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- Up late; out to Chris & Claire Reed's
for a pleasant dinner.
- Gordon
sermon on
Daniel 10 - "Spiritual Warfare".
- Corrie Tenboome - The Hiding Place, Dutch
underground, helping the escape of many Jews, members of the
resistance to escape - his angels helped her.
- Do we believe in the ministry of Angels ? what does
God's word say of them. Several beings here, speaking Gabriel,
refers to Michael; and 2 demonic beings: the Prince of Persia,
Prince of Greece. Should not be suprised if this speaks about
Angels; Ch 3: The blazing firey furnace - the 4th man in the furnance
an Angel - who was sent. Again Ch 6: the Angel shut the lion's
- Lots of Angels associated with the 1st advent of
Christ, the gospel accounts mention Gabriel, (only mentioned
elsewhere in the bible by name in Ch 8,9), announcing to
Zecharia & Mary; Angels appear to Joseph and the
- Some argue, since Pentacost & the spirit, there's
18:00 ** not that much for angels to do. Rev 2:.. Angel with a golden
censor - offering our prayers in a priestly sense. Each church
in Asia Minor had an Angel caring for it in some way.
- Problem is not the age of the spirit, but the spirit
of the age - crass materialism; since Kepler's 3 laws of planetary
motion - not much pysical for the angels to do (pushing the planets).
- Jesus repeatedly referred to Angels & recieved
their ministry - in Gesthemeny eg. an Angel strengthened him.
God - an ultimate cause, driven philosophically to acknowledge
his necessity - everything else is a contigent creature; with
no way to predict their features; everything depends on God
ultimately. One of the things God seems to love is diversity;
** 25:00
- In Daniel 10: the veil is briefly pulled back, and
we see the rich variety that exists - not all angels the same:
cut from the same cookie-cutter. Clearly Gabriel in vs. 18 -
similar speech as Ch. 9, etc. Michael Gabriel - God is Strong,
** Michael - Cherubim: 89 times, Seraphim - also, structually
in many ways; Archangles in the NT twice, Elders, living creatures,
horses & chariots, living beings etc. apparently in some
hierarchical structure.
- The bible affirms the supernatural wisdom of Angels,
they're brilliant - making Einstein look like a begginner; the
highest complement to compare vs. them 2 Sam 14: an exaggeration
for David. Superhuman / supernatural power - 1 Angel wipes out
**29 70k from Dan to Bersheeba in 7 days, 2 Kings 19:, 1 Angel
wipes out all the 1st born of Egypt in a single night.
- When Angels appear you can tell who they are: they
say do not be afraid to the terrified people. The text also
suggests a radical bifurcation in the host; good and evil.
The elect angels & the fallen angels. Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4.
- The Prince of Persia who resists the angel Gabriel,
wicked enough to stand against God's purpose, and powerful
enough to detain Gabriel. Some kind of territorial
responsibility, up to Satan - the Price of this World,
cf. Eph 2. The Evil spirits & the Holy Spirits. Here, of
Persia and Greece; but Michael who protects Israel, and those
of Revalation protecting various churches.
- Just a reflection of the spiritual war, raging in
the heavenly realms - soon I will return to fight against
the Prince of Persia. Rev. 12 - the heavenly consequences
of the crucifiction of our savior - vs. 7, there was war in
**34 heaven, Michael and his angels fought against Satan - hurled
to the earth. Jesus on the cross, not a physical battle
of brute force, not visible.
- Two equal and opposite errors we can fall into:
- If there is a spiritual war raging; what is our
role ? Some Christians eg. Frank Perettie, or perhaps Peter
Wagner Breaking Strongholds in your City - strategic
level spiritual warfare; confront, bind & cast down these
demons. The bible no-where suggests that Christians need to
know what particular nefarious plot daemons are about.
- Daniel is praying for 3 weeks, and only later is
it revealed that his prayers were not unanswered - but there
was a spiritual war; his prayer was already effective although
he didn't know the names or intentions of them. He doesn't
bind any daemons, mention the Prince of Persia before and
- Why does the bible tell us about this: Simon,
Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat - why would
God tell us this ? to make your day ? in fact he has told
us this. 1 Peter 8 Satan walks around like a lion, seeking
**39 someone to devour - but I pray for you ...
- Pray so that you will not fall into temptation
how do we fight ? - give ourselves in prayer, imitate Christ,
take up that cross of self denial and service & follow
Christ. If we pray as Jesus did - not my will, but yours
be done - not trying to work out daemons names.
- Put on the full armour of God - there is
a mastermind behind the sin you struggle with, and the
cultural sins with which you struggle.
** 41
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
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created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (