Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
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- Up with the baby; packed stuff, off to Rachel's for
breakfast, and onto Cambray baptist church. A reasonable sermon
by Pasta Smuts, back to Tim's via a handy sandwich shop; bid
thanks & fare-well, and drove home; tired.
- Attacked the plumbing - pipe clips on skirting,
floor, wall, more lengths cut - some bending misadventures before
the secret of nice 90degree bends began to dawn on me.
- Listened to a pleasant Gordon sermon A holy kiss
on on
1 Cor 16:19-24.
- Don't get over excited by literary
conventions, if a girl writes, Yours faithfully -
not necessarily yours. Thus we have to understand
the norm to grasp the ending of 1 Cor.
- Hammering home the point - do everything in
love - writing to a divided and factionalized church.
- The convention in Paul's day - Graeco-Roman
letters for a span of 400 years around here, frozen in
literary conventions; thousands of examples very similar.
Either abrupt endings, or greetings from loved ones with
the author, directed to loved ones with the recipients -
typically family members or very close friends. Also,
often a personal thing - since many letters written by
scribes - like a signature. Close - wishing health /
well-being etc. fare-well.
- The churches in the province of Asia send you
greetings - used to a life-long friend or two; Paul
has a huge family of God in mind; and at the time was in
Ephesus the hub of the province of Asia.
- Aquilla and Priscilla greet you warmly
in the Lord - they came from Corinth with Paul to Ephesus -
in the literary mould - but warm and deep; and
so does the church that meets in their house - a 'Church'
is not a building but people in relationship with Jesus.
- Re-inforcing the points he's made over and over
again - he insists that Christians recognise they belong to
a world-wide fellowship; I believe in the holy catholic
church - catholic in it's true sense: true/universal.
- I Paul write this greeting in my own hand
similarly in other letters.
- Going on, he deviates from the prosper/fare-
well/good-luck formula The grace of the Lord Jesus
be to you: grace - Gods Riches At Christ's Expense.
- Lots of sten rebukes / painful corrections in
1 Cor. the last word is: My love to all of you in Christ
Jesus - ends with love, the motivation for it all.
- So - the two problems:
- Too little love ? If anyone does not
love the Lord - a curse be on him. Come O Lord -
seems strange. cf. 1 Cor. 4 When we are cursed we
bless. Paul, James condemn cursing. Translation
problem: the word is anathema - talking about
people who call themselves Christians but do not love
Christ - as earlier in the letter.
- Too much love ? Greet one another
with a holy kiss - plain Greek; the history of
interpretation of this text is amazing.
- C 2nd:
Justin Martyr a ritualized act - part of the official
liturgy between prayer and the Lord's supper. The
passage no-where suggests ritualisation.
- C 3rd: segregate the sexes for kissing.
- C 4th: segregate the clergy from leity
kissing each other.
- Later - got rid of the facial kiss - kissing
the hand.
- C 13th - moving to objects - minister
would kiss a tablet and they would pass it around the
- The Armenian church - just bowing instead.
- Nowadays - kissing was perhaps a peace sign -
shaking hands often used instead.
- Kissing is not and was not normal behavior for people who
are not family members / in love. 5 times in the new testament
people are told to kiss each other. In our text 2nd Cor 13:12,
Rom 16:16, 1 Thes 5:5, 1 Peter 5:14 Greet one another with a kiss of
- Keeps saying a Holy kiss - Tertulian: very
hard for women whose husbands had not converted; church talking about
love and kissing each other - rumours about orgies - the world's gutter
minds; can not concieve of love without carnality.
- Christians are for committed relationships with people,
of the same sex even; where women and men love each other and are,
affectionate. The world hears love and thinks sex.
- The bible gives lots of examples of kissing - almost all
in the context of family: never just casual or meaningless /
prefunctory. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss - it's possible to be
manipulative / hypocritical with this.
- Jacob kisses his grandsons - and embraced them
on his death-bed. Joseph kisses Jacob as he dies. Kissing
after reconcilliation, Jacob/Esau - brothers wanting to
kill the other; Easu ran to him and kissed him, wept. The
parable of the prodigal son - his Father saw him and
was filled with compassion ... ran to him, threw his arms
around him and kissed him.
- The world needs more such love, dying for touch,
community and fellowship that's palpable. Dr Rene Spitz 20 years
ago wrote about orphanages, where little children: well fed, cared
for, were dying regularly from an unknown wasting disease (marasmus).
Dr Henry Chapin discovered that the children needed to be held - so they
would hire other people - who would hold the babies, stroke them etc.
Death from the wasting disease dropped to almost zero.
- Touch deprevation; Harlow's Infant chimpanzees
experiments - fascinating. We're more than monkeys - but not less;
we need touch.
- When the world thinks it needs more sex, the bible says it
needs more love.
- If you have children - you need to love them / hug
them - Gordon's children much bigger then him; difficult but
- In the family of God, shake hands in a way that communicates
your deep concern, when you hug do so in a way that shows God's love;
kiss where acceptable with care and affection. We love because he first
loved us.
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
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created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (