Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
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- Up, off into Cambridge to the Rock Baptist church;
Ruth McCullock doing a children's talky bit; a blast from the
past. Talked to Mr Simmons afterwards who worked in Indonesia,
Iraq and Pakistan doing civil engineering amongst muslims,
interesting - irrigation in Iraq physicial (and presumably
- Off to Kate & James' for dinner, a rather
pleasant flat-let a little way away. H. in a grumpy mood.
A most pleasant meal and afternoon of conversation; good,
albeit too short. Came away wishing I had more time to read
and study important things instead of hacking.
- Dropped K&J back at the Rock for the evening
service (and a viewing of Galaxy Quest). Home, tea,
watched some of The Two Towers' extra features with J. - H.
taking a worrying interest in the flickering pictures on
the laptop ( while chewing Dad ).
- Listened to a Gordon sermon:
A Life Changed - preceeded by the testimony of a Mexican lady
1 Cor 15:1-11
- The Corinthian's drunk deep of the Greek
dichotomy between the body & the soul. Paul refutes
this in 12... God loves the universe, and our bodies -
had a gospel for the whole person not just the soul;
healing the sick - not telling them to ignore their
- God is also interested in more than your
soul, but also your body - the body is not made for
immorality. Do you not know that your body is a temple
of the Holy Spirit who is within you, you are not your own
you are bought at a price, therefore honour your body.
- Park Street committed not only to mission in
a spiritual sense, but also to physical bodies; many
medics are sent to heal the sick, the international justice
mission - using christian criminologists, forensic
specialists, lawyers, judges - honouring the God of
- Christ's resurrection the prototype, we will
be like him. Paul doesn't just assert that he was
resurrected, but that it is knowable.
Acts 1 He appeared to the apostles over the period
of 40 days
- Paul gives 6 examples of his appearing; not to
just some isolated individuals: some believers, others
sceptics, etc. appeared to 500 at a time, most of whom
are still living, though some have fallen asleep -
the vocabulary of the first Christian martyr (Stephen)
who as he was being stoned prayed do not hold this
sin against them - and then he fell asleep. Many
of these gave their lives for their testimony.
- You can have misguided religious fanatics who
are willing to die for what they believe in; servicemen can
similarly. Christian witnesses in contrast were persecuted for
their testimony to the resurrection - that hundreds of them
would be willing to go to cheerfully to their death for something
they knew was false; is strange indeed.
- 3 witnesses mentioned all who didn't want to see
the resurrected Jesus - hostile witnesses.
- Peter - denied Jesus 3 times before he died
to servant girls. Hours before he had sworn to die
with him rather than deny him. An
uncomfortable re-union with Jesus after the
resurrection. What turned Peter from a weak kneed
quitter to someone who would confess Christ before
the Sanhedrin days later ?
- James - disbelieved in Jesus - his half
brother - considered him a mental case.
Mark 3:21: no one talks like this who is sane.
Yet - he was turned around, after Jesus' death; James was
a leader of the Church in Jerusalem, and in AD 62 was
stoned and clubbed to death for his faith.
- Paul - like Osama Bin-Laden, any chance of
him becoming a Christian ? exactly the same with Paul.
He was self-satisfied, assured and self righteous. He
was trying to purify the land from false prophets, not
on his way to a prayer meeting in Damascus, but to kill
more Christians. Jesus stopped him in his tracks, and
turned him around - an example that no-one is
beyond saving. What does God think of those who kill
people: Even though I was once a blasphemer and a
persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because
I acted in ignorance and unbelief ... is a trustworthy
saying worthy of full acceptance: that Christ came into
the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst
1Tim1 - something we can all echo.
- The ultimate proof of the resurrection is that
Jesus is alive and well, and can come into your life and
change it right now. By the grace of God I am what I am
and his grace to me was not without effect.
- Not making us perfect immediately, but setting us
free from being a slave to sin. Christ is alive and well, he
wants you because he can do with your life, more than you can
do with it.
Our testimony like that of John Newton, (Amazing Grace),
from a dysfunctional home, abandoned by his father, mother died when
he was 6. Went to sea, no other way to survive, a life of debauchery.
Would enjoy new sailors coming aboard, making fun of their faith, and
encouraging them in drunkenness and all the rest. Age 22 he had witnessed,
crossing the Atlantic with slaves; with 1/4 of them dying of dysentry and
malnutrition - and was untouched by it, so hardned was his heart.
At a point age 22 on a similar voyage, in a great storm,
the mast split, half the deck lifted up, the sails gone and all the
sailors crying out for their lives. Newton suddenly confronting ultimate
reality - had the gall to cry out May the Lord have mercy.
As he said it, he began thinking of his whole life of blasphemy, that
every ounce of his being was against God; didn't even know how to swim,
would surely drown. 27 days later, as they were eating their last
provision, drinking their last drops of fresh water, they hit land on
the coast of Ireland. Newton got off that boat a new creature in Christ.
He left the slave trade, and spent the rest of his days fighting
against slavery. He became a pastor, but instead of wearing robes, always
wore his sailors uniform into the pulpit so he would never forget that
once I was blind, but now I see
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
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created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (