excellent bug reports from Jason Ogden. Bed late.
- Up at 6.30am, feverish packing, mail pulling
action. Train to Cambridge, then to Kings X, amused to
find a guy working in the field of accessibility was
pleased to see me working on - uses it in
his office.
- Train to Gatwick - met an interesting Indian
chap, who gave me some interesting (and perhaps inaccurate)
insights into the Indian psyche. A well paid Indian can
expect to have a servant of some sort to do his menial
household tasks; at work a coffee attendant to bring
him the drink of his choice - rather than essentially
doing simpler things for himself. It seems, also, that in
the floor-sweeping type of jobs, leading/management by
example is not expected, and (I guess) distributing the
tedious jobs instead of concentrating them, not a normal
strategy. Also, apparently progression from, asistant to
deputy to full manager typically brings other incremental
privlieges up to the chauffer; interesting.
- 9 hour flight to Atlanta; unusually speedy
customs clearance, got to the connecting flight.
- Up early; quick breakfast, played with H.
out to the local Baptist church - hearts in the right
- Back early for the post-wedding lunch;
good to see everyone again in a less formal setting.
- Packed everything up, drove back to
Newmarket to collect shoes & wallet for US trip
(tiredness axes competance in many unexpected ways).
Bed late.
- Up early, looked after H. while the girls
had their hair, toes etc. curled correctly, end result
very attractive.
- Set off early for the Church, met M&D
who took over the H. minding. Sue & co. arrived
eventually looking lovely; a pleasant, albeit short
service - read 1 Cor. 13.
- Back for the wedding breakfast; missed
most of the speeches due to a screaming daughter.
Lovely meal though, dancing, talked to some interesting
people, bed late.
- Up at 5am, H. awoken early; J. dealt with
her while I slept; up late.
- Finished removing the libgsf dependency from
libwpd, so we can use native SvStream / SvStorage code for
'real portability(TM)' inside OO.o.
- Ran over the nice, extensive regression tests
(using valgrind) good stuff (apart from the multiple
valgrind failures in glibc). Sent patches off to Will
et. al.
- Off to the pub in the evening to have a meal
on Bruce: the night before the wedding, a pleasant dinner
topped with Banoffee pie.
- Did some writerperfect hacking late into
the night; sent more patches off; bed.
- Up lateish; mail swallowing, Win32 fixes;
Misc. hacking, ODI call, more demand for dumbing down
feature-lists; time for Christine to attend those
calls instead.
- Drove to Clive's house - a mercifully clear
M25 experience, house looking lovely in summer - lots of
pretty flowers etc. Marquee erected for wedding action on
Saturday. Talked over libwpd integration with Will, some
hacking. Bed.
- Slept on the plane; lost lots of one day
here, chewed mail in Amsterdam at a helpful WiFi
place. Home at last with the lovely girls.
- A quick dinner, then cell group - good to
see everyone after a long gap; then to bed.
- Up early; breakfast together, out to the
office with Nat; more in-depth meetings. Lunch.
Measured the gettimeofday count / second, and it's
1.4million or so on my machine - leading me to
suspect Arjan's startup slowness anslysis.
- Off to the air-port, had a drink with
some of the guys (turns out my flight was later
than anticipated). Waited for the flight, flight
cancelled - plane leaking fuel, direct to Amsterdam
instead; interesting.
- Somewhat irritated by the democratic
convention everywhere; the speeches seemingly of
a nauseating stock form: Senator John Kerry who is
[one of], bold, brave, heroic, generous, amazingly
kind, totally caring, unutterably super-human -
should be elected in place of that [one of],
dishonest, ugly, fat, smelly, friendless, corrupt
George Bush - and then America will instantly
[one of] be a light to all mankind, be a vision of
purity and grace, heal all international problems,
give free candy to children. The refreshing tang
of gritty, charitable realism, and achievable
eexpectation setting makes one weep.
- Political marketing a fascinating subject,
should get around to reading O'Shawnessy's thesis
on the subject. I wonder if a post-modern
"Kerry sucks less" type message might fly instead.
- Up early; another greasy breakfast, off to
the office - sorted out encryption magic etc. pulled
mail. Nat arrived eventually. More people, sub-style
lunch with the crew.
- More talking, a little hacking; poked at
the libwpd stuff; out for dinner - some fun guys.
Out for a drink in the evening with Nat - encouraging,
interesting, and most pleasant. Phoned J. so lovely to
hear her. Bed late.
- Up early; breakfast - off to 1st Union
Baptist church of Ottawa - I've clearly not grasped
the tripple-speak necessary when consulting a hotel
church-list to get somewhere alive; ~50 people, most
needing to take Rico's sermon last week to heart.
- To the airport, bumped to a sooner flight
to make my connection (thank God), taxi to the hotel;
after consulting the Friedman entry list (and the
several normal common mis-spellings) discovered that
this is the wrong Radisson. Courtesy bussed to the right
one by an Australian married to a US lady, who worked
in a pub in Aldeburgh for ages; amusing.
- Dinner, out for drinks with some of
the lads - amusing etc.
- Up early; slept badly; breakfast. Off to the
convention centre; discussed package inter-dependency
resolution with Mike Johnson for a while - no real
success in communicating the toughness of the generalised
problem; sounds like fun being had at Specifix, and some
neat features.
- Off to a high-performance kernel talk; then
Martin's NUMA talk - swapping processes to other
processors rather than to disk. Chatted to Billy Biggs
about misc. Eclipse problems - interesting to see Eclipse
at last [ are there no depths to ones personal
ignorance ? ].
- Out to lunch with Martin, Andrew, Stefan.
Off to a talk on I/O scheduling with Andrew - interesting.
Chatted to Keith P. afterwards, met Carl Worth (of cairo
fame), chewed things over with Shaver - lots of
interesting insights.
- On to Andrew Morten's talk - interesting and
thoughtful. Talked to Gavriel at length, out for a quiet
beer with him to understand the Transgaming past &
present - interesting. People eventually arrived at the
pub, for a lengthy free-drinks session - apparently Arjan
put his perl script in bugzilla - beyond the claws of
google. Discussed the oppressive (or otherwise) French
anti-headscarf law, and the global shame of the French
supported CAP with Daniel; then the evils of modern
E-mail clients with Pierre & Andrew, bed late.
- Up early, breakfast, more work on talk; off
to the conference center in town. Good to be back at OLS,
some really great people here, talked to Matt Wilson. Out
for lunch with Chris Blizzard, Val (from Sun), Daniel V,
Alasdair K.
- Saw Shaver again, been a long time from the
Zero-Knowledge days, hiring Mozilla hackers for Oracle;
Tip from Richard Moore on the hidden Thinkpad Fn-F8
function to switch full-screen scaling on.
- Caught the end of Rob Love's talk - just
enough to see the blocking/queueing async-ness question
fudged; D/BUS really needs a convincing solution. Caught
up with Rusty after a protracted gap.
- Did my talk; frightning to have so many
clueful people in the audience - attempted to conceal
my almost total lack of understanding. Slides here (
tar.gz), a whack of new ones there, saw Clahey
at the end.
- Amazingly my cousin: Andrew showed up at the
end, and his boss Martin Bligh [Mr. NUMA ] with whom I was
at school (it turns out), neat. Out for drinks with the
IBM / big-iron group, good guys.
- Back for misc. BOFs and discussion; Clahey
showed me his new PPT viewer hack; Met Arjan and chewed
over his symbol-visibility auto-generation script to save
plt entry usage in gtk+ / C programs; and Linux startup
performance profiling: interesting. Alan and co. convinced
me that my next fast build machine, should be an AMD machine
- due to general elegance and efficiency wins over Intel.
- Back to the hotel for room service, E-mail
chewage and a fast/reliable net connection.
- Up early; H.'s birthday, some (parentally
assisted) present opening, cake + candle etc. Started on
mail, backed up the laptop, into Cambridge with J. train
to LHR, plane to Montreal ~1 hour late, missed connection
to Ottawa. Very eventually arrived, checked into the
Marriott, continued to hack at talk for tomorrow - if only
I knew something about something. Bed late.
- Up early; still no functioning E-mail, bugzilla,
ooo.x.c unresponsive, bother. Got the VCL plug stuff running
nicely on windows, along with some screwed-up artwork
(interesting). Fixed a silly status bar crasher after some
length reasoning with Ashwanth.
- Dug into odd bitmap rendering issues on Win32,
with no success. Out for lunch with Julia (her birthday); back
for the ODI/OO.o advocates conference call - seems to have got
randomly moved.
- Dinner with J. opened lots of fine presents, she
went out to a Church meeting. Tried to debug some evil Win32
code - with no easy way to generate debugging information
[short of a full, gigantic, turgidly-slow re-build], and with
no fprintf(stderr, "Foo\n"); possibilities - life seems full
of unnecessary pain in windows world; the most basic, reliable
and useful form of debugging: made difficult. Searched in the
wonderful help - useless.
- Managed to fix the problem eventually, MSVC++
debugger is at least slightly nice (though over-mouseful).
Re-started a build.
- J. back late, stayed up late.
- Up early, poked at an odd ORBit2 / PPC bug for Jeroen,
fixed some build sillies in ooo-build HEAD. Booked / re-arranged
another tranche of travel.
- Dug at the win32 work, Win XP somewhat unresponsive in
comparison with NLD. Out to get presents for Julia's birthday -
- Evolution crashing as soon as you hit the calendar -
making it hard to do timezone translation & work out what is
going on when. Fixed a number of win32 sillies. Turns out my
evo bug is down to having a missing calendar source referenced in
gconf; hmm.
- Saw an eog hang while browsing photos to find one of
H. for a dedication invite, a rather nasty ORBit2 deadlock it
turns out; rather unfortunate. Bed late.
- Bad night's sleep, up late. Started to repair the 9.1 / NLD
mess. Phone call from Dr. Silverstone - apparently it was glandular
fever, and the liver is now back to normal: excellent.
- Fixed some OO.o bugs here and there, more road-map work
while updating the system. Finally by 3pm got the system into some
sort of shape, such that evolution could run, started to pull mail.
- Chewed mail, re-booted, everything broken - gconf schemas
failed to install correctly (nice), so keyboard repeat broken, Alt not
functioning - some more fun putting it all right.
- Julia spent ages filling out my expenses over what seems
like an age, more money to pay the mortgage-to-be off with hopefully.
At lunch discovered (what with the serious nappy related wear and tear
on the washing machine) that a helpful soul was undertaking it's
notice - some huge 'real nappy' action.
- Up early, off to NCC - prayer and praise before Church in
the park with bouncy-castle et. al. - torrential rain instead. Sad.
- Back for lunch, out for a walk in the sun in the afternoon,
more rain. Watched some of 'The Office' 2nd series, amusing albeit
- Sermon from Rico Tice, of All Souls;
The Universal Jesus on
John 13-14:
- We often deny death because we don't want to admit we are out of
control. Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death: the reason we deny death
is we don't want to admit we're out of control., In Japan if you're dying
by tradition the doctors do not tell them. In America by contrast, it's not
supposed to happen - so the doctor gets sued. With death there is no choice,
you're out of control.
- Bible's metaphores for the briefness of life: a mist, chaff, water
spilled into the sand, a dream of the night - forgotten at the breakfast table,
flowers that wither, like a sigh - a puff of breath. Death so painful - not a
drop returning to the ocean - something monstrous, traumatic.
- This is the point we're at in John's gospel - the last words; after
the last supper - it's sombre and desparate - he's already warned them he has to
die, and that they will too; then Peter's disowning of him. A farewell, the final
words to his friends:
- Do not let your hearts be troubled - later that evening he
will sweat blood; facing death - you get heart trouble; only the divine phisician
can heal it: Trust in God, trust also in me. As you face my death, as you
face terrible suffering: crucified upside down, covered in tar and lit, tied to
wild animals an pulled apart etc. remember - I have a place for you: in my
Father's house there are many rooms ... I am going there to prepare a place
for you. Homelessness very destructive to the human psyche, not just some
bricks, but acceptance, friendship, a meal prepared. Home - where you belong.
- An elderly member of the Church going to hospital with a brain
haemorrage a few years back; before entering hospital she wrote: I am in
God's hands, and I am at peace, and I am quite resigned to whatever may
happen to me, I feel I may be going home which will be very lovely.
words of faith, in control as even her mind was disintegrating.
- How can you be so sure ? - Jesus makes 4 promises:
2. I am going there to prepare a place for you
same in 3; Heaven will not be a strange place, but arriving in a
place prepared for us, ready, made by loving hands. He has been to
prepare a place for all belivers.
Rico's first funeral of a relatively young person: Dr Stuart
Spencer (39) died of lukemia, the week before he died, when Rico visited
he said this: Rico, you may think the cross is precious to you,
but you have no idea, think what it means to me knowing that within a
week I will stand before God at the judgement, and the cross will mean
that all my sin, and all I'm reminded of now at the end of my life will
be forgiven and paid for by Christ. The Cross is incredibly precious
to me.
- 3. And if I go ... I will come back and take you
to be with me - a contextual
reference to Jesus' coming to be with his people at death.
"Ok Rico - it's time, lets go".
- ... take you to be with me that you also may be
where I am - lots of questions about Heaven, (Rev 21), a place
of perfection, companionship - but primarily a place of intimacy
where we'll see him face-to-face. No more faith.
Doubting Thomas: we don't know where you're going, so
how can we know the way ? Jesus answered I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now
on, you do know him and have seen him..
Jesus says - you do know the way, it's me. Interesting -
most of the time, Jesus tells his disciples, you think you know
but you don't but here he says You think you don't know - but
you do
- You can't think of Heaven if you don't think of Jesus: he is the
fore-runner, the escort, the destination, and the way. cf. vs 14:1 are
your hearts still troubled ? though Death is terrible, it has lost it's
- It can be terrifying as we physically disintigrate; one woman said
recently of Reagan's altzheimers - he would go to the park, and her children
would play in front of him. Not remembering meeting the president was not
nearly as sad, as not remembering being the president.
- Have you rested on these promises for your death ? Laying flowers
is not enough - the comfort of scripture, and Jesus' presence.
- The guessing games about God, are over - revealed in Jesus -
If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.
- No one comes to the Father, except through me - there
are not many ways up a mountain, Jesus is the only mountain but so many
ways to come to know and trust him. Humanity divided into those who trust
in Jesus' death on the cross to open that way to the Father's house.
- Finally got home very early this morning,
talked until late with the sweetheart, slept.
- Up late, doddered about a bit, J. slept -
installed the latest NLD snapshot - no upgrade mode
from 9.1, so installed over the top without formatting:
bad move - system fairly hosed.
- Left H. with Claire & Chris Reed in
the evening to go to Nickie & Simon's 25th
wedding aniversary party & barn-dance - good
fun, had a great time [ J. looking delectable in a
pretty frock ]. Back early to collect H. bed.
- Up early, shower, breakfast with Jeff,
Dirk and Naji. Checked-out, pulled mail; read slides.
A bar lunch together with various other guys, had a
- Off to the meeting in Dirk's (nice) car;
lots to talk about, of varying interest. Car to the
airport. Pleased to see Chris Toshok committing patches
for some some of my more painful evolution bugs,
amazing to see the level ot traffic on the evo-patches
- Poked at remaining vclplug integration
issues; nailed a couple. A pleasant couple nearby;
"I did my best", "Well, it's not good enough obviously"
what a shame; no hugs.
- Up in the night; checked the build, fixed a
number of nasties, hooked up all the right configure
pieces, everything getting back to normal. Back to bed.
- Up later, pulled mail, build completed nicely.
Genene around for breakfast & bible study, off to
Claire's house drove into Cambridge. Train to Kings X
with Justin - Canadian fiance of an Inuit movie star,
fresh from the Cambridge Film Festival; nice chap. On
to the tube - met Shelly & son August from
California, divorcee & Irish fiddler - no hacking
- Wireless hot-spot at Heathrow Terminal 1;
good in theory, but costs money. Managed to skewer the
new SalBitmap virtualisation, had to re-factor the
splash screen rendering patch.
- Eventually arrived, no-one else around;
had a pleasant dinner; managed to get the wavelan to
work - but only in the lobby downstairs; pulled mail.
Got dropped in it by Nat: what fun.
- Up early; burned some new ISOs to give them a
whirl. Branched ooo-build so the VCL plug cleanups can
continue on HEAD unencumbered. Started some nice cleanup.
- Out to the hospital for blood tests with J,
on to The Star at Lidgate for lunch with Bruce
& Anne; back. Finished the NLD install, filed a swathe
of yast2 bugs.
- ODI meeting, people gagging for road-maps;
quested for a PM for OO.o, happened upon Christine. Started
hashing out a plan of attack beyond the immediate
- Upgraded misc. packages on ooo.x.c for Arek's
source / binary snapshot plan. Recieved an unfeasibly
large/heavy and amusingly designed recognition award thing
in an immense box - a nice thought.
- Dinner, tried to organis trucking things from
Undean's house to ours at the weekend; long call with
Federico. Re-worked lots of ooo-build patches so they all
apply, started a test build.
- Up early; H. appears to have learned to point
with just her index finger over-night; neat. Mail suckage.
- The unexpected honour of becoming a 'DE'
arrived - my attempt to actually distinguish myself,
confirmed my suspicion that no-one bothers to reads this
stuff by appending my general disapprobation with fishy food.
- OO.o's KDE VCLPlug looking quite good, at least
I get the KDE crash dialog when it dies on startup. Pruned
7 months off the diary - to shrink it down to an acceptable
xup-load. Phone call with Andreas Jaeger & Chris
Schlaeger - about SuSE 9.2 OO.o features, and chased the
travel agent a bit.
- Finally got the KDE plug stuff working, with
some cut & paste evilness necessary for input handling.
Amazed to see dlopen'd libraries with static QWidget holders
causing Qt to seg-fault on exit; hmm.
- Got some very helpful links from Caolan on
C++ symbol visibility and improving performance with
gcc and
OO.o Did some quick readelf -S foo on libsvx, libsvt
and it seems that they are approaching 50% symbol
strings / tables - [ being 14MB and 6MB respectively ].
- Out to Emily's presentation on her time working
in New York for
Metro Ministries - impressive stuff. Said thanks and
goodbye to Kevin & Carol.
- Up early; mail foo. More travel wrestling. Wrote
some talk proposals for OOoCon. Got the mail under control.
Hacked on the KDE NWF integration into VCLPlug - a little
re-factoring necessary - but going ok.
- Double whammy of back-to-back conference calls;
made good progress. More work on the KDE plug, compiles, few
minor link problems to solve.
- Martin H. of OO.o / release engineering fame,
started a blog, and cws-announce appeared simultaneously as
a mailing list and RSS: wow. cf.
Planet OO.o.
- Dr Silverstone phoned - no evidence of Hep. A-C,
all tests clear, but liver antibodies halved in level but still
extremely high - possibly
glandular fever: more blood-tests scheduled.
- Dave & Vicki around for a nice roast dinner;
interesting chap, with some heart-rending tales. Bed late.
- Up early, dealt with H. while J. lay in; out to
Church, Ron speaking - interesting, albeit curtailed somewhat
early. Bored Chris to death with Op-Amp basics for his course.
- Home for lunch, the girls: Claire, Anne & Yvonne
arrived - chicken Ceaser salad & cheese-cake lunch. Sat around
chatting happily most of the afternoon - sad to see them to so
soon. Very interested in their accounts of the Glastonbury
(Pilton Pop Festival) 'She-pee' system cf. here - not
for prudes.
- Tea, showed Julia
Wikipedia - It's a nice thing, it's got ponies in it.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 7 - "The Son of Man - Reason to Belive in Jesus Christ".
- Time is the enemy of the false prophet;
predictions from 100 years ago; Charles Dual - a petition
to President McKinley, his recommendation as office of patents
everything that can be invented, has been invented. Harry
Warner (of Warner Brother fame) - Why not add a sound track to
the movies - Harry responded: Who in the world wants to
hear actors talk. Erwin Fischer of Yale - October 16, 1929
Stocks have reached what looks like a permanantly high plateau,
just weeks before the massive crash / great depression.
- What are the foundations of your faith ? is it
really so ? just a handful of pillar convictions;
- The unshakable confidence - that nothing
else is true, Meaningless, meaningless says the teacher,
everything is meaningless.
- The testimony of creation - the more I examine
the universe and the details of it's architecture - the
more evidence I find that the universem ust have known we
are coming: the anthropic principle.
- The incomperable work of Christ - the evidence
for the resurrection - who paid for their eye-witness
testimony with martyrdom.
- Towering over it all - the testament of
prophecy. Jesus' teaching too - Lazarus / the rich man
separated by an unbreachable chasm;
Luke 16: They have Moses and the Prophets - let them
listen to them: it doesn't get any better. But if someone
from the dead goes to them ? ... they will not be convinced
- even if someone rises from the dead.
- 456 old testament texts - predictive of the Christ
and his work. Many scholars list 65 passages, as the most
obvious & clear. Copies of Micah pre-dating Christ,
Isaiah 53 - born to die - the Isaiah scroll from Quamran
700 years before Christ - there in the text; almost more
vividly than the Gospels.
- Sir Isaac Newton, after he finished his Principia
age 28; what should he work on now ? turned to Biblical prophecy,
1.3 million words on prophecy - most on the book of Daniel.
Some conclusions somewhat speculative, would hang the entire
truth of Christianity on the book of Daniel. The passage
breaks down into
the vision, and the angel's
- The passage not utterly transparent, several sermons
on it coming; but 3 hermenutical keys.
- Daniel chapter 7 next to chapter 2, context is king,
chapter 2 is crictical for understanding 7.
- Partial parallel with
chapter 8.
- Internal logic, once we've worked out the
beasts - we want to work out who that Son of Man is.
- People often miss out by separating the book into
two pieces - which can be unhelpful. Ch 1-6, Chapter 7 onwards not
chronoligically arranged, ending in 4 visions. The best
literature though has several outlines - beyond this simple
separation. Begins with Hebrew, ends with Hebrew, but the center
is Aramaic. The center is concentric, with an ABC CBA pattern.
The key to Ch 7, is
Chapter 2.
- The interpretation - vs. 17 The 4 beasts are
4 kingdoms, followed by the eternal kingdom of God. Animals
have been used as mascots / symbols for nations forever: the
American Eagle, the Lion of Judah etc. The beasts are all predatory
- seemingly the results of genetic engineering: Lions with wings,
horrifying beasts - that destroy with voracious appetite. Each
representing a kingdom, parallel with the layers of the statue in ch 2.
The first beast: A Lion with wings - in Babylon a
transparent image: the coat of arms of the Babylonian empire; King of the
beasts + the eagle. Also reflected in Jeremiah, comparing Nebuchadnezzar to a Lion,
Ezekiel (17) describing Babylon as an Eagle. Confirm that it is
Babylon by
Ch 2: You oh king are the king of kings ... in your
hands has he placed mankind and the beasts of the field, and the
birds of the air ... You are that head of Gold. King of the
beasts, and birds. The first beast is Babylon.
- Now the rest makes sense; God judged Nebuchadnezzar
by mental illness - expelled from human community - cf.
Daniel 4
Let his mind be changed from that of a man and let him be
given the mind of an animal, till seven times pass by for him. etc.
His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew
like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.
Then he was restored to a man. What Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream as
an idol - super human in his eyes; Daniel the believer sees as a degraded beast.
The 2nd beast which looked like a bear. It was raised up
on one of it's sides. An image for the Medo-Persian empire; where
the Persians were more dominant than the Medes. Compare the
parallel vision in chapter 8: another vision, zeroing in on
the middle 2 empires: using other animals to make the point. This
time the Medes & Persians depicted as a Ram - with two
horns - one of the horns was longer than the other (dominance of
the Persians over the Medes);
8:20 the two horned ram you saw - represents the Kings of
Media and Persia.
The 3rd beast - a souped up leopard; 4 wings like those of a bird.
The next great empire - Alexander the Great; pioneered blitzkrieg warfare,
his Macedonain empire, ruled to Pakistan from Greece - an empire hardly
equalled since. Again Ch 8.
describes the same as a Goat - with one large horn - crossing the
whole earth without touching the ground - defeated the ram of
the Medes & Persians. Chapter 8
clearly identifies the shaggy goat as the king of Greece.
Alexander the Great died at 33; his kingdom among his 4 generals
into 4 parts. the 4 kingdoms that will emerge from his nation
but will not have the same strength - lots of infighting.
The 4th beast - Rome; iron teeth - in Daniel 2 the
legs. A picture of the ruthless brutality of the 4th kingdom,
whose architecture we admire from a distance, but under whose
rule we would not have wanted to live. It's efficiency made it's
raw power more terrifying: 'Rome was made up of a bunch of thugs'.
The 5th king - that follows; In Daniel 2 and 7 the 5th part, has two
phases - legs iron and clay - mixed. A subsequent development adding
clay with iron - not something radically new. Daniel 7 a 10 horned beast:
Rome; and then the little horn.
- The Kingdom of God, also appearing
(Daniel 2:34-35) in 2 phases - a rock was cut out, but
not by human hands (God's initiative) seemingly weak and
unimpressive, rock: a despised material cf. gold.
Phase 2 - it then strikes the statue on the feet of iron and clay,
smashing it, and grows to be a huge mountain that filled the earth.
The Kingdom represented in 2 phases - a despised first advent;
then hitting this idol and wiping it out.
- Same 2 stage business in Daniel 7 - the Saints given
over to the
persecution by the little horn; then all of a sudden the
blasphemies of the little horn
provoke final judgement.
- Jesus uses the name The Son of Man 81 times -
not a self deprecating name; Jesus' favorite sermon topic -
The Kingdom of God referred to 100 times. cf.
vs 13,14.
- So may references to make it clear what Son of Man he
is referring to:
Matthew 24: at that time the sign of the Son of Man will
appear in the sky ... They will see the Son of Man coming on
the clouds of the sky ... gather the elect from the four winds
cf. 4 winds in Daniel 7:1, Coming with the clouds Daniel 7:13.
- In claiming to be the Son of Man, claiming to be God, not
just a man.
Daniel 7:13 - one like a son of man - not just a human,
Ezekiel was a son of man; but 'like' - he is; but represents
something else. Another
human-like figure in Daniel 7 - sitting in a chair in a
throne, clothing, hair: God the father. Who is this one
like the son of man - he too is God; riding on the clouds very
Psalm 68:4,
Isaiah 19:1 and others.
- When Judgement is rendered - what does the Ancient of Days
give to the Son of Man - glory and soverign power; and all people
worshiped him. In the book of Daniel - people would rather be burned
alive than worship a man; Daniel would rather be
thrown to the Lions, than bow the knee to Darius - you
only worship God: the Son of Man - is God.
- When Jesus told the High Priest he was the Son of Man,
he tore his clothes and said - this is blasphemy, deserving of death.
(Matthew 26) - blasphemy to those that did not accept his claim.
- Many of us have taken classes at college - where we hear
that in the Roman period Israel was crawling with Messiah pretenders;
Jesus was just one of many. True, why ? because of Daniel - the
Quamran community knew that the Messiah was coming soon, during the
Roman period. Josephus writing later in the 1st Centuary - identifies
Rome as the 4th kingdom - knew the Messiah would be coming, if he
hadn't already. Ditto 2nd Ezras.
- When they saw John the Baptist - and (waiting expectantly)
thought it was him; asked him; he said no: I'm not the Christ but among
you stands one, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.
So - who fulfills the predicions of the Christ who would come during
that empire ?
- Thudus - claimed to be the messiah, duped a large number
to follow him into the Jordan, promising the waters would part at
his command. The Romans were not impressed, de-capitated him before
he could perform his miracle.
- Judas the Galillean - led his fellow Jews in a tax
revolt, the Romans killed him.
- An Egyptian prophet, gathered 30,000 followers at the
mount of olives, and promised that the walls of Jerusalem would
fall. The Romans slaughtered him.
- Menachem sized Masada, and captured Jerusalem for a
while, then was assasinated by his followers.
- Never heard of these ? only one who was born at that time,
to whom the scriptures point, who fulfilled the predictions of prophecy.
Jn 5
These are the scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to
come to me to have life.
- Some other explanation ? how could the predictions be so
specific ? Must have been written after Jesus ? at the end of the 19th
Century there were scholars that thought so, written 70AD - too detailed,
no other way to explain it. The problem: we now have copies of Daniel,
from Qumran, one 120BC, another from the 1st C BC.
- Who is Jesus ? he is who he claims to be, the Son of Man
who came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as the
ransom for many.
- Up several times in the night with the
dreaded itch. For reasons that are extremely unclear to
me, after a few days / hours of working my ssh-agent seems
to forget my private key. Also, emacs grep mode starts to
behave very erratically, sometimes wanting a
passphrase, sometimes not; most annoying.
- Took a photograph of Raul's VCLPlug / gtk+ file-sel
- Fixed some obscenely long filter descriptions by
auto-chopping them, fixed image previews.
- Back to bed. Up later; into Cambridge to close
a B&B ISA - aggregating all one's savings into one pot
for impending mort-gage.
- Back for lunch; slept much of the afternoon,
cooked / Martin around for dinner - nice home-made
pizza & watched The Return of the King.
Bed late.
- Up in the night, re-started some builds,
back to bed. Up early; breakfast - left downstairs
to the sound of rapid crawling, then banging on the
closed door. Pulled mail. J. & H. popped by on
their way out - H. obsessed by postcard from Sean
featuring, a Penguin family; hmm.
- Positive conference call with various
OO.o related people. Skimmed some of the Cathedral
and the Bazaar, to get a grip of Raymond's position.
- Getting a number of evolution address book
hangs - perhaps something odd with my setup. Nice soup
for lunch; misc. medical tests all report normality;
- Spent a while merging Raul & Amit's
gtk+ file selector work up; works nicely with the new
VCLPlug code. Chased up the help desk to see why no
bugs get escalated to me - perhaps OO.o is suddenly
amazingly robust; hmm. Interesting to see the help-desk
conversations logged in tickets.
- Up in the night - new evolution snapshots:
great. Fixed some build sillies, left it building, back
to bed.
