Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
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the LibreOffice Planet news
Older items:
2023: (
2022: (
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Bank Holiday, poked at some profiling; relaxed with the
babes variously. Got some door surrounds fixed with E. - sorted
out mess in the Garage, adjusted external PIR lights.
Music lesson for the babes, and fine fish pie for tea.
All Saints in the morning, lots going on. Home for
BBQ left-over pizza; yum, H. and N. to a party, watched
ParentHood with N. picked up H. late.
Up earlyish, chat with Sean, J. out all day in Birmingham
studying children's counselling; poked at profiling. Spent some
time plugging away at the code, and more time demolishing a door
sub-frames to fit 8-foot fire-doors.
D. arrived to help out, managed to get most doors rebated,
much furniture fitted, nice BBQ in the evening together, and finally
got two big beasts of doors hung.
Call with Florian, sales call, pleasant catch-up with
Philippe H. Dug at more profiles.
Helpful call from the Rye Street Haverhill garage,
turns out Admiral's courtesy car is fundamentally not
very useful: covering rather a small window of time from
part delivery until fitting; bother.
Caught up with Kendy & Andras on schedule,
sync. call with Kara, lots of admin.
Sales call with Eloy, admin, customer call, poked at
nasty performance issues around table editing - all those
handles to handle.
Planning call, chased tickets, worked on
security process write-up / document - lots to say.
Chat with Kendy, sync with Ash, admin.
All Saints in the morning, Bob preached, then came back
for lunch with Dee - lovely to get to know them. Relaxed variously.
H. set too on putting up doors, routing hinges out of
doors, frames, getting a lock chiselled out & other fun
stuff, good to work on it together.
Irritating theft of catalytic converter ourside our house,
owning a Prius is normally a pleasure, but the combination of
quality cat & easy access /maintainability is a poisonous one.
Security cameras - not doing well in the dark; infra-red picks out
the expensive Nike trainers but not much more. Bother.
Up in the middle of the night; wrote a paper on COOL
security, failed to put me to sleep: we do some great things
there; tired.
Lunch with H. caught up with mail backlog, poked at
an interesting ticket, customer/partner call; setup another
Admin, monthly all-hands call, interview, sync.
with Cor. Fitted new gas-lift to chair - lots of
hammering - but getting better at this.
H. finished her A-level substitute exams; much
rejoicing. Continued trying to migrate data to new
laptop variously.
Discounted Mac / M1 arrived, loaned it by post to the
Czech Republic; hmm.
Bought a new gas-lift for my chair - someone seems to
have cost-engineered the last vital inches from the default one.
Monthly management call; planning.
Planning call, status report, admin, slideware.
Cut down and fitted a new office door, now with a lock:
ISO 27001 would be proud, the lock-screen and the
All Saints in the morning with H. on piano.
Home for music with the babes, fine pizza lunch.
Babes enthusiastic about quartet practice after a
lengthy break: getting setup themselves - fun times.
Watched The Chosen with the family.
B. & A. over for lunch - really lovely to see them
in person again after many months. Got SIM card sorted out for
B.'s phone, and un-wound A's unusual phone number problems.
Girls made a Grandfather clock cake; yum.
Manual measuring of HTML canvas rendering - far from ideal,
knocked out each piece individually to measure them. Accelerated
calc grid drawing significantly by drawing in horizontal strips
to reduce CPU / Skia cache hammering effects of long vertical
hair-lines. Misc. other performance profiling & admin.
Mail chew; ticket chasing; COOL community call; patch
review, ticket filing, short customer call & got to an ESC
call for once; admin, catch-up with Eloy.
Sales call; chased customer tickets, fixed a nasty
with unhandled exceptions from on event affecting others.
Routed door surround with Julie. Catch-up with
Philippe. Dinner, band-practice, cut out door frame bits,
got one lock mounted.
Sync with Kendy, poked at projections, chased support
tickets; sync with Andras, Miklos, filed things that need doing.
Built an adjustable jig to route door surrounds on the
band-saw from some spare ply; used a larger router and halved
the time to get a door lock installed; good.
Planning call, sync with Tor, then William. Reviewed
Ash's async-save patch-set. A chunk of door-furniture arrived.
Set too with small router to fit locks into door
frames; oak door surrounds seriously tough; spent ages
fitting a lock.
All Saints in the morning with Cedric - some organ numbers.
The Chosen in the evening.
D. over to help with a frenzy of door fitting - found
the perfect router, and rebated hinges left and right. Sawed a
lot of doors to size; only four hung in a day - and missing the
furniture too - still, practice makes perfect. Enjoyed a roast
dinner together.
Customer call and semi-interactive remote debugging
session, made more interesting by eleven rather heavy doors
being delivered in the middle; hmm.
TDF board call, sync with Aron & Marc, mail chew.
Partner call, COOL community call.
Got a re-conditioned Dell G5 SE 5505. Turned
it on - impressed by the latest Windows talking to me, up to the
point that it hung indefinitely. Installed openSUSE Tumbleweed
flawlessly. De-bonged various bits of hardware, upgraded the BIOS
and persuaded the kernel to
to stabilize
the GPU - seems to work nicely; 8 cores/16 threads - and a real
open-source AMD graphics driver without a parasitic, closed
Nvidia device in tow; nice.
Another interview; customer call. Out into town to
vote with J. lovely.
Up early; catch up with Kendy, sales call with Eloy;
Designer interview; fun.
Marketing call, planning call, catchup with Pranam. Lunch.
Interested to see ConnMan
in the news and:
Tesla patched the vulnerabilities with an
update pushed out in October 2020, and it has reportedly stopped
using ConnMan. Intel was also informed since the company was the
original developer of ConnMan, but the researchers said the
chipmaker believed it was not its responsibility.
Brought back some bad memories of MeeGo networking stack decisions.
Up extremely late working on a partner document, and tracking
a crit-sit loolwsd crasher for another partner with Ash.
Took the bank holiday; made a soil-sieve with E. and
extracted many barrow-loads of soil with J. from several cubic
metres of mixed rock & soil left by the landscapers; tiring.
Played bass at All-Saints, relaxed.
Drove down to London, to continue helping with house
clearance; back late - tired.
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
and data/
directories are (usually)
created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (