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- Off to NCC - Thea spoke; rather exhausted - back
for lunch, slept for a chunk of the afternoon. Dinner.
- Gordon
sermon on
Exodus 20 - "The Myth of the Greener Grass" - The 7th commandment.
- You shall not commit adultery. God interested
not just in actions, but thoughts too cf. 10th commandment -
coveting. Thankfully most people don't need convincing it's a
good idea, or detail as to why scripture think's it's such a
grevious wrong. Playboy magazine - investigating attitudes -
discovered (to their suprise), the overwhelming majority of
their readers considered extra-marital sex to be morally
wrong. 79% of Americans believe adultery to be always wrong.
- U. of Chicago's national opinion research - 79%
of married individuals, in an anonymous survey - insisted
faithful to their spouse through their entire marriage. A
remarkable concord.
- Applied to everyone married; also everyone not
married (of course), applies in a variety of ways: what
marriage is. Let marriage be held in honour among all, and
the marriage bed undefiled
Heb 13
- The command - very broad, language applies to 1
and all, male and female, from King to the servant girl:
God held David accountable to this standard - not above the
law. Very different to the contemporary culture. Other cultures
invariably had different rules for men and women.
Ceaser Augustus - the so called Julian laws: criminalised Adultery;
enshrined a double standard: for woman: prohibited under all
circumstances, men OTOH were explicitely allowed to have other
relationships - female slaves, prostitutes, women running
businesses & shops etc. - as long as they didn't violate
someone else's marriage.
- Christians - viewed as repressed - as honouring
the exclusivity of marriage, and sex only within this boundary.
2 passages - where the word adultery - used in reference to
that with a married woman:
Lev 20:10 (also Jer 29:23) - 2 cases where adultery with
'the wife of another man' - a double standard ? no. typical in
legislation to use androcentric language & categories eg.
10th commandment: wives cannot covet others husbands.
- God condemns this idea of a double standard
explicitely eg.
Hos 4. Unheard of in the societies around. Jesus: Anyone
who divorces his wife (except for marital unfaithfullness) and
marries another woman [ even a virgin bride ], that man
commits adultery. - ie. the man commits adultery against his
1st wife.
Job 31 - as a married man makes a covenant: I made a covenant
with my eyes, not to look lustfully at a girl.
John 8: woman caught in adultery ... what do you
say ? Jews imbibed very deeply of Greek thinking: they only
brought the woman in for stoning ! situation mostly a trap - he'd
agree that the woman should be stoned - and get in trouble with the
Romans who prohibited them from capital punishment. But the OT law
both the man, _and_ the woman must die - no double standard.
- Chastity: arguably - the only completely new virtue that
Christianity brought into the world. None of the traditional religions
imposed ethical demands on the followers pwrt. their sexual behavior;
no-where: "husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
& gave himself up for her". Unparalleled in pagan literature.
- Often our problems are somewhat indirect; not the problem
itself, but it's precursor: looking at a woman lustfully - committing
adultery in the heart. Deal with the root problem. What's wrong with just
looking - perfectually natural ? - it's not normal/right.
- C.S.Lewis - suppose you came to a country that
could fill a theatre with a covered plate where the cover
is lifted slowly as the lights dim: with a mutton chop / piece
of bacon on the plate. You would conclude the country had something
deeply wrong with their appetite - surely. In a nation that is
sex-obsessed, a twist / distortion in our nature - a perversion. So
many of us would like to give our spouse a lovely gift; so much is
outside our control - money, healty, but you can give your fidelity.
- The remedy for thoughts - assume responsibility for
them; Luther: you can't keep birds from flying overhead; but you
can stop them making a nest in your hair. When regrettable thoughts
come through your head - do you invite them in & entertain them,
or shoe them out.
- Not launching a program of censorship; perhaps others are
stronger, but we can't take it. Men & women that work together in
office - have a divorce rate increase of 70%; vs. single sex. Danger:
can a man scoop fire into his lap and remain unburned ?
- Lies get in the way; may of them. Those who pretend that
they married the wrong person - as if that were possible. God wants
you to fall deep in love with your spouse. You don't know her the way
I know her ? - I need to have another marriage ? - God wouldn't want
to condem me to this forever would he ? - of course not! God doesn't
only want a 2nd marriage for you; he wants a new marriage - every
single day: to the same woman (of course).
- Don't buy into the myth of the greener grass - it's
fresh and green by the power of God on this side of the fence.
Some think another marriage would be better: [in the US] 1st marriages
41% end in divorce (a tragedy), but 2nd marriages worse: 60% are ending in
divorce, 73% of 3rd marriages; 4th marriages - would do worse - but
people are dead by then. Make it work with the wife in your arms.
- 1992 Health & social life survey - be all & end
all survey - taking place of long discredited Kinsey survey; pops a
lot of myths & balloons. Men who have the most liberal attitudes
about sex are actually 75% more likely to fail to satisfy their partners,
than those who have the most conservative attitudes. You want to have a
happy sexy life ? - adopt God's attitudes & you'll be roaring: ready
to go. Men: those who think they're living sexually liberated, adventerous
lives, turns out - it's married couples who are by far the happiest with
their sexual life.
- Interestingly the most sexually fulfilled demographic
group of all categories - couples who in their 50s (50-59) - are having
all kinds of electicity & fireworks. It even gets better than that,
dear friend in the 60s, double dates every now & then - at the end
turn to his wife and say 'well - Vi - time to go home' - wait Richard,
your wife's name isn't Vi ... turns out it's his pet-name for her:
'Viagra'. In a healthy marriage - it gets better & better.
- The best remedy ? the fellowship of believers a great help to
live the life you were made for: the theif comes to kill steal &
destroy; but Christ said I've come that you might have life &
have it abundantly. Some say - but the church isn't doing so well:
the Barner group claims divorce rates blievers/unbelievers at parity:
but study published Handbook of Religion OUP 2001 - if instead of asking
what they believe - if all you do is ask: do you attend church: radically
different results.
- After 15 years of marriage 37% of infrequent church goers are
no longer married, compared to 14% of frequent (once/month) goers. The
fellowship of believers; the redemption Christ brings. Do yourself a favour:
fall in love with your own wife. He who loves his wife loves himself,
see her through the eyes of forgiveness, of Christ. Prov 5.
My content in this blog and associated images / data under
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directories are (usually)
created by me and (unless obviously labelled otherwise) are licensed under
the public domain, and/or if that doesn't float your boat a CC0
license. I encourage linking back (of course) to help people decide for
themselves, in context, in the battle for ideas, and I love fixes /
improvements / corrections by private mail.
In case it's not painfully obvious: the reflections reflected here are my
own; mine, all mine ! and don't reflect the views of Collabora, SUSE,
Novell, The Document Foundation, Spaghetti Hurlers (International),
or anyone else.
It's also important to realise that I'm not in on the Swedish Conspiracy.
Occasionally people ask for formal photos for conferences
or fun.
Michael Meeks (