- Up late, no breakfast - back-ported some
CUPS fixes. Included a fixed e-iterator.h into the OO.o
patch-set (omitting the use of the 'delete' operator) so
we can build the OO.o integration against released e-d-s;
- Up-loaded slides from my Linuxtag talks:
- Out for an ultrasound scan in Cambridge -
apparently a healthy looking liver (pretty odd looking
for all that though). Finished the OLS paper at some
- Pork loins & honey & mustard sauce
for dinner - yum; called someone about more travel;
eventually located the 24-bitness problem causing all my
icons to go multi-coloured and loose 1/3 of their size.
- Up lateish, vclplug build finished, fixed an
annoying buglet - and suddenly something ~working; nice.
Now to split out the Qt work into a plugin.
- Private Eye arrived; in view of England's
recent [some sport] defeat - a cartoon of a woman visiting
a counsellor; caption: Lie back and try not to think
of England.; also Free Iraq - with every issue.
- More hacking, lunch, off to see Mario &
Teresa; back for a conference call. Nice phone-call from
Vance explaining the Remedy / Bugzilla thing - apparently
just using Bugzilla works.
- Conference call at 8pm - constructive. Bed.
- Couldn't sleep - up at 2am, hacking bits back
into vcl where necessary. Spent half an hour manually
removing magic '$Revision' etc. headers from CVS files -
these seem oh so clever, until you create a patch and check
it into cvs. Got the patch down to only 70k lines.
- Poked at OLS / LaTeX.
- Up early; lots of mail. Great to see the calc
row-limit exorcised in HEAD, lots of 64bit fixes, etc.
- Hammered on the vcl plugin back-porting project;
wrote a set of notes; suffered from cvs diff being somewhat
odd. Released ooo-build-1.1.61 with a lot of small fixes.
- Phone call with Najid, booked more flying.
Reconciled the first 138 files, of ~200 in vcl (from my
100k line patch), before hitting stuff from psprint that
needs work.
- Eventually got a set of psprint / vcl stuff
compiling, and started on the interesting link errors.
Hopefully tomorrow something nice will arrive.
- Dinner with the sweetheart, washed up - did
some more serious research for OLS paper.
- Up early; to NCC; spoke on Love does
not insist on its own way - loving people more
clearly a priority. Good to be encouraged by Calais
back briefly from mission in Ibiza, and John, and
meet Dave & Vickie for the 1st time.
- Back, quick dinner, slept a couple of
hours; J. luckily sleep too with the pregnancy. Up,
off to Ron & Iris' to help swallow some strawberries
/ scones & cream left over from yesterday - lovely
to see Ron's work-shop and emerging carved / turned
- Back, bangers & mash; Gordon sermon
Daniel 6 - "Our advocate":
- Disciples questions - motivated by a
desire to understand. 1 exception - teach us on a
subject of need: Lord - teach us to pray, just as
John taught his disciples - embarassing to ask ?
Luke 11.
- We need to be taught to pray too.
Often the result of temptation is to destroy our
prayer life; our communion with God.
- The same lesson in chapter 6 as earlier:
how to be in the world, but not of it. Darius appoints
120 satraps, with 3 administrators over them - one of
them Daniel - plucked from retirement: age ~80. Much
of the theocarcy of Israel's life inapplicable to today -
a non-theocracy, under common grace. Daniel, very
applicable though.
- Extensive parallelism between Joseph and
- Both kidnapped from Israel to a foreign land,
taken from their families as youths.
- Both end up serving in the court of the royal
family - Pharoah vs. the King.
- Joseph kidnapped - under the authority of one
of the King's Eunuch's, Daniel, Arioch - commander
of King's guard.
- Both are described as handsom - the bible doesn't
often bother to note that.
- Both given a new name.
- Neither eat from the table of the King.
- Both find favour in the eyes of Potiphar, the King.
- The Pagan king is troubled by nightmares; and calls
all the wise men in to enterpret his dreams - none of the
wise men can pull it off - at last, the captive from Israel
is called in; and starts by acknowledging that he cannot do
it - but God will; very similar.
- As a result of the successful interpretation, both
rise to very prominent positions - indeed 2nd in command.
- Both also, falsely charged of corruption - God rescued
both from potential execution - both were uncompromisingly
faithful to God, with integrity.
- An example par-excellence of the fulfillment of the
covenant with Abraham. God blesses Abraham so that: through your offspring
all nations on earth will be blessed. Joseph: God blesses him with kidnapping,
exile, prison - but ultimately uses the circumstances for the saving of many
lives. Same of Daniel. In
Daniel 9: he read from
Jeremiah 29: This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of
Israel says to those I carry into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: ...
seek the peace and prosperity of the city into which I carry you in
exile - be a blessing. Not to operate as a counter-revolutionary
and overthrow the goverment, but there as ambassadors, thrive, prosper,
and be a channel for blessing - and especially pray.
- Daniel - a spirit of excellence - trustworthy, and neither
corrupt nor negligent. The satraps accountable to these 3 so The
King may not suffer loss checks and balances to avoid corruption. The
satraps hope was that Daniel with his access to power - would surely
mis-use it; but they found nothing to discredit him. It was once said of
Harry Truman - when he would send from the oval office a personal letter,
wishing someone a happy birthday, he would re-imburse the general accounting
office for the 3 cent stamp: Daniel in a nutshell.
