Stuff Michael Meeks is doing

This is my (in)activity log. You might like to visit Collabora Productivity a subsidiary of Collabora focusing on LibreOffice support and services for whom I work. Also if you have the time to read this sort of stuff you could enlighten yourself by going to Unraveling Wittgenstein's net or if you are feeling objectionable perhaps here. Failing that, there are all manner of interesting things to read on the LibreOffice Planet news feed.

Older items: 2023: ( J F M A M J ), 2022: ( J F M A M J J A S O N D ), 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, legacy html

2010-01-31: Sunday.

2010-01-30: Saturday.

2010-01-29: Friday.

2010-01-28: Thursday.

2010-01-27: Wednesday.

2010-01-26: Tuesday.

2010-01-25: Monday.

2010-01-24: Sunday.

2010-01-23: Saturday.

2010-01-22: Friday.

2010-01-21: Thursday.

2010-01-20: Wednesday.

2010-01-19: Tuesday.

2010-01-18: Monday.

2010-01-17: Sunday.

2010-01-16: Saturday.

2010-01-15: Friday.

2010-01-14: Thursday.

2010-01-13: Wednesday.

2010-01-12: Tuesday.

2010-01-11: Monday.

2010-01-10: Sunday.

2010-01-09: Saturday.

2010-01-08: Friday.

2010-01-07: Thursday.

2010-01-06: Wednesday.

2010-01-05: Tuesday.

  • To work. Read boot-charts and suggested things; read mail, prodded mailing lists. Played with an early version of SLED11 SP1 - looking rather good already.

2010-01-04: Monday.

  • Back to work ! started chewing mail; there are great benefits to much of the world being on FTO at the same time in terms of a reduced backlog (except of spam); nice.
  • Played an electric heater onto my server to warm it; after 10 minutes it decided to turn on again: horay - almost certainly thermally related.
  • Downloaded, and built various latest-and-greatest images, tried to burn them variously over my wifi connection - which is rather slow it seems, bother. Located missing, required kernel patch, bad.

2010-01-03: Sunday.

  • Off to NCC, ran creche. Home for lunch.
  • Dropped J. M. and E. at a party for babes; took H. & N. to Laura & Creighton's to play; chatted to Claire & Simon - and lugged bits of furniture around: a new wardrobe for H. etc. Dropped that at home with Creighton's help.
  • Back for more of a chat; picked up J. packed the babes off to bed. Cancelled video evening - everyone trying to rest-up for Monday back at work. Chatted to Sam for much of the evening, fun.
  • E. back in bed, with repeated stress on the light coming on first before getting up, put her back into bed etc. Tried to persuade M. recently to abandon hope of being allowed to sleep in her dressing gown, and that (despite appearances) Daddy doesn't in fact sleep in his dressing gown - just puts it on each time he has to appear to maintain order at night.

2010-01-02: Saturday.

  • Up early, dealt with the babes while J. slept. Off to the market to stock up on fruit & veg. Back home via an ill-advised trip to the playground (in the snow), E. bleating about her freezing hands (which she insists on removing from the snug peram's sleeping-bag.
  • Back; set to disassembling the packed-in Jig-saw. Discovered that 'Erbauer' is in fact a pseudo-germanic name for Screw-Fix's ultra-cheap tool range - built for hobbiests and obsolesence. Unfortunately, the machine is defunct. Extremely pleased by the ease of disassembly with electric screwdriver (wonder christmas present from the Hawkins): marvelous. Eventually got the switch apart, and discovered it was some charring and bending on the contacts - re-assembled admiring the simple mechanism smeared in black grease. Overall a lovely device let down by a shoddy switch - shame.
  • Quick lunch; Nick & Joni popped over to collect the long lost fleece. Packed innumerable (but never quite enough) tools into the car, and set off to Solomon & Peace's house. Removed their rotting pine block-board work-surface around the sink. Spent ages cutting and working the teak, returning home for more tools periodically. Bruce had done a wonderful job of making angle-iron brackets for everything, making the task rather easy. Re-sealed everything with mould-resistant silicon sealer; with luck it might survive.
  • Back, read stories to babes, bed very early to write back-blog-entries.

2010-01-01: Friday.

  • Up late, put up towel rail, and got some bits together and onto the roof of the extension. Replaced existing, duff extractor fan outlet, with a suitably self-sealing version. It defeats me why they let you insulate your house with 6+ inches of insulation - then drive a 6inch hole in the wall, with no real obsctructions to the outside.
  • Despaired of the builders coming to clean the roof, so set too myself. Removed an inordinate ammount of guano-fuelled moss-growth, deposited from the roof above during re-roofing - littered with nails, bricks, and other goodies.
  • Lunch, Lydia arrived for it - good to catch up with her. Knocked up a bespoke pot-measuring device (come duck) for her on a whim, simple with a little pine tounge & groove boarding, a router, planer and some space to work.
  • Back to the roof cleaning for some hours - trying to scrape moss out of each crack it has subsequently infested. Continued until it was dark, noticed moss freezing to the roof post removal - concerning - as I finished.
  • Plugged at the filing, and finances in the evening with J. bed late.

My content in this blog and associated images / data under images/ and data/ directories are (usually) created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0 license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes / improvements / corrections by private mail.

In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE, Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International), or anyone else. It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy. Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences or fun.

Michael Meeks (

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