- The same challenge in the NT: 1 Thes 4.,
1 Peter 2:
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of
doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he
visits us.
- Gordon's first summer job - with American Science and
Engineering - a Physics major - at interview shown the landing radar /
equipment for the moon landings; told all his friends. When he arrived -
transfered to Biology - the company also working on high-school science,
prividing them with gerbils. Worked for weeks, alone, in a massive room,
filled with gerbil cages, with glass window for the supervisor to watch,
cleaning out gerbil cages morning -> night. Read this passage - and
got into contest with himself - shorter and shorter lunch-breaks; making
those gerbils the fittest and cleanest anywhere, occasionally the supervisor
would look up from the magazine he was reading and see him working. But one
day, in came the supervisor of the supervisor - and noticed him cleaning
cages like a crazy. Next day, he was transfered to more interesting physics
expermients - and the supervisor was cleaning the cages. One of the rare
cases where God allows judgement to occur in this life, and he was grateful
- not commending the attitude of heart at the time - but commending
dilligence and integrity.
- "go the extra mile" - The palestine postal service - could
impress people into service take a package 1 mile; (Matthew 5)
'you go 2' - over-obey. Daniel had such an attitude - from his relationship
with God; where did that come from - the habit of prayer.
- We worship a God of the miraculous - incomprehensibly
powerful; prayer not an act of resignation; Jesus - sweat like drops
of blood. Real prayer - not just accepting whatever is happening - it's
rebellion against the status quo. Not auto-suggestion: going along to
get along, but subverting the world-order: thy kingdom come, thy
will be done - and so we plead with him.
Gen 18: Is anything too hard for the Lord ?
Jeremiah 32: nothing is too hard for you. James 4:2
You do not have, because you do not ask God.
- A God that can stop the mouths of lions. Maybe there was
something wrong with the lions - drugged, over-fed, toothless, old ?
the text says once Daniel was rescued - the false accusers are
devoured before they reached the floor - starving lions.
- Darius says: He is the living God a phrase often
used in connection with idolatory - somewhat amusing:
Jeremiah 10 But the Lord is the true God; he is the living
- Darius bequeathed to the world the idea of religious
toleration - the nation that is now Iran - allowed all the captive
peoples to return home and re-build their temples. So the law these
administrators are coaxing him into signing - is against his practice.
Possibly his practice was a result of having made this mistake ? a
tragedy that the modern nation of Iran, that gave the world this
freedom, now does not have it itself - conversion from Islam a
captial offence.
- The satraps thought Daniel couldn't go without prayer for
30 days; they badly mis-judged him - he couldn't go without for one
day. What's with Daniel for his open prayer - prays 3 times a day,
Psalm 55:
the most intense prayer: morning, noon & night,
cf. Jesus in the garden of Gesthemany - praying 3 times.
- Why pray towards Jerusalem - publicly.
1 Kings 8: When the enemy takes them captive ... and if they
have a change of heart and repent ... and if they turn back to you
... and pray to you, ... toward the temple I have built for your
name ... uphold their cause, forgive them and cause their conquerors
to show them mercy. Daniel is cashing in on that promise, cf. his
prayer in Daniel 9 Oh my God, do not delay.
- If we have the priviledge of affecting God, and man, and
history, and current events - then let us pray:
Pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers
- Up early; off to Aldeburgh. Chatted to Bruce
& Anne, Sue & Clive arrived for lunch; and set
too making their rings with Bruce: gold this time.
- J. cut my hair; slept for a couple of hours;
pleasant tea, drove home. Worked on talk for tomorrow,
bed late.
- Up lateish, dropped a sample in; pulled mail,
misc. code massaging, call from Ultrasound dept. of Camb.
Lea - prolongued Norwich Union phoning extracted some
money; great. Filed a number of evo. month/view calendar
bugs; started a re-build of the split-up NWF stuff need
that done before re-hashing it.
- Massaged some papers for OOoCon / OLS, poked
at some evo and OO.o integration bugs; did some misc
testing. Great to see Petr doing yet more nice packaging /
hacking work.
- Up early; off to Tesco to await pick-up truck,
took the car to the garage to have it drained. Back for
breakfast; shunted mail around.
- Talked with the lads on IRC; lots of exciting
OO.o work / progress - Petr doing great stuff. Pleased to
see the Mono 1.0
announcement - the culmination of so much hard work and
great hacking effort.
- Got Ashwanth's preliminary .123 support
committed; still some major refactoring of the old/ugly
existing code required.
- Nice phone-call from Dr. Silverstone -
apparently definately a hepititus; liver enzyme level
expected to be ~40, was ~550; interesting, a sign of liver
stress apparently; another appointment in a few hours.
- Interesting chat to the doctor & medical
student, confident in some sort of Hepatitis, dispatched to
ultrasound, stool, blood tests. The blood phials are
(apparently) evacuated - which helps get the stuff out of
ones arm; nice. Some impressive rain today too.
- Finished splitting up the 10,000 line VCL /
native-widget back-port to 1.1.x - somewhat disappointed
with it's lack of correlation to the HEAD work. Poked at
g++ to try get it generating lists of private members.
Installed latex to try to write an OLS paper well after
the deadline.
For older entries see here
Michael Meeks (